Fotki Help - All on One Page

1. Why Choose Fotki?

Why more and more people come to Fotki? Why among hundreds of photo-sharing websites, each having its own community, more and more users join Fotki every day? What not only marks Fotki out of the ordinary but also makes it distinguishable in every aspect?

Having been around since 1998, Fotki is now a famous photo portal powerful both in technological innovation and in sheer number of photo it stores. For more than a decade Fotki has been offering a wide variety of extremely advanced and sophisticated photoproducts, tools and services to its members, and no wonder its community is constantly growing. Besides, the company is one of the most experienced at this market and has a steady business model. With such a background, we are optimistic about the perspectives, full of energy and new ideas and welcome new participants.

All of our servers are located in a state-of-the-art data center protected from floods, heat and electric outages. This guarantees your data to be safe with us. And we are here to stay for long!

The simplest and most user-friendly interface we have, and advanced and at the same time simple tools we offer are the first to attract users of any level.

Fotki's photo uploading tools allow easy uploading pictures from all mainstream operating systems using almost any browser. Java, ActiveX, Pocket PC, FTP, and integration with Web Publishing Wizard for Windows XP - we support them all. Windows, Macintosh, UNIX, Linux users are all welcome here.

As for organizing photos, you will be pleased with the way you can rule over any their number - just the way you want. It is possible to rotate and flip photos and decorate them with borders, to assign titles and descriptions to pictures and albums. Even when hundreds of photos are put into hundreds of albums in the subfolders inside the folders (just the same way as on your computer), a tree of the structure you create does not take much room on the screen and makes navigation pretty easy.

Neither number of folder and subfolder levels nor the space you can take is limited. Your friends and relatives will be impressed with neat and elegant look of your photos and easiness of finding the desired ones, no matter how huge your collection is.

With Fotki, photo sharing is convenient and safe. You may choose between different levels of protection and sharing.

The photos of your Private Home are visible to you only. To make any album or folder of your Public Home available to no one but the people you choose you may use various passwords. Only those to whom you give your URL and corresponding password can access a password-protected item. On the contrary, to make so that even those who don't know you could find your pictures among their unimaginable multitude at Fotki when searching for a specific subject or theme, you may mark your photos, albums and folders with keywords.

At Fotki you are the site master. The co-branding makes it possible to apply your own design to your Fotki account to change its look and feel or to seamlessly integrate your Fotki albums with other website(s) of your own. No programming skills are required, just some basic HTML knowledge will do. And if you don't know HTML, we are always here to help you.

Fotki is your photo lab, too. We apply a state-of-the-art photo-printing technology and the most advanced photo equipment. In USA, our printing lab uses Fujicolor archival paper of the highest quality (it keeps the image bright and crisp for at least fifty years) and Fujifilm professional chemicals. We guarantee outstanding quality and your complete satisfaction.

Our print-ordering system is the next summit we have been successfully conquering. You can order prints of any photos you see (of course, if their owner doesn't object); you don't even have to be a member. It is possible to crop pictures before ordering and preview what they look like after cropping. Glossy or matte finish types are available for each size and each photo in the cart. "Global Update" function is for modifying your entire order however large it could be. Finally, adding a whole folder to your shopping cart takes just two mouse-clicks!

And, to top it all, we have the most affordable prices you can find on today's market!

To make ordering prints easy and convenient, we implemented the "Shopping Cart", an advanced tool, which allows customizing orders to complete satisfaction. With your own account you will be able to track your order and save shipping addresses and credit card info for future use. Information you submit is encrypted via SSL protocol to ensure total secrecy. Creating an account with us is easy and quick. Why not try?

At Fotki you may speak out. Each Fotki member has a Guest Book for visitors to leave messages. Also, it is possible to communicate by commenting photos. You may voice your opinion, feelings and ideas about photos by other Fotki members and vice versa. If you don't want someone to comment your photos or to leave messages in your guest book, disabling those functions or limiting their use to certain groups of people is literally at your fingertips.

Next Fotki's zest is possibility of keeping online journals. Among numerous websites hosting such "blogs", as they are often called, even those requiring purchasing membership, sadly, offer no photo services. Fotki has all the cool stuff in one package.

At Fotki one can receive publicity and get recognized throughout (and beyond) the community by participating in photo contests that we usually hold once a week. Winners get prizes and fame. Don't miss your chance to compete and win! To begin with you may browse the old contests to see the winning works as well as vote for other people's submissions.

And the last but not least, we have a reliable customer service and have been developing an up-to-date help system for you to get help on any topic. Our online Customer Service allows creating inquiries and we respond in timely manner. We also provide help via instant messenger or email.

To sum up, Fotki is the right place for both amateurs and professionals to realize any creative idea and even to earn money. If you practice photography to earn your living, Fotki provides you with possibility to sell your photos at your prices. You can literally make money while having a little rest between two shots - we'll take care of your customers' orders and do it for a small 15-percent commission fee, while you keep the rest. And no extra charge for storing photos: a Premium member has unlimited storage space.

Next? Yes, we are doing our best to progress!

1.1 Video Tutorial: Overview

Fotki thanks Fotki users VnP and Pike for creating the Video Tutorial for the Fotki community.

2. Privacy Policy

By accessing or using the site, you agree to our Privacy Policy, as outlined below. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not access or use this site. Fotki reserves the right to change the Privacy Policy from time to time. Your use of this site will be subject to the most current version of the Privacy Policy at the time of such use.

Your Personal Information

When you join Fotki, we collect your name, email address, and demographic information. On some of our pages you can order products, make requests and register to receive materials. The information collected at these pages includes: the name, address, contact and billing information, transaction, and credit card information.

The Fotki site uses cookies. Cookies are small files written on your machine that help us identify members. We use them to personalize our Web site for you.

IP Address

We analyze IP addresses for system administration purposes and to gather broad demographic information. We do not link IP addresses to your computer's User ID. When you place an order using our online checkout process we record your computer's IP address along with your order to help us identify fraudulent credit card use. We may share this information with the financial institution that issued the credit card which was used to place the order, or with law enforcement authorities if we determine, or are notified, that the use of the credit card was fraudulent.

How Do We Protect Your Information?

We have a variety of security measures implemented to maintain the safety of your personal information. Your information is only accessible by a limited number of employees who have special rights to access our servers. All sensitive information (credit card) supplied by our users is transmitted and protected via HTTPS protocol for encrypted transfer of data. We will not store your credit card information in our database unless you explicitly instruct us to do so.

Data deletion / Account closure

Before closing your account, make sure it is absolutely necessary. Please, exercise extreme caution. Keep backup copies of your most important image files on your computer.

Important! When closing your Fotki account, all its content (photos, photo comments, photo albums, guest book messages, emails, etc.) will be PERMANENTLY deleted and will not be recoverable.

To close your Fotki account and delete your data:

  1. Make sure you are logged in and go to your "My Account/Our Account" page.
  2. Find "Account Information" section and click "Close account".
  3. Please, specify the reason for closing your account in the text area provided.
  4. Type your Fotki password in the field provided and click "Please Close My Account".

Links to Other Sites

This site contains links to other sites that may offer information, products or services that may be of interest to you. Fotki is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such sites.


The statutory body that has jurisdiction to hear any claims against the organization regarding possible unfair or deceptive practices and violations of laws or regulations governing privacy is the State of New York.

Questions or Comments

If you have any questions about this privacy policy, the practices of this site, or your dealings with the Web site, you can contact Fotki via email at

Terms of Services

Our Terms of Service can be found here.

3. Terms of Service Agreement

Fotki has a number of regulations by which its members are expected to abide. Please familiarize yourself with our Terms of Service policy before you open your Fotki account. Check the checkbox in the "Terms of Service" section by clicking in it only if you understand and agree to observe our rules. If you attempt to submit this form without checking this box, you will be returned to the form and prompted to check it.

Terms of Service

FOTKI, INC. is the owner and operator of FOTKI.COM, an online photo sharing community. Registered members of Fotki can create online albums and upload graphic files to these albums.


FOTKI, INC. reserves the right to modify any part of this Agreement at any time in its sole discretion, this includes but is not limited to the graphic file storage term, and any Fotki functionality. Any modification is effective immediately upon posting on this page. If any modification to this Agreement is unacceptable to you, you may immediately terminate the Services by closing your account. However, if you do not terminate the Services, or continue to use the Services following modification to this Agreement, your continued use will mean that you have accepted that modification. We will notify about any changes in the Fotki Blog.

Acceptable Use

Your use of the services provided by Fotki is subject to the following agreement. Violations of this agreement may result in termination of your account with or without notice. Fotki recommends that members maintain their own backups of any 'irreplaceable' content, as Fotki cannot warrant that no loss or corruption of data shall occur.

Age Requirements

Use of Fotki is limited to persons at least 13 years of age. Nobody under the age of 13 is allowed and no information of any person under the age of 13 will be knowingly collected by Fotki. If you become aware of any person under the age of 13 who uses Fotki, please contact us at to report such occurrences. Fotki will immediately delete any information of and/or any accounts that we believe to belong to users under the age of 13.


Membership is available to anyone who provides all required information including your name, and an accurate and legitimate email address.

Premium Membership

If you upgrade your current account to Premium Account, you warrant that all the information that you submit is true and accurate, including your credit card number and expiration date, and you agree to pay the annual fee. We accept major credit cards, PayPal, money orders and checks payable in US dollars. Contact us if you have any questions. Your membership is personal to you and the members of your household, and you can not transfer or give your login and password to others. Premium Membership fees are non-refundable and we do not refund charges for unused services. By acquiring Fotki Premium Membership you agree to recurring billing: As a convenience to you, we can automatically renew your annual Premium membership when it is about to expire. You will be able to cancel the recurrent billing any time by contacting our Customer Service either through our Contact Form: or email in any way convenient to you: (Fotki would appreciate your feedback and hearing the reasons why you are canceling - any criticism is welcome! - but a simple "Cancel my account" is enough for your account to be canceled.).

Prohibited Use

You may not use Fotki (1) in any manner that violates any law, regulation, treaty or tariff or infringes on the legal rights of any third party, (2) in any manner which is defamatory, fraudulent, indecent, offensive or deceptive, (3) to threaten, harass, abuse or intimidate others, (4) to damage the name or reputation of Fotki, FOTKI, INC., its affiliates, or subsidiaries, (5) to break security on any computer network, or to access an account that does not belong to you, and (6) in any manner that interferes with other customers' use and enjoyment of the services provided by Fotki.

Prohibited Content

As used herein, "content" shall mean all text, graphics (including avatars), photographs, pictures, drawings, animation, audio, video, and any other material submitted, posted, viewed, transmitted, reproduced and/or distributed by any person or entity in connection with Fotki.

You are prohibited from storing, posting, distributing or transmitting any unlawful content at Fotki. Examples of unlawful content include but are not limited to direct threats of physical harm, stalking, any kind of pornography, and copyrighted, trademarked and other proprietary material used without proper authorization.

As used herein, "pornography" shall mean any explicit depiction or exhibition of sexual activity and/or sexual imagery that is intended to stimulate erotic, rather than PURELY aesthetic or emotional feelings.

Other prohibited content includes but is not limited to: (1) programs containing Trojan horses, virus and/or tools to compromise the security of Fotki and/or other sites, (2) solicitations or advertisements, (3) suggestions or encouragement of illegal activity, (4) private information about any individual such as phone numbers, addresses, Social Security numbers or any other private information, and (5) duplicative posting or "spamming". Please note, that you can not upload images for which you don't have copyrights. Read carefully 10 Big Myths about copyright explained by Brad Templeton.

Protection of Intellectual Property

Fotki complies with The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”), respects the intellectual property rights and requires that all users respected DMCA and intellectual property rights of others. By using Fotki services you certify that your use does not infringe upon anybody’s intellectual property. Fotki has been and will continue to vigorously enforce DMCA and to respond quickly to any allegations of intellectual property infringement.

Fotki does not allow any copyright infringement and will, if notified properly and if not satisfied with a response by an accused party, remove or disable access to such content. Fotki reserves the right to remove or disable access to content without prior notice as well as to terminate accounts and/or Fotki membership of users whom Fotki determines to be repeat infringers and/or violators of any other clauses of Fotki Terms of Service.

Fotki may be required to disclose information to individuals asserting rights under the DMCA. By using Fotki you authorize Fotki to release information about you if required by law or subpoena, without any notice to you. By using Fotki, you agree that you, and not Fotki, are responsible for any violations of any intellectual property rights in any content that you upload to Fotki.

If you believe that you are the owner of intellectual property which was copied in such a way by someone on Fotki site that such copying represents violation of your intellectual property rights, please with the following information included in your Claim Letter (please note that ALL information listed below is required from you in order for us to act upon your complaint):

  1. Your/your company/organization name and contact information and a description of your rights including a signature of the owner of the claimed rights or a party duly authorized to act on behalf of the owner
  2. A description of the property in question which you claim to be yours including the URL (location) of the media on Fotki Website and a statement that you have a good faith belief that the use of said material has not been authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the Law
  3. A statement by you (the owner or representative), made under penalty of perjury, that the above information in your Claim Letter is accurate and that you are either the owner of copyright or intellectual property or authorized to act on behalf of the owner.

Upon receipt of a proper notice as described above, Fotki will confirm the existence of the alleged infringing content on Fotki site, notify the user(-s) who posted the alleged infringing content, and take whatever action, in its sole discretion, it deems appropriate, including removal of the alleged infringing content from Fotki site if Fotki, at its sole discretion, deems evidence submitted in the claim sufficient and/or infringement obvious. A user who posted an alleged infringing content may respond to Fotki notice by showing that either: (1) the infringing content has been removed or (2) the he/she has a an appropriate trademark registration or an appropriate valid license covering the use of the content or (3) that posting of the content does not, in fact, infringe upon the alleging party’s rights. If Fotki determines, at its own full discretion, that the user who had posted content allegedly violating someone’s intellectual property rights, does not, in fact, infringe upon the alleging party’s rights and does not violate DMCA, then Fotki will not remove, or will restore, the content in question.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, Fotki will promptly comply with the terms of any court order relating to alleged trademark infringement by any user of Fotki.

Sales Taxes shall automatically charge applicable sales tax for orders to be delivered to addresses within New York.

Fotki may terminate any membership and delete any and all information, communications, postings, albums and image files at any time, without notice, for conduct violating this Agreement or other policies or guidelines set forth by FOTKI, INC. and elsewhere on the Fotki web site.

Arbitration Clause

In the event a dispute shall arise between the parties to this agreement, it is hereby agreed that the dispute shall be referred to a United States Arbitration and Mediation (USA&M) office to be designated by USA&M National Headquarters for arbitration in accordance with the applicable USA&M Rules of Arbitration. The arbitrator's decision shall be final and legally binding and judgment may be entered thereon. Each party shall be responsible for its share of the arbitration fees in accordance with the applicable Rules of Arbitration. In the event a party fails to proceed with arbitration, unsuccessfully challenges the arbitrator's award, or fails to comply with the arbitrator's award, the other party is entitled to costs of suit, including a reasonable attorney's fee for having to compel arbitration or defend or enforce the award.

Force Majeure

Fotki shall not be liable for any failure or delay in performance under this Agreement to the extent said failures or delays are proximately caused by causes beyond that party's reasonable control and occurring without its fault or negligence, including, without limitation, failure of suppliers, subcontractors, and carriers, or party to substantially meet its performance obligations under this Agreement, provided that, as a condition to the claim of non-liability, the party experiencing the difficulty shall give the other prompt written notice, with full details following the occurrence of the cause relied upon. Dates by which performance obligations are scheduled to be met will be extended for a period of time equal to the time lost due to any delay so caused.



In recognition of the relative risks and benefits of Internet business to Fotki, Inc., the risks have been allocated such that you agree, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to limit the liability Fotki for any and all claims, losses, costs, damages of any nature whatsoever or claims expenses from any cause or causes, including attorneys’ fees and costs and expert witness fees and costs, so that the total aggregate liability of Fotki shall not exceed $500, or your total fees and costs, whichever is smaller. It is intended that this limitation apply to any and all liability or cause of action however alleged or arising, unless otherwise prohibited by law.




Fotki and FOTKI, INC. will not release any details regarding the member to any third party, except as required by law. Fotki and FOTKI, INC. understand and respect your desire for privacy. Fotki and FOTKI, INC. will not disclose any content posted by you unless required to do so by law or in the good-faith belief that such action is necessary to: (1) comply with the law or comply with a legal process served on Fotki, (2) protect and defend the rights of Fotki and FOTKI, INC., or (3) act in an emergency to protect the personal safety of our guests or the public. Read our Privacy Policy here.

Copyright and Trademark

It is the obligation of the individual members to ensure that the posting of their photos is not violating any copyright. Members are solely responsible for the content of their photo albums. If you feel a member is violating your copyright, please contact that member.

Fotki and FOTKI, INC. claim no ownership rights in the content you place on your Fotki albums. We will not use Member's images for marketing purposes or any other purposes without obtaining the Member's express permission.

Fotki is a registered trademark, and other FOTKI.COM and FOTKI, INC. product names, service names, slogans or logos referenced in this web site are trademarks or registered trademarks of FOTKI, INC. All other company, product or service names referenced in this web site are used for identification purposes only and are trademarks of their respective owners.

All images, text and any other content on this site are protected by copyright, trademark, patent or other proprietary rights and laws. Fotki and FOTKI, INC. reserves its rights in and to all other content contained in the web site. Unless otherwise noted, all content, other than that contained in the Member's photo album, is copyrighted by Fotki: © FOTKI, INC. All Rights Reserved.

4. User-generated Video Help

You can also find the Video Tutorial here.

Fotki thanks Fotki users VnP and Pike for creating the video tutorial for the Fotki community.

4.1 Overview

4.2 Uploading

4.3 Photo Tools

4.4 Account Structure

4.5 Ordering & Selling

4.6 Sharing

4.7 Communication

5. Signing Up for Fotki Account

To create an account with Fotki:

  1. Click the "Free Signup" button
  2. Select your UserName. Only numbers, Latin characters and dash sign "-" can be used for the username. If the username you've entered is taken already, the program will ask you to enter another one.
  3. Create your password, which must be at least 4 symbols.
  4. Repeat the password.
  5. Enter your email. It must be valid, otherwise we would not be able to help you if forget your UserName or password.
  6. Select your hometown. The program automatically detects your country, but you may select any location you want.
  7. Enter the validation code.
  8. Read Fotki Terms of Service Agreement and agree with it by marking the check box.
  9. And finally press the "Sign Up!" button.

5.1 UserName

Your UserName should contain only letters and numbers, no spaces or special characters except for dash "-". . It is unuque and it is used for authorization purposes. Your UserName is a part of your Fotki public pages URL, which always looks like that: and is seen to anyone looking at your Fotki pages.

5.2 Password

Your password (case-sensitive, at least four characters long) protects your account from unauthorized access and is to be entered every time you are logging in. It is worth mentioning that you should never give your password to anyone. Either remember it or write it down and keep in a safe place.

5.3 Email Address

The address must be valid and working. It will be stored with your account and used by Fotki staff to contact you in case you need assistance. We guarantee the address will never be given out or sold to any third-party persons or companies.

5.4 Account Types: Premium Membership

Fotki Offers Premium and Business accounts

Premium Account comes with flexible storage options and advanced features and tools. Fotki Premium membership regular fee starts as low as $1.53 per month (if you purchase 5-year - subscription for $92) or which comes out around 5 cents a day!

Photo storage space130GB, 400GB, 1.3TB, 3TB
Photo selling
Ability to upload photos via FTP
Ability to control download of originals
My Fotki Page
My Guests PageDetailed
Album and folder protection
Look and feel customizationAll available
Affiliate Program

Benefits OF PREMIUM Fotki Account

  • No ads. No advertising on your Fotki account for you and your visitors.
  • Unlimited photo storage space. Upload any number of photos of any size and at any time.
  • Photo selling. Turn Fotki into your professional business area managed through the web browser.
  • Co-branding. Create your own website with Fotki or seamlessly integrate any of your Fotki pages with other website(s) of your own.
  • Ability to upload photos via FTP. Use any FTP Client.
  • Ability to control download of originals. You set who is allowed to download your originals.
  • My Fotki Page. My Fotki page has the following sections: Most visited albums, Recent comments on photos, Last added videos, Recent guest book messages, Recent Guests, I've recently added... and I was recently added by... Friends lists.
  • Advanced My Guests Page. You can view full visit cards of all logged-in visitors of your pages and you are able to remove the visit cards of unwanted guests.
  • Album and folder protection. You are able to protect your albums and folders with passwords.
  • Look and feel customization. You can select any of color schemes and skins available; the color schemes are fully customizable.
  • Affiliate Program. Join Fotki Affiliate Program to earn money by referring your friends to Fotki site.
  • Permissions. You can set permissions for your Fotki friends to create new albums in YOUR Fotki account and to upload photos directly into your albums.
  • Pin code. You can further protect your images from accidental deletion by setting up a pin code for image removal.
  • Watermarking. You can easily put protective watermarks onto your images directly through your album settings.
  • Fotki Feed. Conveniently track your Fotki friends' latest photo updates on one page. A super cool feature letting you stay in touch with your world of friends! : )

Free Trial Premium Account

Please feel free to contact us if you wish to get a 30-days-long free Trial Premium to get the experience of using the advanced Premium features. When the trial period is about to expire, a user can purchase Fotki Premium membership to continue using the service.

