Home > 7. Photo Sharing > 7.5 Uploading Photos > 7.5.6 Fotki Upload Bookmarklet Fetcher > Adding Fotki Upload Bookmarklet to Bookmarks > Adding Fotki Upload Bookmarklet to Bookmarks

To do that:

  1. Choose/create an album you are about to fetch photos to. A separate bookmarklet fetcher works with a particular album. So, if you want to have bookmarklets for, say, "My Birthday", "My Friends" and "My Sister's Wedding" albums, you should create three bookmarklets.
  2. Click on the "add photos" link in the bar under the icon of the album you want to create a bookmarklet for, or, when viewing album in photo-thumbnail view, on the "Add Photo(s)" link in the Album Menu in the Member Panel on the left.
  3. On the "Add/Upload Photos" page, find "Create a Fotki Upload Bookmarklet for album YourCurrentAlbumName" link. It is to be copied to bookmarks.
  4. Add "Fotki Upload Bookmarklet for album YourCurrentAlbumName" link to your browser bookmarks:
    • either drag it to your bookmarks (except for Mac)
    • or right-click (on Mac press "control" and click) on it and then select "bookmark this link" from the drop-down menu and click on it

Both ways of adding link work with Windows and Linux, and for Mac the second method is applicable.

Written on 2005-05-20 07:47:21 and updated on 2005-05-20 10:55:09.