Home > 10. Online Journals > 10.4 Entries > 10.4.1 Adding Entries > Posting Pics in Your Journal > Posting Pics in Your Journal

You can add a picture to your entry only if this picture actually exists and is stored somewhere on a publicaly available server.

Example I:

  • When your entry looks like this:
    This is my smiling face: <img src="http://images4.fotki.com/v41/photos/8/88613/402235/face-vi.jpg" align="middle">

  • This produces the following:
    This is my smiling face:

The address in quotes ("http://...jpg") is the URL to the picture you are posting. It will be different for your picture.

The align="..." command is not necessary. You can play with different alignments (top, bottom, left, right) to see what they do. More information on how to customize your images and text can be found on various HTML sites including this one.

To activate your picture so that clicking on it will take the clicker somewhere else, you have to use two commands.

Example II:

  • When your entry looks like this:
    This is my smiling face. Click on it to find out why it's smiling. <a href="http://www.fotki.com">
    <img src="http://images4.fotki.com/v41/photos/8/88613/402235/face-vi.jpg" align="middle" border="0"></a>

  • This produces the following:
    This is my smiling face. Click on it to find out why it's smiling.

In this case, you have to insert two addresses:

  1. The first one (<a href="http://...">) is the URL for the place to bring the clicker to. If you want it to open in a new window, add: target="_blank" before the closing tag ">").
  2. The second address (<img src="http://...jpg">) is the URL to the picture you are posting.

Both may differ from those given in our example.

Written on 2003-10-10 12:42:18 and updated on 2008-01-17 05:09:14.