Not a member? Sign Up now!

6. Logging In and Out

Every time you want to access your Fotki albums, "My Setting" page, email box or online journals, as well as to participate in Fotki photo contests, you will be asked to log in first. 'To log in' means to enter a username and a password on the Login screen.

When logged in, you can change any of your account contents, and so can anyone who may use your computer while you are logged in. To prevent unauthorized access to your Fotki pages, logging out when leaving Fotki even for a while is strongly recommended. Basically, logging out is a good habit.

6.1 Forgot Your Password?

To recover access to your Fotki account use the "Forgot your password or username?" form on the Login screen.

To recover a password:

  1. Go to the Login screen at and click the "password" link in the "Forgot your password or username?" line or go to
  2. In both cases you get to the first Access-Recovery screen. Type your Fotki username in the "UserName:" field and click the "Request Recovery Link" button.
  3. By your username, Fotki will instantly find your email address and send the recovery link to it. The appearing Confirmation screen will state that the email message with further instructions is on its way. Please, allow your email server some time to receive it.
  4. In your email box open the " access recovery" message containing your access-recovery link Click it to complete the process of recovering your password.
    As the recovery link expires four days after receiving, please, visit it as soon as you can.
  5. By clicking the recovery link you get to the Creating New Password screen. Type your new password in the "New Password:" field, retype it in the "Confirm New Password:" field and click the "Submit" button when done. Please, make sure you remember your new password or write it down to avoid going through this procedure in the future.
  6. If all was done right, you get to the screen informing you that your password was successfully changed and inviting you to log in using your new password.

If the email address associated with your username is wrong or no longer exists, our message cannot go through. In this case, contact us by clicking the "Contact Us" link on the Confirmation screen. Fixing this problem may take a while, and that is why we ask you to give us your valid email address when signing up.

6.2 Forgot Your UserName?

To recover access to your Fotki account use the "Forgot your password or username?" form on the Login screen.

To recover a username:

  1. Go to the Login screen at and click "username" in the "Forgot your password or username?" line or go to
  2. In both cases you will get to the first Access-Recovery screen. Type your email address in the field provided and click the "Request UserName(s)" button. (Important: give the email address, which was used for signing up.)
  3. Fotki will instantly find all the usernames associated with your address and send them to your address. The Confirmation screen will state that an email message with further instructions is on its way. Please, allow your email server some time to receive it.
  4. In your email inbox open the " access recovery" message containing your Fotki username(s) and use it(them) to log into your Fotki account. Please, make sure you remember all of your usernames or write them down to avoid going through this procedure in the future.

If the email address associated with your username is wrong or no longer exists, our message cannot go through. In this case, contact us by clicking the "Contact Us" link on the Confirmation screen. Fixing this problem may take a while, and that is why we ask you to give us your valid email address when signing up.

If at this point you want to change your password:

  1. Click the Access-Recovery link in the " access recovery" message received: As the link expires four days after receiving, please, visit it as soon as you can.
  2. You will get to the Creating New Password screen. Type your new password in the "New Password:" field, retype it in the "Confirm New Password:" field and click the "Submit" button when done.

If all was done right, you will get to the screen confirming that the password was successfully changed and inviting you to log into your Fotki account using your new password.

7. Photo Sharing

In this section you will learn:

  • How to create an album and a folder and to set or change their properties, how to sort and rearrange albums and folders, copy or move them to a different location and view slideshows.
  • How to upload photos and edit their properties, rotate and flip photos, sort, copy and move them, link photos to journals and other sites.
  • How to add tags to photos and manage those tags.

7.1 Video Tutorial: Account Structure

Fotki thanks Fotki users VnP and Pike for creating the Video Tutorial for the Fotki community.

7.2 Albums

An album is a collection of image files (just like photo albums you have at home). An album can include any number of photos. Albums can be grouped into folders and subfolders (just like the way you do it with all the files on your computer).

7.2.1 Creating an Album

To create an album:

  1. When logged in, open a folder you want to place your album to (later on you will be able to move this album into any other folder).
  2. Click "Create New Album" in the Folder Menu on the left of your screen.
  3. On the "Creating New Album" page, type your album's title in the "Title" field.
  4. Press the "Create album" button beneath the form.

You can start uploading photos to your new album right after that.

Basically, an album is created just after you have only entitled it. Album's name in URL will be generated automatically, and most of the advanced properties will be set by default, i.e. as they are defined in the "Albums" subsection of the "Settings" section on your "My Account" page.

Also, you can set all of the album's properties, in the "Common Properties", "Advanced Properties" and "Photo-Session Location" subsections.

After your album is created, you will be able to modify its current settings at any time.

top Common Properties

Title. Give your album a title that can be a clue to its contents. Title length is limited, a too long one will be cut off.

Date taken is format-neutral. Just select date items from the "Month", "Day" and "Year" drop-down menus.

Description. It's a short summary of album's contents. Description can be of any lenght. If it exceeds 200 signs or 3 lines, the rest will be invisible in the standard header. To view the entire description, click "... more" under the cut-off one.

Name in URL. If not specified, an album's URL name will be practically the same as its title. So, if a public album's name is, say, "Vacation 2005", its URL address will be:

Access password. An empty field means NO password. Password-protect your album if you want it to be viewed only by your friends and relatives, send the album's URL address and password to those persons and the album will be only accessible to them.

Email/MMS address for uploading. Create an email/MMS address for your album so that to be able to upload photos through email and from a mobile phone. An address will look like this: The dot "." can be used as an alternative to plus sign "+" when sending your photos from a mobile phone.

Mark as "containing objectionable/edgy content" checkbox. While Fotki supports freedom of speech and artistic expression, it also supports the right of anyone to be free from objectionable content. Therefore, we expressly ask you to use your best judgment and to properly mark your albums. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter. It is commonly beneficial to keep Fotki a place of clean and nice fun. Also, if you a proprietor of "edgy" content, you may benefit from it due to attracting the like-minded individuals who may be searching for it.

Later on you will be able to modify current album settings at any time.

top Advanced Properties

In this section, copyright for an album's photos, and album's layout and privacy preferences are set.

Initially, all of the advanced properties, except for the copyright, are marked as "From Settings". This means they are default ones, i.e. set as defined in the "Album" subsection of the "Settings" section of your "My Account" page. Some advanced properties (they are marked with a special sign ) are available with Premium Membership only.

After your album is created and advanced properties set, you will be able to modify its current settings at any time.

top Copyright

A copyright message will be placed under each photo of your album.

you may set a default copyright message, as well. It will be automatically applied to all of your albums. To set a default copyright, go to the "Albums" subsection of the "Settings" section of your "My Account" page.

top Photo View Size

While the uploaded original images are stored on Fotki servers, for viewing purposes their resized copies are displayed in your album. They can be of different size. Choose a preferable one from the drop-down menu.

Important! This preference is availble with Premium membership only.

top Album Icon

An album icon, i.e. a small picture representing an album, can be:

  • album's random photo
  • album's first photo
  • just an album icon

Choose what you like from the drop-down menu.

top Posting Comments Allowed for

From the drop-down menu, choose who is allowed to post comments to your photos:

  • anybody
  • Fotki members only
  • your Fotki Friends only
  • nobody but you

top Viewing Comments Allowed for

From the drop-down menu, choose who is allowed to view comments to your photos:

  • anybody
  • Fotki members only
  • your Fotki Friends only
  • nobody but you

top The Tree in Album View

The Tree to the left of the viewing window is a graphic representation of the list of all of your folders and albums. Basically, the Tree either displays the entire photo collection structure including folders, subfolders and albums or hides albums and shows folders and subfolders only.

For an album in the thumbnail view, you can set two Tree-related preferences:

  1. Show the Tree - this preference is to choose if the Tree is visible when viewing album. If you set this preference to "No", the "Show albums in the Tree" preference will be automatically disabled.
  2. Show albums in the Tree - this preference is to choose if the Tree shown will include albums or will show only folders and subfolders.

In case the Tree is set shown, you can hide it (and make it visible again, as well) at any moment by clicking on the vertical splitter (a narrow vertical bar) to the left of the viewing window.

This preference does not affect the "Show albums in the Tree" option for the folder view. The latter is set for the "Public Home" folder in the "Folder" subsection of the "Settings" section of your "My Account" page.

top Show Album Description in Full Size

You can choose whether or not the full album description will be shown when viewing albums and photos. To turn the full album description on and off, go to "My Account" -> Settings -> Albums (Change) -> Show Album Description in Full Size -> Save Changes. Set it to "Yes" for the full descriptions to be shown, set it to "No" if you want only a few lines of the description to be shown (you will be able to see the full description by clicking "more" in the end of the description). Note that this change will apply by default to all albums in your account.

What if you want the full description to show in just one album and not to show in the rest of them? You can control each album individually. View the album, then click "Album properties" under "Album menu" on your left -> "Advanced Properties show/hide" (bottom of the page) -> Show Album Description in Full Size -> Save Changes.

top Photo Frame Style

Frames for photo thumbnailas and full-size photos can be chosen from a few ready-to-use border styles.

When choosing frames, photo-frame styles are possible to preview in the small window with a scroll bar:

To select a photo frame style:

  1. Open the frame-preview window using the "show/hide" button next to the "Photo frame style" field.
  2. Choose a border you like using the horisontal scroll bar and klick on the style preview itself or on its title.
  3. The frame-style title will be displayed in the "Photo frame style" field. Also, it is possible to select a a frame right in the drop-down menu.

The photo frame style you set through this form applies only to the current album.

top Album Layout

Currently, only a basic album layout ia available. With this layout, photos' thumbnails (small pictures representing photos) are arranged in raws and columns.

To specify how many thumbnails per page will be seen, set the number of rows (from 2 to 12) and columns (from 1 to 10) each page contains.

top Originals Available to

Set who is allowed to download the originals of your photos:

  • anybody
  • Fotki members only
  • your Fotki Friends only
  • nobody but you

Choose what you like from the drop-down menu.


  1. This option is available with Premium membership only.
  2. If you set custom prices to sell prints of your photos, this option will be automatically disabled to protect your originals from downloading and "Disabled because of selling prices set for this album" notification will appear next to it.

top Ordering Prints Allowed for

Set who is allowed to order prints of your photos at Fotki regular prises:

  • anybody
  • Fotki members only
  • your Fotki Friends only
  • nobody but you

Choose what you like from the drop-down menu.

Important! If you set custom prices to sell prints of your photos, the above option will be automatically disabled to prevent ordering your photos' prints at regular prices and "Disabled because of selling prices set for this album" notification will appear next to it.

top Show Camera Model to

Set who is allowed to view your camera model:

  • anybody
  • Fotki members only
  • your Fotki Friends only
  • nobody but you

Choose what you like from the drop-down menu.

top Hide Album in Listing from

If "Show Albums in the Tree" preference is set to "Yes", all the albums of your "Public Home" folder are visible in the Tree.

For some reason you may want to hide some albums in the Tree listing, to make them as if not existing for your visitors. Say, you want some album to be known to strictly definite persons, to whom you will send its direct URL address.

An album set as hidden in listing is marked with an eye icon:

A hidden album will be only visible:

  • to you - when you are logged in
  • to your visitor, who has opened this album using the direct link to it. Nevertheless, even he/she will be unable to find this album in the common Tree.

By default, this preference is set to "Do not hide"; and you can set it to hide an album from:

  • anybody
  • non-Fotki members
  • non-Fotki Friends

top Sharing photos allowed for

If you have photos in your Fotki account, you can always share them. Here are some examples of sharing:
a) Sending a photo's URL to your friends via email or instant messenger.
b) Posting the link to a photo in your journal, on a forum, message board or any other website so that people who visit that site can click on the link and view the photo.
c) Posting an actual photo in a journal, on a forum, message board or any other website (this is only possible if the photo's owner is a Premium member).

All the information you may possibly need to share a photo (URLs, HTML tags, forum and journal codes) is available in one place. When you view any of your photos, you will notice a link under the photo saying "Share Photo". Click on it to see information on how and where you can share this photo.

You can make this information available to other people which will make it possible for them to share your photos as well.

Go to "My Account" -> Settings -> Albums (Change) -> Sharing photos allowed for (choose an option) -> Save Changes. If you choose "Anybody", the information for sharing will be available to any person who comes to your site, member or non-member. If you select "Fotki members only", this information will be visible only to logged in Fotki members. If "My Fotki Friends only" is selected, the sharing information will be available only to Fotki members who are currently listed as your Friends. And finally, if you choose "Myself only", the sharing info will be visible only to you and only when you are logged in. After you click "Save Changes", the new settings will apply by default to all your Fotki albums.

If you wish to apply different settings (other than default) to some of your albums, you can control each album individually. View the album, then click "Album Properties" under Album Menu on your left -> Advanced Properties show/hide -> Sharing photos allowed for -> Save Changes.

top Photo-Session Location

Some modern digital camera models are equipped with GPS. This makes it possible for the camera to automatically write its current longitude and latitude to the image's EXIF. This feature is very useful when one needs to find photographs taken at a particular place. But even if your camera does not have a GPS card, you can still specify the location where the photos in a particular album were taken using a geographical name (e.g. Guadalajara, Mexico) or its global coordinates or both. To use this feature, view your album, click "Album Properties" on your left, go to the "Photo-Session Location" section and click "Location Manager" under the map. You will see the list of all locations that you have previously defined (if any). Also, there will be an option to add a new location either by finding the place on the map or by entering its geographic coordinates (if known).

Clicking the "Find on the map" button will display a large world map. Find an approximate area on the map where you believe the photo/album was taken and click there. The map will zoom in. You can refine your search by zooming in as much as you need to. When you are sure that you have found the exact location, click on it, write the name of the place in the "Nameplace" window and click "add". The photo session location will be saved in your account settings. Check the "Show in Photo-session location drop-down menu" checkbox if you want this location to show in the list under "Photo session location" in your album settings.

7.2.2 Viewing an Album

Viewing photo albums is the essence of photo sharing. When viewing albums without logging-in, editing options are disabled.

To view your own album, find its icon in the Folder Tree and click on it to see the album in the photo-thumbnail view. (If the Folder Tree is not seen, make it visible by clicking on the narrow vertical bar on the left of the viewing window.)

To view other people's photo albums:

  • If you know the person's username, go to his/her Home page via the address like'sUserName.
  • If you don't know the person's username, you can:
    • search for the person, album or topic of interest using the Fotki search engine
    • use the Members Directory to surf Fotki website
    • click on random photos, most visited members, contest participants or member names anywhere on Fotki (comments, testimonials, votes, guest books, etc.)

7.2.3 Renaming an Album and Changing Its Properties

To rename an album or to change its properties, use the "Album Properties" form, which is reachable by two ways.

  1. In the Folder Tree to the left of the viewing window, find the album, whose name or properties you want to change, and open the folder this album belongs to to see its contents in the album-thumbnail view. Find the thumbnail of the album of interest and click "edit properties" in the line beneath it. (If the Folder Tree is not seen, make it visible by clicking on the narrow vertical bar to the left of the viewing window.)

  2. Click first the album icon in the Folder Tree and next "Album Properties" in the Album Menu of the Member Panel.

In both cases you will get to the "Album Properties" form. Make the changes you want and save changes.

In the first section of the form you can change album name, date the album was taken, its description, URL name and password.

In the "Advanced Properties" section you can additionally change long description, keywords, copyright message, icon appearance, photo comments and folder-tree settings, photo view style, number and layout of thumbnails on a page, and downloading, printing and camera model settings.

7.2.4 Moving an Album to a Different Location

You can move any album anywhere on your account. To do it:

  1. In the Foder Tree to the left of the viewing window, find the album to be moved and open the folder containing it. (If the Folder Tree is not seen, make it visible by clicking on the narrow vertical bar on the left of the viewing window.)
  2. In the viewing window, find the album to be moved and select it by clicking either "select" button or the checkbox next to it in the line beneath the album's thumbnail. If you want to move a few albums, check all of their checkboxes.
  3. When you have selected all the albums to be moved, click "Move Selected To..." in the Folder Menu of the Member Panel.
  4. In the Folder Tree, open the destination folder, where you want to move the selected album(s).
  5. On the informstion screen, confirm or negate your choice.
  6. In case you have chosen "OK", you get to a Confirmation screen and can go either to the destination folder or to the source one.

7.2.5 Sorting/Rearranging Albums in a Folder

Normally, albums are added to a folder in the order you created them, but you can rearrange (sort) the albums by update date, date the photos were taken or by name (alphabetically) at any time.

When rearranging albums, it is possible to specify their ascending/descending order. For example, ascending-order arrangement by date moves older albums to the top and newer ones to the bottom of the list; ascending-order arrangement by name puts albums, whose names start with "A", on the top and those, whose name statrs with "Z", on the bottom. Also, rearranging can be done manually.

To rearrange albums in a folder:

  1. In the Folder Tree left to the viewing window, find the albums to be sorted and open the folder or subfolder containing them. (If the Folder Tree is not seen, make it visible by clicking on the narrow vertical bar to the left of the viewing window.)
  2. After the albums are displayed in the album-thumbnail view, click "Rearrange Albums" in the Folder Menu of the Member Panel.
  3. Select the way of rearranging the albums from the dropdown list of the "Sort Albums in Folder:" field and specify the order of their displaying. To sort the albums manually, select "Manual".
  4. On the confirmation screen, choose "OK" to sort the albums or "Cancel" to go back to the viewing window. Unless you chose manual rearrangement, your albums are now rearranged.

In case you selected manual rearrangement, you get a to the "Sorting Albums in Folder Manually" screen with the list of your albums' thumbnails and "new position:" field to the right of each thumbnail. Specify a position number for each album and click "Rearrange".

7.2.6 Deleting an Album

To delete an album from your Fotki account:

  1. In the Folder Tree left to the viewing window, find the album to be deleted and open the folder or subfolder containing it. (If the Folder Tree is not seen, make it visible by clicking on the narrow vertical bar on the left of the viewing window.)
  2. In the album-thumbnail view, find the thumbnail of this album and click "delete" in the line beneath it.
  3. On the Warning screen, confirm if you do want to delete the specified album by clicking "OK", otherwise choose "Cancel".

To delete a few albums from your Fotki account:

  1. In the Folder Tree left to the viewing window, find the albums to be deleted and open the folder or subfolder containing them. (If the Folder Tree is not seen, make it visible by clicking on the narrow vertical bar on the left of the viewing window.)
  2. In the album-thumbnail view, find the thumbnails of these albums and check their checkboxes.
  3. After you have selected all the albums to be deleted, click "Delete Selected" in Folder Menu of the Member Panel.
  4. On the Warning screen confirm if you do want to delete the specified albums by clicking "OK", otherwise choose "Cancel".

7.3 Folders

Even if you have hundreds of albums and folders on your Fotki account, you will always be able to instantly find what you need, no matter how complex is your account structure.

A good way to organize your albums is grouping those having something in common (a year of creation, a place, a theme, etc.), so that to easily find them at any time. On Fotki, a place to put a number of albums is called 'a folder'. Fotki folders are just like the folders you have in your computer.

To achieve an even better result when organizing photos, create subfolders (folders inside folders), which can contain more subfolders, and so on.

7.3.1 Creating a Folder

You can create as many folders and subfolders as you wish.

To create a new folder or subfolder:

  1. In the Folder Tree to the right of the Member Panel, choose a folder, in which you want to place a new one, and open it, then click "Create New Folder" in the Folder Menu of the Member Panel. (If the Folder Tree is not seen, make it visible by clicking on the narrow vertical bar to the left of the viewing window.)
  2. In the "New Folder Creation" form, type the name for a folder into the field provided. Folder properties: description, keywords, URL name and password are optional. Click "Add folder" when done.

You can change the name, description and other properties of your new folder or move it to a new location at any time.

top Folder/Subfolder Name

Since a folder usually contains several photoalbums, its should reflect a feature that is common to all of those albums. It may be year, place, theme, etc. - anything describing the contents of all the albums in a folder. For example, in a folder named "2002", the albums can be grouped, whose photos were taken during year 2002.

Subfolders (folders inside folders or inside other subfolders) are meant for more detailed organizing. Group the content of the "2002" folder into subfolders named, for example, "Me", "Kids", "Friends", etc. and you will exactly know where to find, say, that forgotten picture of your friend Bob, which you took last year.

top Folder Description

It is folder's short summary. A good way to describe a folder is to list the events covered by the albums collected in this folder, i.e. "Car-expo, "Montreal"; "Rock festival, San-Diego"; "Bob's birthday party, New York".

top Folder Keywords

they are used by the Fotki search engine, when someone is searching for a particular topic of interest. If a folder's keyword matches the searcher's request, the folder comes up in the search results.

top Folder's URL Name

It is the name used in its URL address. For example, your public folder named "MyFamily" will have the following URL address:

A folder's URL name is optional; if it is not specified, the name you gave to a foder in the "New Folder Creation" form will be used as its URL name.

top Folder Password

To set the desired level of security, you can protect each folder with its own password.

Send the folder's URL address and password to the people you like and the folder will be accessible to them only.

7.3.2 Viewing the Contents of a Folder

Actually, you have not to be logged in to view the contents of either your or others' folders. But in such a case, the editing options wil be disabled in your albums as well.

When viewing somebody else's folders, editing options are disabled for you in the albums of other Fotki members irrespective of wheather you are or you are not logged.

top Viewing Contents of Your Own Folders

Basically, to view your own folders, you must be at your "My Fotki" page. When viewing the contents of your "Public Home" folders without logging in, editing options are disabled. To access your "Private Home" folders, you have to be logged in.

The thumbnail of the folder of interest may be displayed either in the Folder Tree or in the viewing window. In both cases, click on the folder of interest to open it and its contents will appear in the viewing window. (If the Folder Tree is not seen, make it visible by clicking on the splitter - narrow vertical bar - on the left of the viewing window.)

top Viewing Contents of Other Fotki Members' Folders

To view the contents of somebody else's folders:

  1. If you know the person's username, go to his/her Fotki pages via the address like'sUserName.
  2. If you don't know the person's username, you can:
    • search for the person, album or topic of interest using the Fotki search engine
    • use the Members Directory to surf Fotki website
    • click on random photos, most visited members, contest participants or member names anywhere on Fotki (comments, testimonials, votes, guest books, etc.)
  3. Once you've reached someone's Public page, you can find the folder of interest either in the viewing window or in the Folder Tree. To view the contents of this folder, open it by clicking. (If the Folder Tree is not seen, make it visible by clicking on the splitter - a narrow vertical bar - on the left of the viewing window.)

7.3.3 Renaming a Folder and Changing Its Properties

To rename a folder or to change its properties, use the "Folder Properties" editing form, which is reachable from the "My Fotki" page by two ways.

  1. In the Folder Tree to the right of the viewing window, find the icon of the folder, whose name or properties you want to change, and click on it. In the Folder Menu of the Member Panel, click "Folder Properties". (If the Folder Tree is not seen, first click on the narrow vertical bar to the left of the viewing window.)
  2. In the viewing window, find the thumbnail of the folder, whose name or properties you want to change, and click "edit" in the line beneath it.

In both cases you get to the "Folder Properties" form. Do the changes you want and save them.

You can rename the folder and change its name, description, keywords, URL name and password at any time.

7.3.4 Moving a Folder to a Different Location

You can move any folder, as well as several folders at once, anywhere on your account anytime. Also, replacing a folder from "Public Home" to "Private Home" and vice versa is possible.

To move a folder/folders:

  1. In the Folder Tree to the left of the viewing window, find the folder containing the folders (subfolders) to be moved and open it. (If the Folder Tree is not seen, make it visible by clicking on the narrow vertical bar to the left of the viewing window.)
  2. In the viewing window, find the folder(s) to be moved and select it/them by clicking in the checkbox(es) next to its/their thumbnail(s).
  3. In the Folder Menu of the Member Panel, click "Move Selected To...".
  4. In the Folder Tree on the "Please Select a Destination Folder" screen, open on the folder, where you want to move the selected folder(s) to.
    Important! You can neither move a parent folder into its own subfolder, nor can you move a folder to itself. When attempting to do that, you will get an "Error" message.
  5. On the Confirmation screen, confirm if you do want to continue or negate it by clicking either "OK" or "Cancel".
  6. If you chose "OK", you will get to the Confirmation screen, from which you can go to your Home folder, to the destination folder or to the source folder. Click on the link that is right for you.

7.3.5 Sorting Folders

Normally, (sub)folders are added to the parent folders in the order you create them, but rearranging (sorting) by update date and name (alphabetically) is possible at any time.

When rearranging folders/subfolders by date and name, you can choose between ascending and descending order. For example, ascending-order arrangement by date moves older folders to the top and newer ones to the bottom of the list; ascending-order arrangement by name puts the folders, whose names start with "A", on the top and those, whose names start at with "Z", on the bottom. Also, rearranging can be done manually.

To rearrange (sub)folders:

  1. In the Folder Tree left to the viewing window, find the folders to be sorted and open their parent folder. (If the Folder Tree is not seen, make it visible by clicking on the narrow vertical bar to the left of the viewing window.)
  2. After you have seen the folders's thumbnails in the viewing window, click "Rearrange Folders" in the Folder Menu of the Member Panel.
  3. On the "Rearrange Subfolders" screen, select the way of rearranging in the dropdowm list of the "Sort Subfolders:" field and choose between ascending and descending order in "Order:" field. To sort the folders manually, select "Manual".
  4. Choose "OK" to sort the albums or "Cancel" to go back to the viewing window. Unless you have chosen manual rearrangement, your folders are now rearranged.
  5. Selecting manual rearrangement takes you to the "Sorting Subfoldrs in Folder Manually" screen with the list of your folders' thumbnails and "new position:" field to the right of each thumbnail. Specify a position number for each subfolder and click "Rearrange".

Important! Subfolders, which do not have their own sorting settings, will inherit settings of the current folder.

7.3.6 Deleting a Folder

Important! Before deleting a folder you have to erase all of its contents, otherwize deleting is impossible.

  • To delete a folder, in the viewing window, find the folder to be deleted and click "delete" in the line under its icon.
  • To delete a few folders, select all the folders to be deleted by clicking in their checkboxes. Then click "Delete Selected" in the Folder Menu of the Member Panel.

In both cases you get to the Warning screen asking if you do want to delete the selected folder(s). Confirm it by clicking "OK", otherwise click "Cancel".

7.4 Photos

In most common sense, digital photos (pictures taken by a digital camera or scanned ones) are image files that can be treated the same way we do it with most other files: we create them, open (view), edit, group into folders, move, copy and delete. On Fotki, photos are stored in albums, and each album can hold any their number.

Similar to albums and folders, photos have their own properties like title, description, tags, URL name, copyright, etc.

Adding photos to albums is done by uploading. There are several uploading methods on Fotki. Their choice depends on the number of photos to be uploaded and on the configuration of your computer.

7.4.1 Video Tutorial: Photo Tools

Fotki thanks Fotki users VnP and Pike for creating the Video Tutorial for the Fotki community.

7.4.2 Editing Photo Properties

Before changing photo properties, make sure you are logged in.

top Changing Properties of a Single Photo

For that purpose, use the "Edit Photo Properties" form. Through it you can change photo's title, description, tags, copyright and name in URL at any time.

  1. View the album containing the photo, whose properties you want to change.
    • In the album, find the thumbnail of the photo of interest in the viewing window and click "edit" in the line beneath the thumbnail.
    • View the photo by clicking directly on its thumbnail and then click "edit" next to the photo or "Edit Properties" in the Photo Menu of the Member Panel.
  2. After changes are made in the appropriate fields, save changes.

top Bulk Edit

Through bulk edit, it is possible to change properties for all the photos on an album page at once. You can change title, description, tags, copyright and name in URL of any number of photos on an album page.

  1. To reach the "Bulk Edit" form, view the album containing the photos, whose properties you want to change, and click "Bulk Edit" in the Album Menu of the Member Panel.
  2. Make series of changes in the appropriate fields and click "Save and Return to Album" to complete editing or "Save and go to Next Album Page" to proceed.

top Photo Properties

They are five.

top Title

Although photo title may simply state what is there on the photo ("Me", "My monkey", "Flowers", "Honolulu"), a little creativity and a sense of humor can do miracles. Those participating in photo contests know that a good title often leads to photo's success. So, don't be boring!

top Description

Good description of a photo can "animate" it, giving a viewer additional information about characters portrayed on it or about the surroundings, in which the captured episode took place.

Descriptions also help you, the photographer, recall much of the information people tend to forget with time.

top Photo Tags

The Fotki search engine uses photo tags when you or someone else is searching for a particular topic of interest. If a photo's tag matches the searcher's request, the photo comes up in the search results.

For instance, a photo of Balrog can have such tags as "Balrog", "Tolkien", "fantasy", some date, etc. In fact, choice of a tag has no limits: one can describe anything with them.

You may assign any photo any number of various tags and easily manage them.

Search by photo tags is executed through the "Photo Tags" page and can be done two ways, depending on whether you know which tag you are looking for or not.

top Adding and Managing Photo Tags

You may assign any photo any number of various tags and easily manage them.

To add tags to a photo:

  1. When viewing a photo in full-size view, click on the [ add tags ] link to the right of the photo.
  2. On the "Tags for photo SomeTitle" screen, type a tag (letters and numbers only) into an "Add new tags:" field, type the next one into the next field (and so on) and save changes when you are done. (A tag may contain a few words, and tags are not case-sensitive.)

All the tags added will be displayed (with all tag's words capitalized) to the right of the photo under the "Tags:" head.

To manage tags:

  1. When viewing a photo in full-size view, click on the [ manage tags ] link to the right of the photo.
  2. On the "Tags for photo SomeTitle" screen, add new tags by typing them into the "Add new tags:" fields and save changes or click in the checkbox(es) next to the current tag(s) you want to remove and save changes.

top Search by Photo Tags

There is a "Photo Tags" link in your Member Panel. Clicking on it opens your Photo Tags page, where your tag list - a complete listing of tags used in your albums - is presented.

Enter some word into the "Search" field to find all photos related to the specified tag. Or look through the tag list and find a tag of interest in it.

Each tag is a link: click on the tag chosen and a virtual album of all photos having this tag will be instantly created. Clicking on some other tag will produce another album.

Browsing albums this way is fun, but, needless saying, this search tool will be standing you in good stead. It makes it possible easily and quickly find and handle even the photos taken years ago if such photo has at least one tag.

top Copyright

If a photo is copyrighted by you or someone else, copyright message can be set for it. If all the photos in an album are copyrighted by the same person, you can set a copyright message for the whole album.

Also, it is possible to set a default copyright message, which will be automatically applied to all the albums. It can be done in the "Albums" subsection of the "Settings" section of your "My Account" page.

top Name in URL

It stands in photo's URL address. (Example: if a public photo's URL name is "bob25", its URL address will be: html ).

If an URL name of a photo is not specified, its filename (the name under which it was uploaded) will be used for it.

7.4.3 Rotating and Flipping a Photo

To rotate a photo 90 degrees clockwise or counterclockwise:

  1. In the album view, click on the thumbnail of the photo to be rotated.
  2. In the Photo Menu of the Member Panel, click "Rotate 90 CW" or "Rotate 90 CCW".

When flipping a photo horizontally, you get its mirror view (the right side of the photo becomes its left side). When flipping a photo vertically, it turns upside down.

To flip a photo:

  1. In the album view, click on the thumbnail of the photo to be flipped.>
  2. in the Photo Menu of the Member Panel, click "Flip Horizontal" or "Flip Vertical".

7.4.4 Verifying a Photo

If a photo is not displayed properly, click "Verify" in the Photo Menu. In most cases, verifying your photo will fix the problem. Most display problems are caused by database inconsistencies; and the "Verify" function corrects them.

7.4.5 Reloading EXIF

If your image contains EXIF data, its "EXIF Image Details" link opens up a new window with Width, Height, Focal Length, F-Number, Exposure Time, Metering Mode, Exposure Program, Compensation, ISO Speed, Flash Mode, and Date Picture Taken info.

If the EXIF information for an image does not show, click the "Reload EXIF" link in its Photo Menu to make the extractor attempt to read the embedded EXIF info from the image file once again.

7.4.6 Sorting Photos in an Album

Normally, photos are added to an album in the order you upload them, but if you want to rearrange (to sort) them by filename (alphabetic or numeric), title or upload date, you can do that at any time.

When rearranging photos, it is possible to specify their ascending/descending order. For example, ascending-order arrangement by upload date lists older photos first and newer ones last; ascending-order arrangement by title puts photos, whose titles start with "A", in the beginning of the list and those with "Z" in the end. Also, sorting photos in an album can be done manually.

To sort photos in an album:

  1. View the album containing the photos to be sorted.
  2. When in a photo-thumbnail view, click "Rearrange Photos" link in the Album Menu of the Member Panel.
  3. Select the way of sorting the photos in the "Sort photos in album:" field and specify the order of their displaying.
  4. To sort the photos manually, select "Manual".
  5. Click "OK" to sort the photos or "Cancel" to go back to your album view. Unless you chose manual sorting, your photos are now rearranged.
  6. If you selected manual rearrangement, you get to the "Sorting Photos in Album Manually" screen with the list of photos' thumbnails and a "new position:" field under each thumbnail. Specify a new position number for each photo and click "Rearrange" button beneath.

7.4.7 Copying Photos to Another Album

When copying a photo, one copy stays in the source album and the other one goes to the destination album.

To copy one or more photos to another album:

  1. View the album containing the photo(s) to be copied.
  2. In the viewing window, select these photo(s) by clicking the checkbox(es) in the line under its/their thumbnail(s) and click "Copy Selected To..." in the Album Menu of the Member Panel.
  3. In the Folder Tree, choose a destination album by clicking on it.
  4. You get to a screen asking you if you do want to proceed with copying. Click "OK" to complete the task.
  5. You get to a confirmation screen, from where you can go either to the source album or to the destination one.

7.4.8 Moving Photos to Another Album

To move photos to another album:

  1. View the album containing the photo(s) to be moved.
  2. In the viewing window, select these photo(s) by clicking the checkbox(es) in the line under its/their thumbnail(s) and click "Move Selected To..." in the Album Menu of the Member Panel.
  3. In the Folder Tree, choose a destination album by clicking on it.
  4. You will get to the screen asking you if you want to continue. Click "OK" to complete the task.
  5. You will get to the confirmation screen, from which you can go either to the source album or to the destination one.

7.4.9 Deleting Photos

To avoid deleting any photos by mistake, having backup files of most valuable photos is strongly recommended.

To delete your photo(s):

  1. View the album containing the photo(s) to be deleted.
    • To delete a single photo, in the viewing window, click "delete" under the thumbnail of this photo.
    • To simultaneously delete multiple photos, select all of them by clicking in their checkboxes, then click "Delete Selected" in the Album Menu of the Member Panel.
    • To delete all the photos in an album, click "Select All" in the Album Menu of the Member Panel. (Similarly, to unselect all the photos, click "Unselect All".)
  2. After you have clicked "delete"/"Delete Selected", you will get to the Warning screen asking if do you want to continue. To confirm it, click "OK".

7.4.10 Viewing Photos

When viewing an album, you see the thumbnails of its photos. Clicking on a thumbnail gives you a full view of the photo represented by the thumbnail. When in full view, you also see the photo's description, its tags, comments and the text area, where you can leave your own comment.

To view the next or previous photo in the album, click on "Next >>" or "<< Previous" on the right top of the photo. Also, it is possible to go to the next photo by clicking directly on the current photo.

If the photo you are viewing has tags, they are seen to the right of the photo. To search for other photos having the same tag, click on it.

While in photo view, you can open the original uploaded photo by clicking on the link under the viewed photo.

When logged in, the Photo Menu of the Member Panel enables you to edit, rotate, flip and delete your photos, as well as to verify them, reload their EXIFs, delete all comments or the original, and to set custom prices (if you are a Premium member).

Also, you can:

  • add new or manade current tags
  • order prints of your own photos at Fotki's standard price by clicking "Order Print" next to them
  • order prints of photos at Fotki's standard price by clicking "Order Print" - if photos' owner allows ordering prints
  • buy print of photos at owner's price by clicking "order" in the "Order Photo" table - if the phtographer sells his/her photos

top Originals vs Resized Versions

On Fotki, every photo is present in two versions: one is original and the other resized. The original one is the image file uploaded to Fotki. When your original photo islarger than 500 x 500 pixels, Fotki resizes it and displays the resized version on your personal Fotki page. However, the original is also available for viewing and downloading by you or your visitors (if you specify it so).

You can see the original, when there is "Get Original Uploaded Photo" link under the viewed photo.

If there isn't, two possibilities exist:

  • The viewed photo is 500 x 500 pixels or less and needs no resizing. In such a case, you see the original.

  • The owner of a viewed photo is a Fotki Free member; and the originals of his/her photos are only visible to him/her.

7.4.11 Viewing Slide Shows

A slide show is a photo-view mode, in which the photos of an album are displayed automatically, one after another. Slide shows eliminate the need to click on each individual photo to view it; your computer does it for you.

To view a slide show:

  1. Open the album containing the photos you want to view.
  2. Click "[ Start Slide Show ]" in the upper right corner of the viewing window. When manually viewing photos, switching to the slide show mode is also possible, as the above link is available in a photo view as well.

A slide show takes place in a special window divided into two sections. In the left (smaller) one, the thumbnails of all photos of the current album are displayed; the thumbnail of the photo being shown is framed. The right (bigger) section is the viewing window for displaying the full-size photos.

There is a taskbar with a few buttons beneath the viewing window. To pause or resume the show, click "Pause" or "Play" button, respectively. To skip a photo and go to the next one, click ">>" button; to go back to the previous photo, click "<<".

By clicking "Settings" button you get to the Slide Show Settings screen, where you can change the duration of each photo being shown (from 1 to 10 seconds), background and font color, encoding, number of columns in the left section of the window (from 1 to 3), image and text position and cache settings. Also, you can add a fade-in/fade-out visual effect to the show.

To end the slide show and return to the current album, click "Exit" button in the lower right corner of the window.

You can choose who is allowed to view your photos as a slide show (anybody, Fotki members only, your friends only or just you) or turn this mode off by changing the "Slideshow Access" preference in the "Albums" subsection of the "Settings" section of the "My Account" page.

7.4.12 Using Your Photos on Other Websites

Photos stored on Fotki can be used on other websites, such as online forums, auctions, weblogs, etc. This feature is called 'external linking' and is only available to Fotki Premium members.

To use a photo placed on your Fotki account on another website, insert the HTML tag given below:
<img src=Photo's URL>
into the HTML code of the destination site.

The full photo's URL for external use is given in the line "Image URL for use on external servers:" under the photo's title beneath the photo. Copy the full address there and paste it into the HTML tag to replace "Photo's URL", and people visiting that website will see your photo instead of that tag.

7.4.13 Downloading Photos

Downloading means saving files found on the Internet to a local computer.

To download a photo you have found while browsing friend's or relative's albums:

  1. Click on the photo with your right mouse button and choose "Save Image As..." from the dropdown menu.
  2. In your computer, choose the destination folder, where you want to save the image, and then click "Save".

Downloading an original image is only possible if its owner enabled the "Allow Downloading of Originals" setting for the particular album.
Important! Downloading originals is only possible from Premium Fotki accounts, and only if the owner allows it.

To prevent downloading of any photos from some album, make it private or protect it with a password.

top Using FTP to Recover Lost Photos

If you have unfortunately lost all of your photos on your hard drive, but those photos are stored on Fotki, it is possible to download them back to your computer from with the folder structure created there.

For that purpose, you can use any FTP client (FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol). supports both uploading and downloading photos via FTP.

  • For both Windows and Mac computers you may try FileZilla, it's pretty easy and free to use.
  • There are other FTP clients available over the internetl, please feel free to try those

Once the program is installed, start it and create a new connection to Fotki FTP server:
Use your Fotki username and password to login.

Note: Fotki FTP server supports only 2 concurrent connections. Please make sure that your FTP client configured to establish max 2 connections at a time.

7.5 Uploading Photos

Fotki recognizes and accepts the following image file formats: JPEG (*.jpg, *.jpeg), PNG (*.png), PSD (*.psd), BMP (*.bmp), GIF (*.gif) and TIFF (*.tif, *.tiff). Other formats are not (yet) supported.

Before uploading photos, make sure that you have previously created at least one album in your Fotki account.

To upload photos:

  1. Open the folder containing the album, where you want to add photos to.
    • In the album-thumbnail view, click "add photos" next to the thumbnail of this album.
    • To view the album previously, click either "view album" next to its thumbnail or the thumbnail itself. Then, in the Album Menu of the Member Panel on the left, click "Add Photo(s)".
  2. Choose the uploading method that is right for you. For the specific instructions follow the links. Step-by-step description of uploading photos using different methods is given below.

7.5.1 Video Tutorial: Uploading

Fotki thanks Fotki users VnP and Pike for creating the Video Tutorial for the Fotki community.

7.5.2 Choosing Upload Method

Fotki suggests a variety of uploading methods:

  • Java Applet is extremely convenient and allows uploading multiple files. It was specifically designed by Fotki programming team to simplify the upload process as much as possible; Java Applet supports firewalls, proxies and does not require any computer proficiency.
    Java Applet works in any environment: Windows, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, Linux or Solaris.
    Important! To run Java Applet, you need to have Java installed on your computer. To download the latest version (it is free), go to
  • Fotki Easy uploader.The shortest way to upload photos to your albums. Upload in just two clicks.
  • Fotki Desktop. If you're using Windows, Fotki Desktop is the best choice for easy mass-uploading to your Fotki albums. Install it once and upload photos directly from your picture folders anytime without visiting your Fotki page. Just right-click on any folder and choose "Upload to Fotki" in your Windows File Explorer. Or select individual files in Windows File Explorer and choose "Send to" > and then > "Fotki", and your upload will start immediately.
  • Windows XP Publishing Wizard is meant for Windows XP users and needs the FotkiXP application to be installed. Download it from here: Fotki Downloads.
  • PictureSync. Perfect for Mac users. Requires OS X 10.3+, and optionally iPhoto 4+ or iView MediaPro 2.6+. You can download it from PictureSync site.
  • Fotki Upload Bookmarklet Fetcher is for quick and easy fetching images from the web directly to Fotki albums.
    Important! Fotki Upload Bookmarklet Fetcher works with Mozilla, Firefox and Opera browsers. Safari and Internet Explorer are not supported yet.
  • Fotki Mobile - for your Android powered phone.Digital photo organizer to upload photos to Fotki preserving image descriptions and tags, optimize picture size and fully automate the uploading process. Proceed with your Android phone to the following link to download it - Fotki Mobile.
  • Fetching from Another Internet Site. To upload an image from another internet site, you don't need to first download it to your computer. If you know the URL address of a picture, you can send it directly to Fotki.
  • Any FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Client (for Premium members only). It is a fast, easy and reliable way to move files from one location to another. FTP is also useful when uploading files from local computer to Fotki. Server address: For Windows, we recommend to download a free SmartFTP, and for Macintosh a 15-day free trial of Fetch FTP client.
    Important! Internet Explorer FTP mode is not supported.
  • Uploading photos via e-mail or from mobile phone. TThis uploading method is mainly meant for sending photos to Fotki website from mobile phones, including any model and operating system (iPhone, Android, Symbian, etc.), for as long as it supports emailing photos. Just create a unique email address for an album, and you are ready to email photos right into it. To do that, go into any album on Fotki and click on Album Properties, then add a word (probably relevant to that album title) in the field "Email/MMS address for uploading:" - that word will follow your user name on Fotki. For example, if your album is called "Cooking with my sister" and your user name is "Garry", then you may put: "cooksis" (without "") in that field, so, the resulting album email will be . Any photos you (or your friends who know that address) will email to that address will end up in that album.
  • CompuPic is an easy-to-use, fast and powerful digital content manager for uploading and managing any number of photos. Its free trial is available at Photodex website.
  • Spb Imageer for Pocket PC Devices is a very powerful imaging engine designed specifically to streamline common processes that Pocket PC users perform with digital photos. Wizard will help you to post photos to your Fotki albums. Its free trial is available at See a sample album published on Fotki using Spb Imageer here.
  • Eye-Fi - upload photos to Fotki wirelessly with an Eye-Fi Card. You can buy that card on or
  • Uploading One Photo at a Time. This method works for any computer, operating system, browser, and is your best solution when all you need is just to upload an image or two.

top Firewall Issues

Firewalls are designed to protect corporate or home networks from outsiders. If you are behind a firewall, Java uploader will work just fine.

If you upload files to Fotki via FTP, use PASSIVE MODE. Depending on the application you use, the way you set this mode may be slightly different. Consult the help file of your FTP client for exact instructions on using PASSIVE MODE.

7.5.3 ActiveX

Perfect for batch upload.

To add photos to an album using this method:

  1. At the "Add/Upload Photos" screen, choose ActiveX.
  2. On the "ActiveX" screen, choose the photos to be uploaded.
    • Find the folder containing the photos in the "Folders" window, and open it to display its content in the "Folder Content" window.
    • In the "Folder Content" window, once click on a filename of any photo to see its preview in the "Preview" window.
    • To add this photo to the Upload List, click "Add" or double-click the photo's filename in the "Folder Content" window.
  3. To remove any photo from the upload list, click "Remove".
  4. When your upload list is complete, click "Start Upload" on the top of the upload list.
  5. You will get to the "Upload in Progress..." screen. Be patient: the process of uploading may take some time depending on the number of photos being uploaded.
  6. When upload is complete, you will see a small confirmation window with a notification message. To return to the current album, click "OK". You will see your new photos in the album view.

The properties of the photos to be uppload are specified in the "Upload List".

top Upload List

In the "Order" and "File Name" fields of the "Upload List" description bar, the order of uploading and filename of a photo to be uploaded are automatically specified.

If photo's thumbnail is not seen in the "Thumbnail" field, go to "Settings" and check "Show Thumbnails in Upload List" checkbox of the "Miscellaneous" tab.

Size and resolution data are displayed in the respective fields.

top Resizing

The uploader can resize pictures on uploading, so that photos upload faster and take less space on server.

Its enabling/disabling is possible through the "Resizing" tab of the upload "Settings", where either keeping the original size or bulk resizing of the photos to small, medium or large size is available.

Important! Do not enable this feature if you are about to sell these photos or to order their prints.

7.5.4 Java Applet

Perfect for batch upload.

To add photos to an album using this method:

  1. At the "Add/Upload Photos" screen, choose "Java Applet". If Java is installed on your computer, "Java Applet" starts.
  2. On the Java Applet screen, choose the photos to be uploaded.
    • Find the folder containing the photos in the "Folders" window, and open it to display its content in the "Folder Content" window.
    • In the "Folder Content" window, once click on a filename of any photo to see its preview in the "Preview" window.
    • To add this photo to the Upload List, click "Add to upload list" or double-click the photo's filename in the "Folder Content" window.
  3. To remove any photo from the upload list, click on the "x" (remove) icon in the "Action" section of of this photo's information line.
  4. When your upload list is complete, click "Start Upload" on the top of the upload list and "Yes" in the confirmation window to start uploading.
  5. You will get to the "Upload in Progress..." screen. Be patient: the process of uploading may take some time depending on the number of photos being uploaded.
  6. When upload is complete, you will see a small confirmation window with a notification message. To return to the current album, click "OK". You will see your new photos in the album view.

The properties of the photos to be uppload are specified in the "Upload List".

top Upload List

In the "Order" and "File Name" fields of the "Upload List" description bar, the order of uploading and filename of a photo to be uploaded are automatically specified.

If photo's thumbnail is not seen in the "Thumbnail" field, go to "Settings" and check "Show Thumbnails in Upload List" checkbox of the "Miscellaneous" tab.

To specify the photo's title and description, click the tool icon in the "Action" section. In the "IPTC editor" window opened, type in the photo's title and description into the fields provided.

Size and resolution data are displayed in the respective fields.

top Resizing

The uploader can resize pictures on uploading, so that photos upload faster and take less space on server.

Enabling/disabling this feature is possible through the "Resizing" tab of the upload "Settings", where either keeping the original size or bulk resizing of the photos to small, medium or large size is available.

If it is enabled, there will be the "Resize on upload is ON" notification under "Start Upload" button.

Important! Do not enable this feature if you are about to sell these photos or to order their prints.

7.5.5 MS Windows XP Web Publishing Wizard

MS Windows XP application allows easy upload of your files to your Fotki albums. Due to FotkiXP, a new software product designed by our programming team, Web Publishing Wizard and your personal Fotki pages are integrated to provide another great way for you to publish your photos online.

To install Fotki Publishing Wizard integration, click "FotkiXP.exe" on the "Add/Upload Photos" page and follow the instructions.

top Uploading Photos Using Windows XP Web Publishing Wizard

To upload photos via Windows XP Web Publishing Wizard:

  1. Start "My Computer":

    • If you are using a Windows Classic Start menu, just click on "My Computer" icon on the Desctop.
    • If you are using a new-stiled Start menu (Windows XP, Windows 2003 Server or later), click "Start" and then click on "My Computer".
  2. Find the folder(s) or file(s) to be uploaded and click on them.
  3. Under "File or Folder Tasks" in the left column, click "Publish this folder to the Web". Click "Next" to continue.
    If you do not see the task list, click "Tools" on the top of the window, choose "Folder Options...", check the "Show common tasks in folders" checkbox and click "OK". This should enable the task menu on your left.
  4. When a folder is selected, you have an option to select any files within it by checking the checkboxes next to the corresponding thumbnails. Click "Next" when you have selected all the files you want to upload.
  5. In the "Service providers" window, choose "". Click "Next".
  6. Consider whether you want to create a new album for the photos you are about to upload or to add them to an existing album.
  7. To create a new album, choose the folder, where you want to do it. Type a name, date, description and URL name into the fields provided. Click "Next".
    If you are about to use an existing album, choose the destination album from the Folder Tree.
  8. Choose the preferable size for the photos, then click "Next". If you are about to sell these photos or to order their prints, upload unresized photos. For that purpose, uncheck "Yes, make them all this size" checkbox.

top Uninstalling Fotki Integration

  1. Click "Start", then click "Control Panel".
  2. Double-click the "Add/Remove Programs" icon.
  3. Click the "Fotki XP Publishing Wizard" line (make sure it is highlighted), then click the "Change/Remove" next to it.
  4. In the confirmation window, click "Uninstall".

7.5.6 Fotki Upload Bookmarklet Fetcher

Fotki Upload Bookmarklet Fetcher is for quick and easy fetching images from the Internet to Fotki albums.

Say, your relatives placed photos you are interested in somewhere on the web; and you want to have some of them in your Fotki albums. Or, a dozen of your friends came to your birthday party with their digital cameras - why not to create a common album with the photos they made?

With Fotki Upload Bookmarklet Fetcher, no need first to save the desired images on your hard drive and only then to upload them to albums. You don't need to know images' URLs: you can fetch at once what you see.

Important! Fotki Bookmarklet Fetcher was developed for Mozilla, Firefox and Opera browsers. Safari and Internet Explorer are not supported yet.

top Adding Fotki Upload Bookmarklet to Bookmarks

To do that:

  1. Choose/create an album you are about to fetch photos to. A separate bookmarklet fetcher works with a particular album. So, if you want to have bookmarklets for, say, "My Birthday", "My Friends" and "My Sister's Wedding" albums, you should create three bookmarklets.
  2. Click on the "add photos" link in the bar under the icon of the album you want to create a bookmarklet for, or, when viewing album in photo-thumbnail view, on the "Add Photo(s)" link in the Album Menu in the Member Panel on the left.
  3. On the "Add/Upload Photos" page, find "Create a Fotki Upload Bookmarklet for album YourCurrentAlbumName" link. It is to be copied to bookmarks.
  4. Add "Fotki Upload Bookmarklet for album YourCurrentAlbumName" link to your browser bookmarks:
    • either drag it to your bookmarks (except for Mac)
    • or right-click (on Mac press "control" and click) on it and then select "bookmark this link" from the drop-down menu and click on it

Both ways of adding link work with Windows and Linux, and for Mac the second method is applicable.

top Fetching Images Using Fotki Upload Bookmarklet Fetcher

After a Fotki Upload Bookmarklet link has been added to your bookmarks, you can start fetching images:

  1. Browse to the page you want to fetch a photo from.
  2. From this page, go to your bookmarks and launch your Fotki Upload Bookmarklet Fetcher for an album you want to fetch a photo to. In the Fotki Bookmarklet Fetcher, all the images from the viewed page are displayed. Image's URL address and file-size info are given below each picture.
  3. Type a title for a photo you are about to fetch into its "Title:" field (for some images, a title specified with ALT HTML tag will be automatically displayed there) and tags into its "Tags:" field.
  4. Click on the "Fetch" button under the image you want to have in your album.

7.5.7 Fetch from Another Internet Site

If your photos are located on another Internet site and you know their URL address, you don't need to download them to your computer. Instead of that, you can copy them directly to Fotki from that site. JPEG format is recommended when using this method.

To fetch photos from Internet:

  1. On the "Add/Upload Photos" screen, click "Fetch from another internet site".
  2. On the "Add New Photo from Another Internet Site" screen, specify the photo's parameters: type the photo's URL address, title, description, keywords and copyright message into the fields provided.
  3. If there are more photos to add, click "Fetch and Add Another Photo", otherwise click "Fetch".
  4. If you have chosen "Fetch and Add Another Photo", the form will clear, so that you can specify parameters for a new photo. Otherwise, you will go to your current album view.

7.5.8 via E-Mail

To upload photos via e-mail, an e-mail address should be activated for the destination album first:

  1. View album you intend email photos to and click either on "Add Photo(s)" in the Album Menu on the Member Panel, or on "add photos" in the line under album's thumbnail.
  2. In both cases, it will prompt you to the "Add/Upload Photos" page.
  3. Click on the "Activate" button under the "Send e-mail with picture to e-mail address:" line.

An e-mail address like will be generated after clicking. Use it to directly upload digital images to the album this address is assigned to. The address can be regenerated or deactivated at any time.

Assigning an e-mail address to each album is a separate procedure. Also, you can create a special album to email images to.

7.5.9 FTP Client

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Client is a fast and popular method of data exchange on the Internet. However, you need a special application installed on your computer to upload or download photos via FTP.

  • For both Windows and Mac computers you may try FileZilla, it's pretty easy and free to use.
  • There are other FTP clients available over the internetl, please feel free to try those

Once the program is installed, start it and create a new connection to Fotki FTP server:
Use your Fotki username and password to login.

Note: Fotki FTP server supports only 2 concurrent connections. Please make sure that your FTP client configured to establish max 2 connections at a time.

7.5.10 CompuPic

It visually browses photos, HTML, and files, selects multiple folders at once, views files of almost any format instantly and performs advanced batch conversions.

CompuPic acquires pictures from any digital camera and uploads photos to popular online photo sharing sites, Fotki being among them.

Its integrated e-mail makes it easy to send files to share them through photo sharing sites.

7.5.11 Spb Imageer for Pocket PC Devices

This program is extremally useful and convenient for those working with images on Pocket PC, especially when they are travelling somewhere far from their places.

Upon finding something very interesting, take pictures of it using your camera, insert a storage card to your Pocket PC with a wireless connection, and tap "Publish to Web". All but instantly your photos are online and you can send the link to your friends by e-mail or SMS.

Spb Imageer has the "Publish to Web" wizard to post your photos to the web at The wisard will help you to resize your pictures, optimize their brightness and contrast and finally upload them to quickly share with your friends and family.

See a sample album published using Spb Imageer at

7.5.12 One at a Time

It is the simplest and most reliable method. Using it gets tiresome if you have a significant number of photos to upload, but if all other methods fail, you will never go wrong with this one.

To upload one photo at a time:

  1. At the "Add/Upload Photos" screen, choose "One Photo at a Time".
  2. In the "Add New Photo Using Browser" form, specify the location of the photo to be uploadedand and quilify it:
    • To find the photo in your computer, click "Browse..." .
    • Click the photo and then click "Open" or just double-click the photo.
    • Qualify the photo: type its title, description, tags and a copyright message into the fields provided.
  3. Choose "Upload and add another photo" if you want to upload more photos, otherwise choose "Upload and return to album".
  4. If you have chosen uploading and adding another photo, the form will clear so you can continue adding photos. Otherwise, the content of the current album with the new photo added will be displayed.

7.5.13 Pictavision (via Camera Phone)

Pictavision is the easiest way to take the videos and pictures from your camera phone and upload them to your Fotki account!

With a few simple clicks, Pictavision connects your camera phone to your account enabling you to preserve your digital memories online and at the same time freeing up your phone’s memory.

Monthly subscription applies.

Pictavision User Guide

7.5.14 Eye-Fi card

How to upload photos to Fotki using your Eye-Fi card.

1. Insert your card into your digital camera
2. Your wireless network will automatically identify new wireless device
3. During a quick setup, please specify where you want your photos and videos sent (where in your computer, where on the Internet).
After that quick setup, turn on your camera within range of the configured network to effortlessly transfer photos and videos.

Press the button, and let Eye-Fi do the rest!
How does that sounds?
If good enough - then please
click here
to buy the Eye-Fi card today.

7.6 Downloading Albums from Fotki Back to Computer

What to do if your hard disk was broken and you want to download full albums from your Fotki back to your computer?

For that purpose, you can use any FTP client (FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol). supports both uploading and downloading photos via FTP.

Please, refer to the FTP Client page on how to use FTP

7.7 Sharing Photos

Sharing is enjoying something jointly with others. At Fotki, you can easily share your photos with the people you like. Fotki features a variety of effective tools to assist you in sharing your photos with your friends and relatives. It is assumed that at this point you already have your photos organized the way you want.

7.7.1 Video Tutorial: Sharing

Fotki thanks Fotki users VnP and Pike for creating the Video Tutorial for the Fotki community.

7.7.2 "Private Home" vs "Public Home"

There are two main folders on the "Photo Albums" page of your Fotki account: "Public Home" folder and "Private Home" folder. Both can contain any number of (sub)folders and albums. It is your choice whether some folder or album should be in the "Public Home" or in the "Private Home" folder.

You can place a folder or an album into either "Public Home" or "Private Home" when creating it and you can move any existing album and folder between private and public sections of your account when necessary.

The key distinction of the Private Home is that its folders and albums can be visible only to you and if only you are logged in. You can view them by clicking on the "Private Home" link in the Folder Tree next to the Member Panel. When not logged in to your own Fotki account or when visiting someone else's Fotki pages, you won't even see the "Private Home" link.

As for the Public Home folders and albums, there exist a few options:

  • When creating your account with Fotki, you choose between public and private access to all of your public albums.
  • You can change the above settings through the "Privacy" section of your "My Account" page at any time.
  • You can protect separate folders and albums with various passwords.
  • You can hide separate albums from certain kinds of viewers.

If public access to the albums and folders of your "Public Home" folder is allowed and they are not password-protected, they are available for viewing:

  • through your "Public Home" URL address - to anyone who knows your username
  • through the Fotki search engine - to those searching by a particular topic of interest in the following categories: members (display names), albums, photos, folders, comments or guest books
  • through other search engines (Google, AltaVista, etc.)
  • through the Fotki Member Directory, Fotki Top 100 List and Fotki Random Photo Page

To make any folder or album of your "Public Home" folder available to no one but the people you choose, you have to use passwords. Only those to whom you give your URL and album/folder password can access a password-protected item.

7.7.3 Protecting Abum or Folder with a Password

To set a desired level of security, use passwords. This allows you to choose, who can view a sertain album or folder. Passwords are only applied to the contents of the "Public Home", since "Private Home" is invisible to outsiders.

To protect an album with a password, go to the "Album Properties" form, which is reachable by two ways:

  1. In the Folder Tree right to the Member Panel, find the folder containing the album to be password-protected and open it by clicking. In the viewing window, click "edit properties" in the line beneath the album's thumbnail.
  2. In the Folder Tree right to the Member Panel, click the album's thumbnail and then click "Album Properties" in the Album Menu of the Member Panel.

In the "Album Properties" form, fill in the "Access Password:" field and save changes.

Send this password and your URL to your relatives and friends.

To protect a folder with a password, go to the "Folder Properties" form, which is reachable by two ways:

  1. In the Folder Tree right to the Member Panel, find the folder containing the (sub)folder to be password-protected and open it by clicking. In the viewing window, click "edit" in the line beneath the folder's thumbnail.
  2. In the Folder Tree right to the Member Panel, click first the folder's thumbnail and then "Folder Properties" in the Folder Menu of the Member Panel.

In the "Folder Properties" form, fill in "Folder Password:" field and click "Change" button beneath.

Send this password and your URL to your relatives and friends.

In a password-protected folder, all of its subfolders and albums are protected. That is why there is no need to protect the albums of this folder with individual passwords.

7.7.4 Sharing a Folder

Sharing a folder with someone allows that person to view the shared folder anytime without visiting your personal Fotki pages.

Important! Before setting sharing, make sure you have at least one Friend in your "Friend List".

To set sharing for a certain folder, go to the "Sharing for Folder" form, which is reachable by two ways:

  1. in the Folder Tree right to the Member Panel, find the folder you are about to share, click first on its icon and then click "Sharing" in the Folder Menu of the Member Panel.
  2. In the viewing window, find the folder you are about to share and click "sharing" in the line beneath it.

In the "Sharing for Folder" form, choose the Friends you like to share this folder with in the list of your Friends and click the checkboxes next to their names. Click "Save" when done.

The shared folder gets a modified icon being displayed with a hand holding it.

7.7.5 Inviting Others to View Your Photos

After you have created and organized your photos, you can invite your friends and relatives to take a look at them. Of course, they have to know where to go, in other words, they have to know the URL to your Fotki "Public Home", which looks like that:

Anyone typing this URL into his/her browser's address bar will get to your personal Fotki pages.

If any of your albums or folders are password-protected and you want to share them with your friends, send them the passwords, too.

7.7.6 Searching for Fotki Members

With ever growing number of members and, literally, innumerable photos, Fotki is a great place to explore! There exist effective and fun-filled ways to surf Fotki that will take you far beyond mere photosharing. One of them is using the Fotki search engine. Get ready for surprises, you never know what awaits you.

top Searching by a Keyword

To start with, you need a keyword. It can be a name, a place or just something you are curious about. For example, if you love cats, use 'cats' as a keyword.

To make a search using this keyword:

  1. In the right top corner of the Fotki "Community" page, type a keyword into a blank field under the word 'Search" and click "Go".
  2. On the "Search" screen, choose a search category from the dropdown list. Search can be done by:
    • Fotki members
    • albums
    • photos
    • folders
    • comments
    • quest books
    You can choose "All Categories" to make your search more complete.
  3. Click "Search" to start.
  4. Browse your search results and click on the chosen name, photo or comments.

top Public Members' Directory

Fotki Public Members' Directory is the list of those Fotki members, who have chosen to be included in it.

Since the entire member list is extremally long, you can substantially reduce it by specifying a search category. Once you do that, you will only see those members, who belong to the category of your interest.

You can browse the Public Members Directory by country, registration date, camera model, interest or by popularity.

Browsing by country brings you to a list of countries, where the number of members living in each country is specified. To open the member list for a particular country, click on the country name and you will find the list of all Fotki members living there.

Browsing by registration date gives you the list of 36 newest Fotki Members.

Browsing by camera model shows you the list of digital camera models and the number of Fotki members using each model. Clicking on the model you are interested in displays the list of the Fotki members using this model.

Browsing by interest gives you opportunity to find Fotki members with similar interests, because every Fotki member can list their interests on the About Me page.

To browse by any of the listed categories:

  1. To get to the Public Members Directory, go to the "Members" page.
  2. In the list of browsing methods, choose "By country", "New Members", "Camera Model" or "By Interest".
  3. If you have chosen search by interest, type a keyword into the field provided.
  4. You will see the search results in the list including thumbnails of all the members matching the chosen category.

You can visit Fotki Pages of any of these members by clicking on their names or thumbnails.

8. Co-Branding

With co-branding, you have the ability:

  • to create, customize and maintain your own web site with Fotki so that it will be your homepage with no elements of Fotki's design
  • to apply your own design to your Fotki account with the purpose to tightly and seamlessly integrate any of your Fotki pages into another site of your own with its own logo, design and color scheme. This provides a facade for you and your visitors to transparently move between your albums and the rest of your site.

This is particularly useful when you have your own personal or business website. Your albums will be hosted on our web servers but the pages will appear to be an integral part of your website. However, even if you have no any other site, you can change your Fotki pages look and feel just for fun.

Important! Our co-branding feature is only available to Premium Fotki Members.

To encourage even those Fotki members not knowing HTML to have more fun when using Fotki, our co-branding feature suggests ready-to-use skins.

Fotki members, who are skinning their co-branded pages, are welcome to send us their own versions to be both displayed and put into the common style list. Each skin added to the list will bear its developer's name.

If you have any questions or face some difficulties at any stage of co-branding, feel free to contact us for help. Also, get in touch with us if you would like to discuss your specific co-branding problems.

8.1 Your Sub-Domain Name

To have an opportunity of using co-branding, each Premium Fotki member is provided with a sub-domain name - a direct address that people will type into the address bar to find his/her site. It is a simple URL like

Fotki co-branding is convenient:

  • You don't need to be an expert in setting up your homepage.
  • You don't need additional website hosting service. Your service provider,, gives it to you, as well as provides the server bandwidth.
  • will maintain you if you run into problems. Our Customer Service provides technical support not only by email, but by phone as well.

There are no minimum user requirements for co-branding on Fotki. You can create a page of your own with no previous computer experience. Go to and you will find yourself on your homepage with Fotki right now!

Send the above URL to your friends by email and post it on your "Welcome" page, in your Guest Book and Journal, etc. and your friends and family will be able to visit it at any time.

8.2 Applying Ready-to-Use Skins

There exist a set of ready-to-use skins on Fotki. If you have not pre-set any of them for your co-branded pages, a basic (default) skin will be automatically applied to these pages. You can either keep the basic design or customize their graphical appearance by selecting a ready-to-use skin.

To do it:

  1. Make sure you are logged in and go to your "My Account" page.
  2. In the "Settings" section, click [ change ] opposite the "Co-Branding" subtitle to open this subsection.
  3. On the "Co-Branding" page, you will find the entire set of previews of ready-to-use skins available. Pick a skin you like and click on the "Select" button beneath it.
  4. You will find yourself on the screen with the preview of the currently selected skin. To apply it, click on the "Done" button.
  5. Go to to view a new look and feel of your pages. On your own website, use this URL as a link to your photos.

8.3 Customizing Co-Branded Pages

With co-branding you can apply your own design to both your homepage with Fotki and your web pages displaying your photos placed on Fotki. Add your own text, buttons, links, or other customized content to every page. Create your own unique headers, footers, navigation menus - you say what!

To make such changes, some special knowledge is preferred. If you choose to do the coding yourself, you will have to acquaint yourself with HTML, a special computer language for designing web pages that web browsers read. It is quite easy to learn; the basic code is remarkably easy and basic HTML skills can be acquired in a few short hours if not minutes.

To begin with, visit W3Schools. On this site, HTML tutorial and Web Building tutorial will teach you all the fundamental techniques you'll need to build yourself a personal website.

A tutorial on CSS (CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets) will instruct you how to add style sheet declarations to fine-tune the presentation of your pages and to use CSS to control the style and layout of multiple Web pages all at once. Experienced users can find out more about CSS at Cascading Style Sheets, level 2 Specification.

Next, a HTML editor of the WYSIWYG-type (WYSIWYG is short for "What You See Is What You Get") will be extremely handy for a tyro. Such is the "Composer", a free HTML editor included into the "Mozilla Suite". It has improved CSS support and enables you to see on the display screen exactly what will appear when your web page will be viewed over Internet.

To apply advanced changes:

  1. Make sure you are logged in and go to your "My Account" page.
  2. In the "Settings" section, click [ change ] opposite the "Co-Branding" subtitle to open this subsection.
  3. On the "Co-Branding" page, pick some skin and click on the "Modify" button beneath it or click on the "Edit Custom Skin" button in the bottom of the page.
  4. You will find yourself on the screen with the "Custom HTML:" text area containing code of the skin selected. Use ##content## tag to define the place for your Fotki content. Make the necessary changes and click on the "Save Custom Skin" button.
  5. Go to to view a new look and feel of your pages. On your own website, use this URL as a link to your photos.

8.3.1 Handling ##content## Tag

For you to better understand what is "##content## tag" here and which way it can be combined with your own HTML code, we should elucidate that our co-branding engine generates a HTML code containing your data depending on the address opened by a visitor, in other words, depending on the page he or she wants to go to.

There exists a certain address (more precisely, a prefix to an address), for each our service: photo-service, comments, guest book, journals, etc.

Such are:

  • ( for the "Photo Albums" page

  • or ( or for the "Comments" page

  • or ( or for the "Guest Book" page

  • and so on...

In each separate case, a ##content## tag will correspond to a certain HTML page produced by our co-branding engine.

What are you to do about this tag? Say, you want to put a banner headline at your page's top, to add a navigation menu to the left or to the right, to append the bottom headline, etc., etc. To start with, you should place the co-branded part of your HTML page (read: a ##content## tag) into a table cell inside the HTML file.

8.4 Some Fine Examples of Co-Branding

To better understand what co-branding does and how it works, take a look at some Fotki members' personal pages, in which they skillfully utilize this feature:

9. Selling Photo Prints

Fotki users with "Business" membership can sell prints of own photos at custom prices.

As a seller you:

  • set your own prices for your photos
  • assign print formats and finish types available to customers
  • have your own Shopping Cart, to which orders are directed

Once you have uploaded your photos to Fotki and set their prices, Fotki:

  • takes care of all online credit-card transactions
  • processes and prints customers' orders
  • delivers the prints to the recipients
  • and, to top it all, keeps only a 15-percent commission fee

The 15% commission fee applies after the printing cost is subtracted from the price you set. For example, if your price is $1.00 and the standard price is 9c, your customer pays $1.00 instead of 9c he would normally pay. Thus, the extra 91c he overpays is your net revenue which is subject to the commission fee. In this case, the commission fee will be 13.65c and the rest 77.35c is yours to keep. The shipping cost and local taxes (if applicable) are not taken into consideration; they are entirely your customer's responsibility.

No extra charge for storing your photos at Fotki is needed: as a Business member you have 1TB of storage space. The revenue from sold photos is paid through PayPal, WebMoney or bank transfer. If you are a Trial Fotki member, first upgrade your account to "Business" membership.

9.1 Video Tutorial: Selling

Fotki thanks Fotki users VnP and Pike for creating the Video Tutorial for the Fotki community.

9.2 Setting Up an Account for Selling Photos

To set up your account for selling photos:

  1. Make sure you are logged in, click on the "GoTo" icon in the top navigation bar, scroll down the menu and select Selling.
  2. On the Photo Selling page, click "Yes, I want to start selling my photos".
  3. On the Selling Setup page, read our "Selling Terms and Conditions" and click "I Agree" to confirm that agree to abide by them.
  4. On the next page, provide the tax information for residents of the United States (If you live in the United States or its territories) (as required by US laws) or check the radio button "I don't live in the USA nor is my company incorporated in the USA".
  5. Click "Continue" when done.

Congratulations! You are now ready to start selling photos on Fotki.

9.3 Setting Custom Prices for Your Photos

You can set custom prices for:

  • the entire public photo collection
  • any particular folder/subfolder
  • any particular album
  • any separate photo (say, if you want to sell photos from an album at different prices or to sell only selected photos)

To set custom prices:

  • for the whole account, open your "Public Home" folder and click on the "Set Custom Prices" link in the Member Panel on the left.
  • for a particular folder/subfolder/album, click on the "Set Custom Prices" link in the Member Panel on the left while viewing this folder's/subfolder's/album's content.
  • for a separate photo, click on the "Set Custom Prices" link in the Member Panel on the left while viewing this photo in full size.

Fill in your prices for the print formats you want to be available to your customers and save changes. Make sure you use the right money format: dollars should be separated from cents with a dot.

Important! You don't have to fill out the entire form, just left blank the fields for print formats that you are not going to enable. To figure out the maximum recommended print format for photo you can set prices for, divide each of the two pixel dimensions of this digital image by 100.

9.4 Changing Custom Prices

To change custom prices for any folder/subfolder/album/photo:

  1. open it by clicking on its icon
  2. click on the "Set Custom Prices" link in the Member Panel on your left
  3. make any corrections you like
  4. save changes

9.5 Protecting Your Photos

Since you have started selling your photos on Fotki, you obviously want other people neither to download your high-quality originals without paying nor to order the prints of your photos at regular Fotki prices.

That is why, as soon as custom prices have been set for a particular album, the "Allow Downloading of Originals" and "Allow Printing of Photos" preferences will be automatically disabled for these albums.

After that, your visitors will not find common "order print" and "Get Original Uploaded Photo" links next to your photos.

9.6 Printing Resolution

You can keep resized photos in your albums for viewing purposes and upload originals only when needed. In such a case, if the pixel size of a photo ordered is not sufficient to provide a decent level of quality, you will be asked to upload a full-size file. To automate the process, it's reasonable to upload original images.

Minimum resolution for printing your photos with sufficient quality is set through the "Selling" section of "My Account":

  1. Make sure you are logged in and go to the "My Account" page.
  2. In its "Settings" section, click "[ Change ]" opposite the "Selling" subheading.
  3. In the "Printing Resolution" dropdown menu, set the minimum resolution and save changes.
  4. On the confirmation screen, click on the "Back to My Account" link to continue.

9.7 Stopping Selling

To stop selling photos at custom prices from a particular album, open the album in thumbnail mode, go to the Photo selling | Setting custom prices page, choose the "Disable selling" button and save changes.

9.8 Photographer's Administrative Area

Since you have started selling photos on Fotki, you get your personal "Photographer's Administrative Area" page.

On that page you can track your sales and payment history, select payment method and view your current balance details.

9.8.1 Sales History

In this section, the details of each order can be viewed:

  • order ID
  • the date order was placed
  • money earned (amounts for unfinished orders are marked with grey)
  • order status

To see all the information about a certain order, click on the corresponding "order details" link.

9.8.2 Request Payment

This section is for selecting a payment method. Currently, three ways of payment are available:



PayPal*   $3   $4
Check by mail   $5 $20
Bank transfer $20 $20

* Important! Your PayPal account should be verified.

Until there is no money earned, all of the radio buttons in the "Select Payment Method:" form are disabled.

9.8.3 Balance

In this section, you will find a table summarizing:

  • total sales
  • total earned amount
  • total requested amount
  • total paid amount
  • current balance

10. Online Journals

Your online journal (also called 'weblog' or 'blog') is a dated sequence of entries. Creating and updating your journal online is easy; you can publish your entry anytime you feel like it.

Unlike a written diary, an online journal can include links to your favorite websites, photos, graphics, and even animation. Also, you can make it public or private.

Important! Keeping online journals is available to Premium Fotki Members only.

10.1 Starting a Journal

To start your own personal journal:

  1. Make sure you are logged in and go to the "Journals" page.
  2. On the "YourUsrName's Journals" screen, click "Create New Journal".
  3. Type an URL name, title and description for your journal into the fields provided, choose whether its entries will be auto-formatted,and specify privacy preferences.
  4. Click "Create Journal" when done.

10.2 Editing a Journal

Editing a journal allows changing its URL name, title, description, and auto-formatting and security settings. To edit a journal:

  1. When logged in, go to the "Journals" page.
  2. If you are currently viewing a journal, click "Back to Journal".
  3. On the screen with the list of your journals, click "Edit" under the name of the journal to be edited.
  4. Make necessary changes and update the journal.

10.3 Deleting a Journal

If you no longer need one of your Fotki journals, you can delete it:

  1. When logged in, go to the "Journals" page.
  2. Click "Delete" under the title of the journal to be deleted and confirm youe intention by clicking "OK" in the confirmation window.

10.4 Entries

Having entries in a journal is a whole point of keeping it.

10.4.1 Adding Entries

To add an entry to your journal:

  1. Make sure you are logged in and go to the "Journals" page.
  2. Open the journal, to which you want to add an entry, by clicking on its title.
  3. Click "Post a new Entry".
  4. Post your entry:
    • Set date and time.
    • Type a title into the "Title:" field and an entry into the text area. You can use URL addreses to brighten up your entry.
    • Choose autoformatting mode.
    • Set privacy preferences.
    • Check the "Save security as default" checkbox to save these settings for future use.
    • Submit your entry.

top Setting Date and Time

Every time you create or edit an entry, you can set or change the date and time to be displayed on the top of your entry. Date and time can be switched off.

The time displayed by default is your local current time. When you read someone's fresh entry, the time you see above it is the author's local time and the modifier in parentheses is the difference between that time and the GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). The difference between yours and that person's time will be the value of his/her modifier minus the value of your modifier.

top Including Links into the Entry

Your journal can contain direct links to your favorite websites so that any person reading your journal can go there at once. This can be done through a simple HTML command.

  • Say, you want to direct your readers to "".
    1. Then your entry must look like this:
      <a href=""></a> is the best photo sharing site in the world.
    2. The above command produces the following: is the best photo sharing site in the world.
  • You can add an element of surprise to your link by not telling your readers where you are directing them to:
    1. Then your entry will look like this:
      I was surfing the net today and found <a href="">this!</a> Check it out!
    2. The above command produces the following:
      I was surfing the net today and found this! Check it out!
  • You can make a link open in a separate window on the reader's computer screen.
    1. Then your entry wil look like this:
      Click <a href="" target="_blank">here</a> to visit Fotki.
    2. The above command produces the following:
      Click here to visit Fotki.

Put any other URL instead of "" and your visitor will get to that site.

top Posting Pics in Your Journal

You can add a picture to your entry only if this picture actually exists and is stored somewhere on a publicaly available server.

Example I:

  • When your entry looks like this:
    This is my smiling face: <img src="" align="middle">

  • This produces the following:
    This is my smiling face:

The address in quotes ("http://...jpg") is the URL to the picture you are posting. It will be different for your picture.

The align="..." command is not necessary. You can play with different alignments (top, bottom, left, right) to see what they do. More information on how to customize your images and text can be found on various HTML sites including this one.

To activate your picture so that clicking on it will take the clicker somewhere else, you have to use two commands.

Example II:

  • When your entry looks like this:
    This is my smiling face. Click on it to find out why it's smiling. <a href="">
    <img src="" align="middle" border="0"></a>

  • This produces the following:
    This is my smiling face. Click on it to find out why it's smiling.

In this case, you have to insert two addresses:

  1. The first one (<a href="http://...">) is the URL for the place to bring the clicker to. If you want it to open in a new window, add: target="_blank" before the closing tag ">").
  2. The second address (<img src="http://...jpg">) is the URL to the picture you are posting.

Both may differ from those given in our example.

top Privacy Settings

Choose who is allowed to read the entry, read its comments, and write comments to it: anybody, Fotki members only, your Fiends only, nobody but you.

It is possible to set privacy preferences separately for each entry, or save them once and use the pattern saved as a default one for all future entries. The settings can be changed every time you create or edit an entry.

To change your privacy settings:

  1. Post or edit a journal entry and scroll down to the bottom of the form.
  2. Choose who can read the entry, and read and write comments to it in the respective fields.
  3. Check the "Save security settings as default" checkbox to save these settings for future use and click "Submit Entry" to apply changes.

You can also change privacy settings for your entire journal by clicking "Edit" under the journal's title.

10.4.2 Editing an Entry

To edit an entry:

  1. When logged in, go to the "Journals" page.
  2. Open the journal containing the entry to be edited and click "Edit" next to its title.
  3. In the "Edit entry" form, make changes and submit entry.

10.4.3 Deleting an Entry

To delete an entry, when logged in click "Delete" next to the entry to be deleted, then confirm it by clicking "OK". All the comments to that entry will be deleted as well.

10.5 Categories

Putting your journal entries into categories is a good way to better organize them.

By assigning a category to an entry you give a "label" to it. When a number of entries in your journal is large, categories can be very helpful.

Clicking on a category opens the list of all the entries belonging to it, and due to that finding the entry is much easier. To make it even easier, you can simultaneously put an entry into several categories.

10.5.1 Managing Journal's Categories

Creating a category:

  1. View the journal, where you would like to create a category, and click "Manage categories".
  2. In the "Manage categories" form, type a name and URL name for your new category into the corresponding fields and click "Add New Category".

Editing a category means changing its name or URL address:

  1. View the journal, whose category you want to edit, and click "Manage Categories".
  2. Click "Edit" next to the category to be edited.
  3. Make corrections as needed and click "Update Category".

Deleting a category will uncategorize all the entries belonging to it. To do it:

  1. View the journal, whose category you want to delete, and click "Manage Categories".
  2. Click "Delete" next to the category to be deleted.
  3. Click "OK" to confirm your intention.

10.5.2 Categorization of Entries

To assign a category to an entry:

  1. View the journal, whose entry you want to categorize, and click "Edit" next to it.
  2. In the "Select Categories:" field, choose the categories you wish to assign to this entry. To choose a few categories, hold down the "Control" key while clicking on them.
  3. Submit entry.

To reassign categories to an entry or to completely "uncategorize" it:

  1. View the journal containing the desired entry and click "Edit" next to it.
  2. In the "Select Categories" window, the assigned categories are highlighted ("selected").
    • To assign categories anew, click on those you choose.
    • To select an additional category without unchecking the existing ones, click on it while holding down the "Control" key.
    • To unselect a category, click on it while holding down the "Control" key.
    • Submit entry.

10.6 Viewing Jurnals of Other Fotki Members

To view a journal of a Fotki member:

  • Go to his/her "Public Home" page and open the "Journals" page there.
  • If you know the username of the person of interest, you can get to his/her journal via'sUserName.

If the person has a few journals, you will see the list of their titles. Click on the title of the journal you want to view.

10.7 Commenting Entries


  • You can leave any comments in your own journal.
  • You can leave comments in other Fotki members' journals, only if the journal's owner enabled this feature for it.
  • No HTML is allowed in comments.

To leave a comment to an entry, click "Post a Comment" next to the entry, type a comment into the "Post a Comment": text area and submit it.

10.7.1 Managing Comments

You can edit comments only to your own entries and when logged in. To do it, click "Edit" next to the comment to be edited, make corrections in the text area provided and submit them.

To reply to a comment, click "Reply" next to the comment, type your reply into the text area provided and submit it.

You can only delete a comment in your own journal and when logged in. To do it, click "Delete" next to the comment and confirm your intention by clicking "OK". If the comment to be removed has any replies, the whole thread will be deleted.

11. Fotki Email

When signing up for a Fotki account, you get your own email address on Fotki. Fotki's built-in email browser allows its members viewing, sending, forwarding and managing their email messages.

11.1 Checking Email

When logged in, you see an "Email" link in the initial line on the top right of any of your Fotki pages. If there are any new messages in your Inbox, the above link will be followed by a reminder informing you about the number of unread messages.

To check your Fotki email, go to your "Email" page. You will get into your "Inbox" folder displaying a list of the messages received. Those unread are nighlighted and their return addresses and titles are written in bold letters.

If a new message comes in while you are viewing your Inbox, it will not be displayed until the page is reloaded. To check if you have any new messages, click "Check Mail" in the Email Menu.

11.2 Reading a Message

To read an email message:

  1. Open your Fotki email Inbox.
  2. Open the message you want to read by clicking on its return address.
  3. When having read one message, you can open the previous or the next one by clicking "Previous" or "Next", respectively, in the Message Menu.
  4. To go back to the message list, click "Return to Folder".

11.3 Saving Sender's Address

To store senders' email addresses, save them in the Fotki Address Book:

  1. In the Inbox, open the message from the person, whose address you want to save.
  2. Click "Save address(es)" above the message opened.
  3. in the newly open window, make corrections in the "First Name:" and "Last Name:" fields if necessary, check the "Save to address book" checkbox and click "Save to address book" button beneath.
  4. From the confirmation screen, you can go either to your address book or back to your message.

11.4 Writing a Message

To write an email message using your Fotki email browser:

  1. Make sure you are logged in and go to the "Email" page.
  2. Click "New Message" in the Email Menu to get to the "Compose New Message" form.
    • Type recipient's address into the "To:" field. To send a message to more than one recipient, type another address into the "Cc:" field and next one into the "Bcc:" field.
    • Specify your message subject in the "Subject:" field.
    • Write the text of your message in the "Message:" text area.
    • To send the message, click the "Send" button either above or under the text area.
  3. On the confirmation screen, choose what you want to do: to return to the message you have answered to, to move it to some other folder or to delete it. Also, you have an option to open the next message (according to the way of sorting currently chosen) of the current folder by clicking on the "Next Message" button. This button is only seen if there is at least one more message in the current folder.

11.4.1 Choosing Recipient from Address Book

To copy a recipient's address from your address book directly to your address field when writing a message:

  1. In the "Compose New Message" form, click on "To:", "Cc:" or cc:" link next to the address fields.
  2. In the newly open window, by clicking in the corresponding checkbox select the type of address field to paste the address into.
    • You can copy + paste all the addresses from your address book into "To:", "Cc:" or "Bcc:" field by clicking on the "Add all to To:", "Add all to Cc:" or "Add all to Bcc:" button. You can clear your "To:", "Cc:" or "Bcc:" field by clicking on the "Clear To:", "Clear Cc:" or "Clear Bcc:" button. All of them are located under the address list.
    • In case your address book contains a significant number of entries, you can search for one you need by typing the name into the "Search" field on the top of the window and pressing the "Search" button. Navigating the address book by clicking on any letter in the string below the "Search" field is possible, too.
  3. After all selections are made, click the pink "Click here when done" button to go back to your message.
  4. Proceed with composing your message as usual.

11.4.2 Sending Attachments with Message

To send some file along with an email message, you have to attach it. Attachments can be of any type: text, media, program, etc. Usually, they greatly increase the capability of email, while most email browsers are primarily designed to accept text.

To send an attachment along with your email message:

  1. In the "Compose New Message" form, fill out the necessary fields, then click the "Attachments" button under the "Subject:" field.
  2. In the newly open window, specify the location of the file to be attached to your message in the field provided or click "Browse..." to find that file on your computer. After clicking "Browse..." a separate browsing window opens. It is possible to navigate the contents of your computer by choosing a folder from their list or to click directly on some folder in the viewing window to see its contents. When you find a file you need, click on it and then click the "Open" button in the bottom right corner of the window (or doubleclick the file). The name of the file selected will appear in the "Attachments" field. Click "Attach to message" to add the selected file to the attachments list below. To remove a file from the list, "select" it and then click "Remove".
    Repeat step 2 as many times as necessary. When all the files to be attached to your message are in the attachments list, click "Done".
  3. Click the "Send" button in the "Compose New Message" form.
  4. On the confirmation screen, click "Continue" to go back to the Inbox folder.

11.4.3 Saving an Unfinished Message

If you have started writing a message and intend to complete it later, you can save its draft in a special "Drafts" folder.

To save a draft of an unfinished email message, click "Save Draft" in the "Compose New Message" form. From the confirmation screen you can go to your "Inbox" or to the "Drafts" folder.

11.4.4 Completing an Unfinished Message

To finish a message saved as a draft:

  1. Make sure you are logged in and go to the "Email" page.
  2. In the folder list, click "Drafts" to open the "Drafts" folder.
  3. In the list of your drafts find that to be completed and click on its title in the "Subject" column.
  4. Finish typing the message in the text area, fill any fields if necessary and click "Send Message". In case the message cannot be completed yet, save it as a draft again. A new version will replace the old one.
  5. From the confirmation screen you can go either to your "Inbox" or to the "Drafts" folder.

11.4.5 Saving a Sent Message

To save a message before sending, click in the "Save message in Sent Folder" checkbox under the "Attachments" button in the "Compose New Message" form, then proceed with writing and sending your message as usual. After you have sent your message, its copy remains in your "Sent" folder.

11.5 Replying to a Message

Basically, replying to a message is the same as composing a new one. The only difference is the lack of need to specify the recipient's email address, for it is placed automatically, as well as a title. For example, if the original message was entitled "hello", the reply title is "Re: hello".

To reply to a message:

  1. Make sure you are logged in and go to the "Email" page.
  2. In the "Inbox" folder, view the message you want reply to by clicking on its return address in the "From" column.
  3. In the Message Menu, click "Reply". If the message you are replying to was sent to several people, you may want to simultaneously reply to all its recipients. For that purpose, click "Reply All" in the the Message Menu.
  4. Write a message as you would usually do.
  5. Click the "Send" button either above or under the text ares to send the message.
  6. On the confirmation screen, choose what you want to do: to return to the message you have answered to, to move it to some other folder or to delete it. Also, you have an option to open the next message (according to the way of sorting currently chosen) of the current folder by clicking on the "Next Message" button. This button is only seen if there is at least one more message in the current folder.

11.6 Forwarding a Message

To transmit a received message to your friends, do it through forwarding:

  1. Make sure you are logged in and go to the "Email" page.
  2. In the "Inbox" folder, click on a message's return address to view it.
  3. In the Message Menu, click "Forward".
  4. in the "Forward Message" form, specify the recipient's address in the "To:" field, and fill out the other fields if necessary.
  5. Changing the message text and attaching files are also possible.
  6. When finished, click the "Send" button either above or under the text area to forward the message.
  7. On the confirmation screen, choose what you want to do: to return to the message you have answered to, to move it to some other folder or to delete it. Also, you have an option to open the next message (according to the way of sorting currently chosen) of the current folder by clicking on the "Next Message" button. This button is only seen if there is at least one more message in the current folder.

11.7 Viewing Sent Messages

Important! The "Sent" folder contains only those messages having been saved before sending. So, if you want to be able to view them later, make sure you have done it.

To view sent messages:

  1. Make sure you are logged in and go to the "Email" page.
  2. Open the "Sent" folder.
  3. View a message by clicking on its return address in the "From" column.
  4. After having viewed one message, you can open the previous or the next one by clicking "Previous" or "Next" in the Message Menu.

To send a saved message to someone else, click "Forward" in the Message Menu.

11.8 Managing Email Folders

On the "Manage Folders" page, the common statistics for your Fotki email account (a number of messages per folder and each folder size) is presented.

Also, on this page you can create your own email folders in addition to the four system ones ("Inbox", "Drafts", "Sent" and "Deleted"). The folders created (but not the system ones!) can be renamed or deleted.

  • To create a new email folder: on the "Manage Folders" page, type a name for a new folder into the field provided and click the "Create new folder" button beneath.
  • To rename an email folder created: on the "Manage Folders" page, click "Rename" opposite the folder to be renamed, type a new name into the field provided and click the "Rename" button beneath.
  • To delete an email folder created: on the "Manage Folders" page, click "Remove" opposite the folder to be deleted and confirm your intention in the warning window.

11.9 Moving Messages to Another Email Folder

To move any of your email messages from some email folder to another one:

  1. Make sure you are logged in and go to the "Email" page.
  2. Open the folder containing the message(s) to be moved.
  3. "Select" each of them by clicking in their checkboxes.
  4. From the dropdown menu of the "Move Selected To..." field, select the folder, where you want to move the selected messages to. Click on the "Move Selected To..." button.
  5. From the confirmation screen you can go eihter to the source folder or to the destination folder.

11.10 Deleting Messages

To delete a message:

  1. Make sure you are logged in and go to the "Email" page.
  2. View the folder containing the message(s) to be deleted.
  3. "Select" it/them by clicking in the corresponding checkbox(es) near to it/each. Click "Delete Selected" under it.
  4. After you have confirmed your intention, the messages selected will be moved to the "Deleted" folder.

11.10.1 Recovering Deleted Messages

The messages deleted do not disappear. They are kept in the "Deleted" folder and may be automaticaly erased only if your email account reaches the space limit.

To recover a deleted message:

  1. Go to the "Email" page and open the "Deleted" folder.
  2. In the list of deleted messages, "select" the message to be recovered by clicking in the checkbox next to it. From the dropdown list of the "Move Selected To..." field, choose any folder except the "Deleted" one and click on the "Move Selected To..." button.
  3. From the confirmation screen you can go either to the destination folder or to the "Deleted" one.

11.11 Fighting Spam

'Spam mail' (also known as 'junk mail') usually means unwanted solicitation and advertisement email messages. Mostly, they are thrown away unread, but even so, cleaning up an inbox can be very time-consuming. That is why spam is to be forestalled.

Email providers offer various tools for "filtering" incoming mail. Though not guaranteeing absolute efficiency, they can make your life much easier.

Another way to fight spam is taking the privacy protection into one's own hands. If you do not want your email address to suddenly pop up on some third-party mailing list, don't give it to the people you don't trust. In case you post your email address on an online forum or give it away in a chat room, there is a good chance it will be abused.

Here are some more tips on fighting spam:

  • Do not respond to an unsolicited message; by doing that you inform the spammer that your email address exists. This will result in more spam.
  • Do not click on any links or images in a spam message.
  • Use spam filters if possible.
  • Do not forward "chain letters" to your friends - you won't get any money for that.

11.11.1 Using the Spam Filter

To make fighting spam easier, we have implemented a spam filter that automatically detects incoming spam in your Fotki mailbox and moves it to the "Spam" folder. The spam filter has 20 sensitivity levels, from 1 (the lowest) to 20 (the highest). Also, it can be turned off completely.

To change your spam filter settings:

  1. Go to the "My Account" page.
  2. In the "Settings" section, click "Change" oppsite the "Web Email" subheading.
  3. Click inside the "Spam Filter Sensitivity" field to choose the sensitivity level from the dropdown menu.

To completely disable the spam filter:

  • either choose "Off" from the dropdown menu of the "Spam Filter Sensitivity" field
  • or turn off filtering spam by choosing "No" in the "Move Spam to 'Spam' Folder" field

Save changes.

11.12 Setting Up an Email Client

An email client is a program, which helps you better send, receive and manage your email messages. You can set up an email client on your computer to use it with your Fotki email.

To set up an Outlook Express account:

  1. Start Outlook Express
  2. Go to Tools -> Accounts...
  3. Add -> Mail...
  4. Enter a display name that will appear in your outgoing mail. Click "Next >".
  5. Enter your Fotki email address. Click "Next >".
  6. Your incoming mail server is a POP3 server. Incoming mail server is "". Outgoing mail server is your Internet Service Provider. Click "Next >".
  7. Type your Fotki username and password. Click "Next >".
  8. Click "Finish".
  9. Click "Send/Receive" on the top taskbar. Your Outlook Express is ready to use.

12. Address Book

Basically, an address book is a database of names and addresses, a means to keep records about people and companies. Each address book record (headed with contact's name) usually includes a number of contact details: mailing address, telephone number mobile phone number, fax number, email address, website URL, birthday date, etc. Details are normally stored in alphabetical order of people's names.

Your Fotki Address Book is a software designed to hold every piece of information you would ever wish to record. The address book is easy to use both by itself and in connection with your Fotki email account.

12.1 Starting Address Book and Adding/Editing a Contact

To start your Fotki Address Book, you should add at least one contact to it. To do that:

  1. Make sure you are logged in and open your Fotki Address Book.
  2. Click on the "add one [contact]" link on the "Browse Contacts" page.
  3. On the "New Contact" page, fill out a "New Contact" form and save changes.

To add a new contact to your address-book contact list:

  1. Make sure you are logged in and open your Fotki Address Book.
  2. Click on the "New Contact" link in the Adress Book menu on the left.
  3. Fill out an "Add Contact" form and save changes.

To edit an existing contact in your Fotki Address Book:

  1. Make sure you are logged in and open your Fotki Address Book.
  2. On the "Browse Contacts" page:
    • either find the contact to be edited in the list of contacts, and click on the "edit" link opposite it
    • or open the the corresponding record by clicking on the contact's name and click "edit" button on the bottom of the form.
  3. In the "Edit Contact" form, make necessary changes in the fields provided and save changes.

12.1.1 "New/Add/Edit Contact" Form

Actually, all the three forms are the same. The form has a few sections.

  1. Main section fields: nickname, title, first, middle and last names, primary and two alternatives emails, company name and job title.
  2. "Phones" section fields: home and work telephone numbers, and pager, mobile phone and fax numbers of the contact.
  3. "Work Address" section fields: street address, city, state/province/county/etc., zip/postal code and country of the company, for which the contact person works.
  4. "Home Address" section fields: street address, city, state/province/county/etc., zip/postal code and country of the contact person residence.
  5. "Internet" section fields: contact's Fotki Username, ICQ UIN, AOL IM, MSN Username, Yahoo! ID, Jabber ID, and Skype Name, and Personal Website and Corporate website.
  6. "Other" section fields: contact's birthday and anniversary dates. If you would like to include into the contact records some additional pieces of information, type them into the "Notes:" text area.

top Nickname

You may assign a contact a nickname. It will be a contact is assigned a certain nickname, when viewing this contact's page in your address book you will see there all the photos whose tags are the same as this nickname.

12.2 Viewing Your Address Book

To view your address-book entries (contacts), make sure you are logged in and go to the "Address Book" page.

Each entry displayed in the contact list includes:

  • person's name
  • name of the company he/she works for
  • business and home phone numbers
  • email address

To view complete information on a person, click on his/her name in the "Name" column and you will get to the "View Contact" screen.

To go back to the entry list, click "Return" on the page bottom or "Browse Contacts" in the Address Book Menu.

In case your address book contains numerous entries, viewing them by index is easier than scrolling up and down the list.

There is an index string (a list of letters given in the alphabetic order) on the top of your address-book contact list. By clicking on a hyperlinked letter, you open the list of all the people, whose last names start with that letter. To view the complete list of contacts, click "All" in the beginning of the alphabet string.

Also, searching for a contact may be faster than scrolling up and down the full contact list. To search for a contact, type a name, a piece of a name or even one letter into the "Search" field above the index string and click the "Search" button. All the entries containing the specified string will be displayed.

12.2.1 Complete Information

  • Person's title and name
  • Name of the company he/she works for and job title
  • Primary and alternative email addresses
  • Home, work, pager, mobile and fax numbers
  • Work and home addresses
  • AOL IM, ICQ UIN, Yahoo! and MSN ID numbers or usernames
  • Personal and corporate website URLs
  • Birthday and anniversary dates
  • Any additional information you may have previously typed in

12.3 Importing a Contact

If you have an address-book file exported from your email application or from another mail server and saved on your computer, you can upload it to Fotki Address Book to further use this information.

To do it:

  1. Make sure you are logged in and go to the "Address Book" page.
  2. In the Address Book Menu, click "Import".
  3. Specify the location of your address-book file in the field provided or click "Browse" to navigate the contents of your computer. Find the file needed (it should be of *.csv type), click on its name and then click "Open" (or doubleclick on the filename).
  4. Click "Continue" to import the file selected to Fotki.

If you want to import an address-book file to use it on Fotki, first export it from your current email application and save on your computer as an *.csv file.

For export details, see the help file on the site hosting your existing address book or in your current email application, since each email client has a different interface.

12.3.1 Exporting an Address-Book File from Outlook Express

To export an address-book file from Outlook Express:

  1. Start Outlook Express.
  2. Click "Addresses" on the top taskbar.
  3. Go to File -> Export -> Other Address Book...
  4. Choose "Text File (Comma-Separated Values)" and click "Export".
  5. Type a destination path or click "Browse..." to browse the contents of your computer. Go to the folder, where you want to save your address-book file, and type its name into the "File name:" field.
  6. Click "Save" when done. Click "Next >"
  7. Choose the fields to export and click "Finish".

Since that moment you have your address-book file saved on your computer and it is ready to be imported into your Fotki mail account.

12.4 Exporting a Contact

You can use your Fotki address book on another website or in another email browser. For that purpose, you have to export it:

  1. Make sure you are logged in and go to your "Address Book".
  2. You will get to the "Browse Contacts" screen with the list of your address-book contacts. Click "Export" in the Address Book Menu.
  3. Specify the list separator for your country. A list separator is a symbol which separates entries in a list. Most commonly, it is comma (",") or semicolon (";"). For USA, "," is recommended, other countries may also use ";". Click "Continue".
  4. A browser window will prompt you to specify a name for your file. Navigate the contents of your computer to select the location of your address-book file and specify a name for it. Click "Save" when done. The saved address-book file will be of *.csv type.
  5. Click "Cancel" to go back to your Fotki Address Book.
  6. To import the saved file to another website or email application, go to that site and proceed with import as directed in that site's help file.

12.5 Deleting a Contact

To delete a contact:

  1. Make sure you are logged in and go to your "Address Book" page.
  2. In the list of your address-book contacts, "select" the contacts to be deleted by clicking in their checkboxes and click "Delete Selected" in the Address Book Menu.
  3. Click "OK" in the confirmation window if you do want to delete the selected records.

13. Personal Pages

Your personal pages are listed in your Member Panel. They are: Welcome, About Me, My Links, Photo Albums, My FotkiMap, What's New, My Photo Tags, Comments, My Videos, My Guest Book, My Journals, and My Forums. Only Private Albums are not available to outside viewers.

What's New, Comments, Photo Tags, FotkiMap, Guest Book and Journals sections are updated automatically as you add new albums, tag and geotag photos and albums, get new comments on your photos, videos and journal entries, get new messages in your guest book and replies in your forums.

Welcome, About Me and Links sections can be edited by you.

13.1 Welcome Page

Your Welcome page is your greeting to a visitor. To edit it:

  1. Make sure you are logged in, go to your Welcome section and click the Edit button.
  2. Type in your welcome text into the text area provided.
    Tip! If you are familiar with HTML, you can use it in the text to add some style to your message.
  3. Save changes when finished.

13.2 About Me Page (Profile)

Your About Me page is your profile, where you may show anything you want to tell about yourself and place your avatar which will be seen next to your DisplayName everywhere on Fotki.

To fill in your profile, make sure you are logged in, open your About Me page and click the Edit profile button.

Select the appropriate profile type: Personal, Family, Couple, Group, Animal or Organization.

13.2.1 Profile Types

Depending on the profile type, the profile sections differ in number and details:

  • Personal (the most detailed): General Information, Contact Information, My Cities, Background & Lifestyle, Interests & Personality
  • Family: General Information, Our Cities, Background & Lifestyle, Members
  • Couple: General Information, Our Cities, Background & Lifestyle
  • Group: General Information, Contact Information, Our Location
  • Animal: General Information, Contact Information, My Cities
  • Organization: General Information, Contact Information, Our Location

General Information:

  • specify your
    • First name and Last name. They are not shown on the About Me page, and can be useful when someone searches for you by name.
    • DisplayName to represent you everywhere on Fotki. There are no rules as to what your DisplayName must look like; you can use spaces and special characters in it if you want. It does not have to be the same as your UserName.
    • Gender
    • Date of birth (only your age will be shown on the About Me page)
    • Tags you select to characterize yourself
    • Languages spoken
  • let the others know what you are interested in on Fotki (I'm/We are here for:) by checking the appropriate checkboxes (Photo sharing, Networking, Friends, Dating, Serious relationships)
  • write anything you want to tell about yourself in the About me/About us description, which will be seen on your About Me page next to your avatar
  • check or leave unchecked the Show my/our "Friends" list and Show my/our "Friend Of" list checkboxes.

Contact Information: give your email, personal website URL, and AOL IM, Yahoo! ID, ICQ UIN, MSN username, Google Talk, Skype, Jabber ID, QQ and Gadu-Gadu usernames or numbers if you use any of those services so that other Fotki members can contact you.

My Cities: specify your current location, hometown, birthplace and other places you lived in.

Background & Lifestyle: select the appropriate lines from the drop-down lists for Marital status, Sexual orientation, Smoking, Drinking, Children, Education, Ethnicity, Origin, Body type, Height, Income and Religion.

Interests & Personality: tell about your interests and favorite sports, music, movies, TV programs, heroes and books. Many of your fellow Fotki members might have the same interests as you. Telling people of your hobbies will help you find friends on Fotki.

14. My Account/Our Account

Your public and private information, and your default account settings can be viewed and changed through your "My Account/Our Account" page. Your email for the Fotki team to contact you is also stored there. On this page, you can upgrade your account, update your public profile and account information, and change the default settings.

To view and/or change any stored info and/or default settings:

  1. Make sure you are logged in, click the "GoTo" button in the top navigation bar and scroll down to the "My Account/Our Account" link.
  2. Find the section, where you want to make changes.

14.1 Public Profile

"Public Profile" section:

  1. displays your personal data (Profile Type, Display Name, Gender, Languages, etc.) and lists your Cities/Locations as they are shown on your "About Me"/"About Us" page
  2. contains links to:
    • "Change avatar" page
    • "Edit profile" page, where you can select/change your Profile Type and Display Name, and fill out your bio and interests

Any part of your account information can be changed any time.

14.1.1 How to Change/Remove an Avatar?

How to select a new avatar?
Click "Browse.." under the current avatar, find a new photo on your computer and click "Upload new photo". If the photo you upload is larger than 120 × 140 pixels, it will be resized.

How to remove an avatar?
Leave the field under your current avatar blank and click "Upload new photo".

Please note!

  1. Your avatar will represent you everywhere around Fotki in your entries and comments. Clicking on it prompts a viewer to your "About Me/About Us" page and helps learn more about you. If no image is uploaded to represent your avatar, a standard head-silhouette icon is seen instead.
  2. Please upload a photo that shows you very special but does not display your very private parts. If your avatar violates Fotki Terms of Service Agreement (for details, please read the"Prohibited Use" and "Prohibited Content" sections), it will be reported by Fotki users and removed from your account without notification.

14.1.2 How to Edit Profile?

First select your Profile Type (Personal, Family, Couple, Group, Animal, Organization or Store), and than fill out your Profile.

Depending on the profile type, profile sections differ in their number and details, but all the profiles have these sections:

General Information:

  • First name and Last name. They are not shown on the About Me page, and can be useful when someone searches for you by name.
  • DisplayName is to represent you everywhere on Fotki. There are no rules as to what your DisplayName must look like; you can use spaces and special characters in it if you want. It does not have to be the same as your UserName.
  • Gender
  • Date of birth (only your age will be shown on the About Me page)
  • Tags you select to characterize yourself
  • Languages spoken
  • Let the others know what you are interested in on Fotki (I'm/We are here for:) by checking the appropriate checkboxes (Photo sharing, Networking, Friends, Dating, Serious relationships)
  • Write anything you want to tell about yourself in the About me/About us description, which will be seen on your About Me page next to your avatar
  • Check or leave unchecked the Show my/our "Friends" list and Show my/our "Friend Of" list checkboxes.

Contact Information: give your email, personal website URL, and AOL IM, Yahoo! ID, ICQ UIN, MSN username, Google Talk, Skype, Jabber ID, QQ and Gadu-Gadu usernames or numbers if you use any of those services so that other Fotki members can contact you.

My Cities/Our Location: specify your current location, hometown, birthplace and other places you lived in.

Describe yourself in:

Background & Lifestyle: select the appropriate lines from the drop-down lists for Marital status, Sexual orientation, Smoking, Drinking, Children, Education, Ethnicity, Origin, Body type, Height, Income and Religion.

Interests & Personality: List all your interests, separated by commas, to allow other users to find the matching details. Ttell about your interests and favorite sports, music, movies, TV programs, heroes and books. Many of your fellow Fotki members might have the same interests as you. Telling people of your hobbies will help you find friends on Fotki.

14.2 Account Information for Premium Account

This section includes:

  1. Your account type: Premium.
  2. Your Premium membership expiration date: When your Premium membership is about to expire, you will get a notification letter, which reminds you to renew your Premium account. But you can do it any time you wish.
  3. Storage space limit: with Premium membership you have unlimited storage space.
  4. Photo space used.
  5. Your Username (login).
  6. Your main email address: This address will be used by Fotki to contact you.

Through Account Information section you can:

  1. Renew your account: Account renewal is effected upon payment, which is done by paying the annual membership fee. You can renew your account for more then one year. In this case the annual membership will cost you less. If no payment is made in due time, your Premium account will be blocked.
  2. Change your main email address and add new ones
  3. Change password
  4. Close account

14.2.1 How to Renew Your Premium Account?

  1. Make sure you are logged in, go to your "My Account/Our Account" page, find Account Information section and click "Make a Payment" or "Renew Account".
  2. Choose Premium membership plan that suits you best by clicking "Pay" button, select number of years and click "Proceed"
  3. Choose your payment option and fill out the form completely if you payment method is "credit card"(Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory):
    • Enter your credit card information: type your credit card number (no spaces, please) and its expiration date (please use the "mmyy" format) into the corresponding fields.
    • Enter your billing address exactly the way it is presented on your credit card.
    • Type your first name, last name, the name of the company you work for (optional), street address, the city of your residence and your zip code into the fields provided.
    • Choose your country from the drop-down list of the "Country:" field and your state/province from the drop-down list of the "State/Province" field (for the USA/Canada).
    • Type your phone and fax numbers (the latter is optional) into the fields provided.
    • Choose the right term from the drop-down list of the "Amount:" field.
  4. Click "Pay Now" button to complete the procedure.
  5. If you don't want your membership to be automatically renewed every time when it is about to expire, change the "Recurrent Billing" setting to "No" in your "My Account" under "Account Information" section .

14.2.2 How to Change/Add Email?

Make sure you are logged in, go to "My Account/Our Account" page, find "Account Information" section and click "Change email".

On "Add/Change Email" page, you can:

  • Change your main email address (this address will be used by Fotki to contact you): Click "Edit" next to the current main email address.
  • Add new address(es): Click "Add", enter new address and save it.

Important! None of these addresses will be published by us on the Web. To show your email address on your "About Me/About Us" page, please specify this address in the "Contact Info" section of your Profile.

14.2.3 How to Change Password?

  1. Make sure you are logged in and go to "My Account/Our Account" page.
  2. Find "Account Information" section and click "Change Password".
  3. In the "Change Password" form, type your old password, enter a new password and confirm the new password in the fields provided. Save changes.

14.2.4 Closing Account

Before closing your account, make sure it is absolutely necessary. Please, exercise extreme caution. Keep backup copies of your most important image files on your computer.

Important! When closing your Fotki account, all its content (photos, photo comments, photo albums, guest book messages, emails, etc.) will be PERMANENTLY deleted and will not be recoverable.

To close your Fotki account:

  1. Make sure you are logged in and go to your "My Account/Our Account" page.
  2. Find "Account Information" section and click "Close account".
  3. Please, specify the reason for closing your account in the text area provided.
  4. Type your Fotki password in the field provided and click "Please Close My Account".

14.3 Account Information for Free Account

This section includes:

  1. Account type: Free.
  2. Standard photo space limit: 70 MB.
  3. Current photo space limit: It shows your storage space available. Each 30 days you can request the additional storage space (50 MB). To do that click on the request link when it is active.
  4. Free photo space left.
  5. Your Username (login).
  6. Your main email address: This address will be used by Fotki to contact you.

Through Account Information section you can:

  1. Upgrade your account: Free Account comes with basic Fotki features and limited storage. You can upgrade your free account to Premium at any time. Account upgrading is made upon payment, which is done by paying an annual membership fee. You can upgrade your account for more than one year. In this case the annual membership will cost you less. You get:
    • Unlimited photo storage
    • No ads for you and for anybody visiting your pages
    • Exclusive My Fotki page--a summary of your visitors and their activities--available only to you
    • Detailed My Guests page with editing capability not available to free users
    • Unlimited capabilities to customize the look and feel of your albums
    • Ability to password protect your albums
    • Ability to sell photo prints by your own prices using the Selling feature
  2. Change your main email
  3. Change password
  4. Close account

14.3.1 How to Upgrade Your Free Account?

  1. Make sure you are logged in, go to your "My Account/Our Account" page, find Account Information section and click "Make a Payment".
  2. Fill out the form completely (Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory):
    • Enter your credit card information: type your credit card number (no spaces, please) and its expiration date (please use the "mmyy" format) into the respective fields.
    • Enter your billing address exactly the way it presented on your credit card.
    • Type your first name, last name, the name of the company you work for (optional), street address, the city of your residence and your zip code into the fields provided.
    • Choose your country from the drop-down list of the "Country:" field and your state/province from the drop-down list of the "State/Province" field (for the USA/Canada).
    • Type your phone and fax numbers (the latter is optional) into the fields provided.
  3. If you want your membership to be automatically renewed every time when it is about to expire, check the "Recurrent Billing:" box on the bottom of the form.
  4. Click "Pay" button to complete the procedure.

14.3.2 How to Change/Add Email?

Make sure you are logged in, go to "My Account/Our Account" page, find "Account Information" section and click "Change email".

On "Add/Change Email" page, you can:

  • Change your main email address (this address will be used by Fotki to contact you): Click "Edit" next to the current main email address.
  • Add new address(es): Click "Add", enter new address and save it.

Important! None of these addresses will be published by us on the Web. To show your email address on your "About Me/About Us" page, please specify this address in the "Contact Info" section of your Profile.

14.3.3 How to Change Password?

  1. Make sure you are logged in and go to "My Account/Our Account" page.
  2. Find "Account Information" section and click "Change Password".
  3. In the "Change Password" form, type your old password, enter a new password and confirm the new password in the fields provided. Save changes.

14.3.4 Closing Account

Before closing your account, make sure it is absolutely necessary. Please, exercise extreme caution. Keep backup copies of your most important image files on your computer.

Important! When closing your Fotki account, all its content (photos, photo comments, photo albums, guest book messages, emails, etc.) will be PERMANENTLY deleted and will not be recoverable.

To close your Fotki account:

  1. Make sure you are logged in and go to your "My Account/Our Account" page.
  2. Find "Account Information" section and click "Close account".
  3. Please, specify the reason for closing your account in the text area provided.
  4. Type your Fotki password in the field provided and click "Please Close My Account".

14.4 Settings

Through this section you can select settings for all Fotki tools and features:

14.4.1 Privacy Options

In the "Privacy Options" section, you can set security level for your "Public Home". (Important: Your "Private Home" cannot be affected.)

Fotki search engine: If you enable Fotki search engine, Fotki users will be able to search for you by your Display Name, and for your photos, albums, folders, photo comments and guest book by keywords.

Other search engines: This option allows/prevents from indexing your public albums by search engines (Google, AltaVista, etc.). Because of the way search engines work, changing this option does not affect their search results immediately and depends on a particular search engine.

Include me in Fotki ratings: If you allow it, you will be seen in the lists of Fotki members generated by various categories (country, date registered, camera model, etc.) and in the list of 100 most active and most visited members.

Show me in the Random Photos: Random photos from your public albums (new and updated ones) can be shown on the Fotki Community Page.

Visitors' IP logging: If set to "Yes", saves IP addresses of your visitors when they add comments or post entries anywhere on your account. IP-logging notification will be displayed to a visitor when he adds comments or posts entries.

Show me in Guest Lists: This option simultaneously makes you visible/invisible in others' guest lists and enables/disables your own My Guests/Our Guests page.

To change (disable/enable) the above settings:

  1. Make sure you are logged in and go to "My Account/Our Account" page.
  2. In the "Settings" section, find "Privacy Options" and click "Change" opposite to it.
  3. Choose between "Yes" (enable) or "No" (disable) for each option and save changes when finished.

Enable "Contact Me" page: You can select, who is allowed to send you messages through your Contact Me/contact Us page: anybody, only Fotki members, only those from your Friendlist, or completely disable this page.

14.4.2 General

In the "General" subsection of the "Settings" section, time and date, as well as daily traffic limit options are listed.

To change your general settings:

  1. Make sure you are logged in and go to the "My Account" page.
  2. In the "Settings" section, click "[ Change ]" opposite "General" subheading.
  3. In the "General" editing form, set your options and save changes when finished.
  4. From the confirmation screen, you can go either to your "My Account" page or to any other Fotki page.

General settings are as follows:

  • Time Zone: choose your time zone from the dropdown list.
  • Time Format: choose between 12- and 24-hour formats.
  • Date Format Short and Date Format Long: choose most suitable variants from the dropdown lists.
  • Daily Traffic Limit, MBytes: set the limit in the field provided. Important! For Premium users only.

top Daily Bandwidth Limit

Due to our distributed architecture, network abuses (excessive use) are difficult to track down or eliminate. To prevent service outages, a daily bandwidth is limited to 110 Mbytes for Free Members and to 2000 Mbytes for Premium Members.

After daily traffic limit is achieved by any account, it will be blocked until 12 p.m. of the current day. During this period, it will be available only to its owner.

In fact, extremely small number of accounts (literally a few) can be affected by the bandwidth narrowing.

14.4.3 Appearance

You can customize the look and feel of your personal Fotki pages in the "Appearance" section. You can:

  • Select one of the custom color schemes (each scheme is developed in a certain color gamut: Plum, Grey, Green, Orange) and apply it as it is or modify it through the "Custom Color Scheme" form
  • Modify the default color scheme through the "Custom Color Scheme"
  • Select a ready-to-use skin you like
  • Create your own color scheme using any of the customizable color schemes as a template.

Important! This feature is only available to Premium Fotki Members. For free Fotki accounts only the first five schemes are available and their customization is disabled.

top How to Select a Color Scheme/Skin?

  1. Make sure you are logged in and go to your My Account/Our Account page.
  2. Find "Settings", then find "Appearance" and click "Change" next to it.
    • When you change the appearance setting for the first time, you will get directly to your "Appearance" page with previews of all color schemes and skins available. Choose a scheme/skin you like and click on the "Select" button beneath it.
    • If some custom color scheme/skin was applied earlier, you will see its preview. Click on the "Pick Another Scheme" button to view all color schemes and skins available. Choose a scheme/skin you like and click on it.
  3. Your currently selected color scheme/skin will appear in a separate window. Click on the "Done" button beneath it.
  4. Go to any of your personal Fotki pages to enjoy new look and feel of your Fotki.

top How to Modify a Color Scheme?

  1. Make sure you are logged in and go to your "My Account/Our Account" page.
  2. Find "Settings", in the Settings find "Appearance" and click "Change" next to it.
    • When you change appearance for the first time, you will get directly to your "Appearance" page with previews of all color schemes and skins available. Choose a scheme you like (not a skin as the skins are ready-to-use and you cannot modify them) and click on the "Select" button beneath it.
    • If some custom color scheme/skin was applied earlier, you will see its preview. Click on the "Pick Another Scheme" button to view all color schemes available. Choose a scheme you like (not a skin as the skins are ready-to-use and you cannot modify them) and click on it.
  3. Click on the "Modify" button.
  4. Your "Appearance" page opens a "Please define custom colors:" form containing a list of items. Each item listed has two boxes next to it: one is for the color's number (the so-called hexadecimal color number) and the other is for displaying the color itself. Important! The colors displayed belong to the currently selected color scheme.
  5. In the form's top right corner you will find a link to a Legend.
  6. Click in the color box opposite the item, whose color your want to change. A "Color Picker" window will open. (In the drop-down list of its "Palette" field, you can choose any of the four color-palettes available.)
  7. In the color palette open, click on the color you have chosen and it will replace the current color in the color box of the corresponding item. Repeat it for all the items, whose colors you want to change.
  8. After you have completed composing your custom color scheme, save changes. From the confirmation screen, you can go to your Fotki pages to view their new look and feel.

top How to Edit a Custom Color Scheme?

  1. Make sure you are logged in and go to your "My Account/Our account" page.
  2. Find "Settings", then find "Appearance" and click "Change" next to it.
    • If your current color scheme is a custom color scheme, the "Appearance" page will display a "Please define custom colors:" editing formrepresenting the colors of this color scheme.
    • If your current color scheme is a ready-to-use color scheme set and you have a previously saved custom color scheme, the "Appearance" page will display the preview of the current color scheme. Click on the "Edit Custom Scheme" button beneath it to open a "Please define custom colors:" editing form with the colors of the last-saved custom color scheme.
  3. Each item listed in the editing form has two boxes next to it: one is for the color's number (the so-called hexadecimal color number) and the other is for displaying the color itself. In the form's top right corner you will find a link to a Legend.
  4. Click in the color box opposite the item, whose color your want to change. A "Color Picker" window will open. (In the drop-down list of its "Palette" field, you can choose any of the four color-palettes available.)
  5. In the color palette open, click on the color you have chosen and it will replace the current color in the color box of the corresponding item. Repeat it for all the items whose colors you want to change.
  6. After you have completed editing your custom color scheme, save changes. From the confirmation screen, you can go to your Fotki pages to view their new look and feel.

14.4.4 Web Email

In the "Web Email" subsection of the "Settings" section of the "My Account" page, settings applied to your email account on Fotki are listed.

  • Email Signature: you can sign your email messages, like we usually sign common letters. Type a signature to be added to the messages you send out into the text area provided.
  • Add Signature to All Messages: if you want your signature to be added to all of your email messages, choose "Yes" from the dropdown list.
  • Number of Messages per Page: define, how many messages you want to be displayed on each page in your Fotki email folders, by choosing a number from the dropdown list.
  • Spam Filter Sensitivity: spam filter is a sort of bottleneck. The larger a figure chosen for spam filter sensitivity the greater possibilities for spam to get into your Inbox, and vice versa. Fotki email default sensitivity is 7, but if you want your filter to be stricter, choose a lesser number from the dropdown list.
  • Move Spam to 'Spam' Folder: if you don't want any spam in your Inbox, choose "Yes". Nevertheless, keep in mind that computer does not read messages, and checking the Spam folder is not out of place.

To change your email settings:

  1. Make sure you are logged in, go to the "My Account" page and click "[ Change ]" opposite the "Web Email" subheading.
  2. Type your signature into the field provided, choose other options from the dropdown lists and save changes when finished.
  3. from the confirmation screen you can go either to the "My Account" page or to any other fotki page.

14.4.5 Guest Book

You can either set various security levels for your public guest book or disable its usage. Choose who can use it:

  • everybody
  • only Fotki members
  • only your Friends
  • nobody

To change your guest book settings:

  1. Make sure you are logged in and go to the "My Account" page.
  2. In the "Settings" section, click "[ Change ]" opposite "Guest Book" subheading.
  3. In the "Guest Book" form, click inside the "Enable Public Guest Book:" field to choose an option from the dropdown list and save changes.
  4. From the confirmation screen you can go either to your "My Account" or to any other page.

14.4.6 Co-Branding

With co-branding, you have the ability:

  • to create, customize and maintain your own web site with Fotki so that it will be your homepage with no elements of Fotki's design
  • to apply your own design to your Fotki account with the purpose to tightly and seamlessly integrate any of your Fotki pages into another site of your own with its own logo, design and color scheme. This provides a facade for you and your visitors to transparently move between your albums and the rest of your site.

This is particularly useful when you have your own personal or business website. Your albums will be hosted on our web servers but the pages will appear to be an integral part of your website. However, even if you have no any other site, you can change your Fotki pages look and feel just for fun.

Important! Our co-branding feature is only available to Premium Fotki Members.

To encourage even those Fotki members not knowing HTML to have more fun when using Fotki, our co-branding feature suggests ready-to-use skins.

Fotki members, who are skinning their co-branded pages, are welcome to send us their own versions to be both displayed and put into the common style list. Each skin added to the list will bear its developer's name.

If you have any questions or face some difficulties at any stage of co-branding, feel free to contact us for help. Also, get in touch with us if you would like to discuss your specific co-branding problems.

top Your Sub-Domain Name

To have an opportunity of using co-branding, each Premium Fotki member is provided with a sub-domain name - a direct address that people will type into the address bar to find his/her site. It is a simple URL like You can either use this one or register your own domain name and associate it with your account like or

Fotki co-branding is convenient:

  • You don't need to be an expert in setting up your homepage.
  • You don't need additional website hosting service. Your service provider,, gives it to you, as well as provides the server bandwidth.
  • will maintain you if you run into problems. Our Customer Service Center provides technical support not only by email, but by phone as well.

There are no minimum user requirements for co-branding on Fotki. You can create a page of your own with no previous computer experience. Go to and you will find yourself on your homepage with Fotki right now!

Send the above URL to your friends by email and post it on your "Welcome" page, in your Guest Book and Journal, etc. and your friends and family will be able to visit it at any time.

top Applying Ready-to-Use Skins

There exist a set of ready-to-use skins on Fotki. If you have not pre-set any of them for your co-branded pages, a basic (default) skin will be automatically applied to these pages. You can either keep the basic design or customize their graphical appearance by selecting a ready-to-use skin.

To do it:

  1. Make sure you are logged in and go to your "My Account" page.
  2. In the "Settings" section, click [ change ] opposite the "Co-Branding" subtitle to open this subsection.
  3. On the "Co-Branding" page, you will find the entire set of previews of ready-to-use skins available. Pick a skin you like and click on the "Select" button beneath it.
  4. You will find yourself on the screen with the preview of the currently selected skin. To apply it, click on the "Done" button.
  5. Go to to view a new look and feel of your pages. On your own website, use this URL as a link to your photos.

top Customizing Co-Branded Pages

With co-branding you can apply your own design to both your homepage with Fotki and your web pages displaying your photos placed on Fotki. Add your own text, buttons, links, or other customized content to every page. Create your own unique headers, footers, navigation menus - you say what!

To make such changes, some special knowledge is preferred. If you choose to do the coding yourself, you will have to acquaint yourself with HTML, a special computer language for designing web pages that web browsers read. It is quite easy to learn; the basic code is remarkably easy and basic HTML skills can be acquired in a few short hours if not minutes.

To begin with, visit W3Schools. On this site, HTML tutorial and Web Building tutorial will teach you all the fundamental techniques you'll need to build yourself a personal website.

A tutorial on CSS (CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets) will instruct you how to add style sheet declarations to fine-tune the presentation of your pages and to use CSS to control the style and layout of multiple Web pages all at once. Experienced users can find out more about CSS at Cascading Style Sheets, level 2 Specification.

Next, a HTML editor of the WYSIWYG-type (WYSIWYG is short for "What You See Is What You Get") will be extremely handy for a tyro. Such is the "Composer", a free HTML editor included into the "Mozilla Suite". It has improved CSS support and enables you to see on the display screen exactly what will appear when your web page will be viewed over Internet.

To apply advanced changes:

  1. Make sure you are logged in and go to your "My Account" page.
  2. In the "Settings" section, click [ change ] opposite the "Co-Branding" subtitle to open this subsection.
  3. On the "Co-Branding" page, pick some skin and click on the "Modify" button beneath it or click on the "Edit Custom Skin" button in the bottom of the page.
  4. You will find yourself on the screen with the "Custom HTML:" text area containing code of the skin selected. Use ##content## tag to define the place for your Fotki content. Make the necessary changes and click on the "Save Custom Skin" button.
  5. Go to to view a new look and feel of your pages. On your own website, use this URL as a link to your photos.

top Handling ##content## Tag

For you to better understand what is "##content## tag" here and which way it can be combined with your own HTML code, we should elucidate that our co-branding engine generates a HTML code containing your data depending on the address opened by a visitor, in other words, depending on the page he or she wants to go to.

There exists a certain address (more precisely, a prefix to an address), for each our service: photo-service, comments, guest book, journals, etc.

Such are:

  • ( for the "Photo Albums" page
  • or ( or for the "Comments" page
  • or ( or for the "Guest Book" page
  • and so on...

In each separate case, a ##content## tag will correspond to a certain HTML page produced by our co-branding engine.

What are you to do about this tag? Say, you want to put a banner headline at your page's top, to add a navigation menu to the left or to the right, to append the bottom headline, etc., etc. To start with, you should place the co-branded part of your HTML page (read: a ##content## tag) into a table cell inside the HTML file.

top Some Fine Examples of Co-Branding

To better understand what co-branding does and how it works, take a look at some Fotki members' personal pages, in which they skillfully utilize this feature:

14.4.7 Folders

Normally, albums/subfolders are added to the parent folders in the order you create them. In the "Folders" subsection you can change the way of sorting albums and subfolders in folders, and the way of displaying the Folder Tree.

The Folder Tree, a graphic representation of your account structure, is seen to the left of the viewing window. If not, click on the splitter - a narrow vertical bar to enable the Folder Tree. Basically, it shows folders and subfolders but does not show albums.

To change "Folders" subsection settings:

  1. Make sure you are logged in and go to your "My Account" page.
  2. In the "Settings" section, click "[ Change ]" opposite the "Folders" subheading.
  3. In the "Folders" form, choose the way of sorting albums and subfolders in folders from the dropdown lists, define the arrangement order and specify the way of Folder Tree representation. Save changes.
  4. From the confirmation screen you can go either to your "My Account" or to any other Fotki page.

To set a different way of sorting or displaying the Folder Tree for a particular folder, do it through the "Folder Properties" edit form.

top Albums in Folders

Albums in folders can be sorted by the date of creation, date of last update, date they were taken and by name.

Sorting is done either in ascending or in descending order. For example, ascending-order arrangement by date moves older albums/subfolders to the top and newer ones to the bottom of the list; ascending-order arrangement by name puts the album/subfolder whose name starts with "A" on the top and that with "Z" on the bottom.

top Subfolders in folders

Subfolders in folders can be sorted by create or update date and by name.

top Show Folder Tree

By default, Folder Tree is automatically enabled on your public page. Consider, whether you want the Folder Tree to be seen to everybody or just to yourself, or to be disabled and choose the option from the dropdown list.

top Show Albums in Foder Tree

You can choose whether only folders and subfolders or the entire structure including albums will be visible in the Folder Tree.

14.4.8 Albums

In the "Albums" subsection of the "Settings" section of the "My Account" page, default properties applied to all of your albums are set.

At the same time, different options can be separately set for a particular album. It can be done through the "Album Properties" edit form, which is reachable from the Member Panel. In this case, the preferences chosen override the default ones.

To change any of the default settings listed below:

  1. Make sure you are logged in and go to the "My Account" page.
  2. In its "Settings" section, click "[ Change ]" opposite the "Albums" subheading.
  3. Choose the desired options in the "Photo Albums" form and save changes when finished.
  4. On the confirmation screen, click on the "Back to My Account" link to continue.

The description of album settings is given below:

top Album Thumbnail

You can customize the thumbnails (or icons) of all your albums to your taste. A small picture representing an album in the folder view can be:

  • a standard image
  • a random photo
  • the first photo from an album

top Allow to Leave Photo Comments

Choose who is allowed to comment your photos:

  • anyone
  • Fotki members only
  • your Friends only
  • nobody but you

top Allow to View Photo Comments

Choose who is allowed to view the existing comments:

  • anyone
  • Fotki members only
  • your Friends only
  • nobody but you

top Allow to View Album Size

Choose who is allowed to view album size:

  • anyone
  • Fotki members only
  • your Friends only
  • nobody but you

top Hide Albums in Listing

All the albums of your "Public Home" folder, both those open for viewing and password-protected ones, are seen in the Folder Tree, at least if "Show Albums in Folder Tree" preference is not disabled. But even in this case, the icons of both kinds of albums are seen when the folders to which these albums belong are open.

For some reason you may want to make an album fully invisible, as if not existing. Say, you uploaded images but haven't put them in order yet, or you want some album to be known to strictly definite persons, to whom you will send its direct URL.

A hidden album will be only visible:

  • to you - in any view when you are logged in
  • to a visitor, who has opened this album by following the link to it, - but this person will be only able to see this album open and will not find it in the common Folder Tree

You have an option to make any album invisible in listing. By default, this preference is disabled, but you can hide an album from:

  • anybody
  • non-members
  • non-Friends

top Show Folder Tree in Album

In an album view, the Folder Tree (a graphic representation of the list of folders and albums) can be either invisible or visible - if you want to know the exact location of the album.

top Show Albums in Folder Tree

Either only folders and subfolders or the entire structure including albums can be visible in the Folder Tree.

top Photo View Style

You can give your photo albums a new look and feel by setting a style for thumbnail and photo layout from a few ready-to-use border styles. Depending on the style chosen, your photos and thumbnails will be displayed with different borders.

top Photo View Size

You can choose various dimensions for full-size displaying photos from the dropdown menu.

top Photos per Page

To arrange icons of the photos in an album to your taste, set the number of thumbnails per row and the number of columns for the photo-thumbnail album view.

top Allow Downloading of Originals

Choose, who is allowed to download your originals:

  • anybody
  • Fotki members only
  • your Friends only
  • nobody but you

Important! Downloading of originals is only available for Premium members. It does not apply for selling photos.

top Show Basic Album Stats

Album statistics includes the number of hits received by the album and the number of viewers having visited it. Information is displayed in the viewing window next to the album's thumbnail. You can choose who is allowed to see it:

  • anybody
  • Fotki members only
  • your Friends only
  • nobody but you

top Show When Album was Created and Modified

The date when an album was created and last modified is typically displayed in the viewing window next to the album's thumbnail. Choose between enabling/disabling this option.

top Allow Printing of Photos

This option enables printing at standard rate; it does not apply for selling photos. Select who is allowed to order prints of your photos:

  • anyone
  • Fotki members only
  • your Friends only
  • nobody but you

top Show Camera Model

Select who is allowed to see your camera model:

  • anyone
  • Fotki members only
  • your Friends only
  • nobody but you

top Slideshow Access

Select who is allowed to have access to the slideshows of your photos:

  • anyone
  • Fotki members only
  • your Friends only
  • nobody but you

Slideshow can be completely disabled as well.

top Show Selling Photos Price List in:

You can choose between scrolled and simple lists.

top Copyright

If all your albums will have the same copyright message, it would be reasonable to set a default copyright message, which will be automatically applied to all of the albums. It can be overridden for a particular album or photo at any time.

14.5 Saved Credit Card

To make ordering easy and quick, we implemented "Shopping Carts". They provide total control over what and how you buy and allow tracking orders and saving shipping addresses and credit card info for the future use. Information submitted is encrypted via SSL protocol to ensure total secrecy.

When ordering prints from Fotki for the first time, you provide your credit card information by filling out the "Credit Card" form. To save this information for future use, you have to check the box marked "Save this credit card for future use" on the bottom of the form and next time you only need to choose a credit card from those previously stored in the Fotki database.

You can view your credit card info in the "Saved Credit Card" section of your "My Account" page and delete any of your credit cards saved.

To do that:

  1. Make sure you are logged in and go to the "My Account" page.
  2. Scroll down to the "Saved Credit Card" section and click "Delete" opposite the credit card to be deleted.
  3. Confirm it by clicking "OK" in the warning window.

14.6 Saved Shipping Addresses

When ordering from Fotki, you provide your shipping address so that we know where we should send your order to. Saving the address in Fotki database for future use is safe and convenient, especially when you have a few ones.

To save/add an address:

  1. Make sure you are logged in and go to the "My Account" page.
  2. Scroll down to the "Saved Shipping Addresses" section and click "[ Add New Address ]".
  3. In the "Add Shipping Address" form:
    • Type your first and last name, street address (use two lines if necessary), city of your residence and zip/postal code into the fields provided.
    • To specify the country of your residence, click inside the respective field and choose your country name from the dropdown list. Users from the USA and Canada should additionally specify their state/province.
  4. Click "Save" button when finished.

To edit any of your previously saved shipping addresses:

  1. Click "[ Edit ]" next to the address to be changed.
  2. In the "Edit Shipping Address" form, make the necessary changes in the appropriate fields and save changes.

Important! If you have placed an order JUST BEFORE changing your shipping address, that order will be sent to the old address. Any orders placed AFTER changing the address will go to the new one.

To delete any of your shipping addresses, click "Delete" next to the address to be removed and then "OK" in the confirmation window.

15. Communicating with Fotki Members

On Fotki, the three most important tools facilitating communication between Fotki members are:

  • Photo comments
  • Guest books
  • Email

Detail email description you will find in the "Using Fotki Email" Help section.

15.1 Video Tutorial: Communication

Fotki thanks Fotki users VnP and Pike for creating the Video Tutorial for the Fotki community.

15.2 Photo Comments

You can make your opinion known to the Fotki community by commenting the photos you like. Your comment together with other people's comments will be seen underneath the photo by every visitor.

Important! If the owner either disabled or restricted the "Allow Photo Comments" option for a certain album or entire "Public Home", commenting his/her photos is either totally impossible or available to a certain group only.

15.2.1 Viewing Comments

As photo comments are automatically displayed along with the photo, to which they belong, to view them, just view the photo and you will find all its comments underneath.

To view the list of all the comments ever received by your photos, go to your Fotki pages and then to the "Comments" page.

15.2.2 Writing Comments

When viewing other members' albums on their personal pages, the "Leave your Comment:" text area is displayed underneath the photo.

When seeing random photos on the Fotki Community page, clicking on the thumbnail of a photo you wish to comment will bring you to the full-size photo view with "Leave your Comment:" text area underneath it.

  1. If the photo you want to comment has some comments received, all of them are displayed under the photo. Scroll the way down to find the text area.
  2. Type your comment into the text area. You name will be posted with it automatically.
  3. Click "Send your comment" when finished.

15.2.3 Editing Comments

You can edit only your own comments.

  • If the photo whose comment you want to change belongs to some other Fotki member, view the photo, find your comment and click "edit" under it.
  • If the comment you want to edit refers to one of your photos, go to your Fotki pages, click "Photo Comments" in the Member Panel, find the comment to be edited and click "edit" next to it.

Make changes in the "Edit Your Comment:" text area and save them.

15.2.4 Deleting Comments

You can delete only your own comments.

  • If the photo whose comment you want to delete belongs to some other Fotki member, view the photo, find your comment beneath and click "delete" under it.
  • If the comment you want to delete refers to one of your photos, go to your Fotki pages, click "Photo Comments" in the Member Panel, find the comment to be deleted in the "All Comments" list and click "delete" next to it. You will get to the full-size photo view with the list of comments under the photo. Click "delete" under the comment to be removed.

Click "OK" in the confirmation window if you do want to proceed.

15.2.5 Choosing Who Can Comment Your Photos

Consider, who is allowed to comment your photos:

  • anyone
  • Fotki members only
  • your Friends only
  • just you

You can set this preference separately for particular albums or for the whole of your photo collection.

In case you are about to lower the security level for this preference, you will get to the warning page asking you to confirm the change. If the security level will not be lowered, you will get directly to the change-confirmation screen.

Click "Back to My Account" button to continue.

top For a Particular Album

To set this option for an individual album:

  1. Make sure you are logged in and go to the "Photo Albums" page.
  2. In the Folder Tree left to the viewing window, find the folder containing the album you are looking for and open this folder.
  3. In the viewing window, click "edit" under the icon of the album, whose settings you want to change.
  4. In the "Album Properties" editing form, click the "Advanced Options..." button to reach the "Advanced Properties" editing form.
  5. In the "Allow Photo Comments:" field choose an option from the dropdown list and save changes.

top For the Entire Account

To set this option for the whole account:

  1. Make sure you are logged in and go to the "My Account" page.
  2. In the "Settings" section, click "Change" opposite the "Albums" subheading.
  3. Choose, who is allowed to comment your photos, from the dropdown list of the "Allow to Leave Photo Comments:" field and save changes.

15.2.6 Choosing Who Can View Comments to Your Photos

Consider, who is allowed to view comments to your photos:

  • anyone
  • Fotki members only
  • your Friends only
  • just you

You can set this preference separately for particular albums or for the whole of your photo collection.

top For a Particular Album

To set this option for an individual album:

  1. Make sure you are logged in and go to the "Photo Albums" page.
  2. In the Folder Tree left to the viewing window, find the folder containing the album you are looking for and click on this folder.
  3. In the viewing window, click "edit" under the album, whose settings you want to change.
  4. In the "Album Properties" editing form, click the "Advanced Options..." button to reach the "Advanced Properties" section.
  5. In the "Allow to view Photo Comments:" field choose an option from the dropdown list and save changes.

top For the Entire Account

To set this option for the entire account:

  1. Make sure you are logged in and go to the "My Account" page.
  2. In the "Settings" section, click "Change" opposite the "Albums" subheading.
  3. Choose, who is allowed to view comments to your photos, from the dropdown list of the "Allow to View Photo Comments:" field and save changes.
  4. You will get to the change-confirmation screen. Click "Back to My Account" button to continue.

15.3 Guest Book

A guest book allows Fotki members to write messages to each another.

Guest books work like answering machines: messages are collected and kept in them. It is up to the guest book's owner to check the messages and/or delete them.

The owner can disallow certain groups of visitors to use his/her guest book.

You can edit or delete your own messages in any guest book.

15.3.1 Viewing Guest Book

To view the contents of your own guest book:

  1. Log into your Fotki account and look at the Member Panel on the left. If you have any new messages in your guest book, a reminder "new" will be seen next to the "Guest Book" link.
  2. In the guest book, new entries will be marked with a "new!" exclamation.

To view the contents of some other Fotki member's guest book:

  1. Go to the "Public Home" of the person, whose guest book you wish to view.
  2. In the Member Panel on the left, click "Guest Book".

15.3.2 Writing a Message

You can write messages in other members' guest books (if they allow visitors to do that) or in your own one.

top In Your Own Guest Book

To write a message in your own guest book:

  1. Log into your Fotki account and go to your "Guest Book" page.
  2. Click "Add new message" link on the top of the "Public Guest Book" page. If there are no messages in the guest book, click on the "be the first and leave a message" link.
  3. if you want your message to be seen only by you, check the "Private Message:" box.
  4. Type your message into the text area provided. Click "Add message" when finished.

top In Someone Else's Guest Book

To write a message in someone else's guest book:

  1. Go to the "Public Home" of your addressee and then to his/her guest book.
  2. Click "Add new message" under the "Public Guest Book" heading. If there are no messages in the guest book, click on the "be the first and leave a message" link.
  3. If you want your message to be seen only by the addressee, check the "Private Message:" box.
  4. Type your message into the text area provided. Click "Add message" when finished. Your Fotki display name linking to your account will be automatically added to your message.

15.3.3 Editing a Message

Important! You can edit only the messages written by you.

To do it:

  1. Go to the "Public Home" of the person, whose guest book contains a message you want to edit and open it.
  2. In the guest book, scroll down to the message to be changed and click "edit" under it.
  3. Make changes in the text area provided and click "Change message" when finished.

15.3.4 Deleting a Message


  • In your own guest book, you can remove any message.
  • In someone else's guest book, you can only remove those messages written by you.

To do it:

  1. Go to the "Public Home" of the person, whose guest book contains a message you want to remove, and open it.
  2. In the guest book, scroll down to the message to be removed and click "delete" under it.
  3. Make changes in the text area provided and click "Change message" when finished.
  4. In the confirmation window, confirm you do want to delete the message.

15.3.5 Limiting Access to Your Guest Book

You can protect your guest book by setting various security levels. Consider, who is allowed to access it:

  • everybody
  • Fotki members only
  • your Fotki Friends only
  • no one (the guest book is disabled)

To change your guest book preferences:

  1. Log into your Fotki account and go to the "My Account" page.
  2. In the "Settings" section, click "Change" opposite the "Guest Book" subheading.
  3. Click inside the "Enable Public Guest Book:" field to choose an option from the drop-down list.
    • In case you are about to lower the security level for this preference, at the warning screen you will be prompted to confirm the change.
    • If the security level will not be lowered, you will get directly to the change-confirmation screen.
  4. Click "Back to My Account" button to continue.

16. Fotki Friends

On Fotki, a "Friend" is a status assigned to a Fotki member by another one when marking him/her as a Friend.

If you have marked any Fotki members as Friends, they will be displayed in your "My Friends" list. It is dynamic and changes every time you find a new Friend or break up with an old one.

16.1 Adding Friends to "My Friends" List

Adding a Fotki member to "My Friends" list is possible by two ways:

  • If you are viewing somebody's Fotki pages and want to add this person to your "Friends" list, make sure you are logged in and click "Add to Friends" biside his/her display name.
  • If you need to first find a person you want to add to your "Friends" list:
    1. Make sure you are logged in and go to the "My Friends" page.
    2. Click "Add New Friends" next to the list of your current Fotki Friends.
    3. On the "Add New Friends" screen:
      • If you know a username of the person you would like to add to your Friends list, type it into the field provided and click the "Search" button.
      • If you don't know the person's username, enter some keyword that will help you find him/her into the field provided and click the "Search" button.
        A list of Fotki members matching the requirement set by the keyword you entered will be displayed. To choose the one you are looking for, you can visit public Fotki pages of every person on the list by clicking on his/her name or thumbnail. Also, it is possible to view the details on their "What's New" or "About Me" pages.
    4. Click "Add to my Friends" next to the thumbnail of the person chosen.
    5. You will get to the "Add New Friends" confirmation screen, from where it is possible to return to your "My Friends" list.

16.2 Viewing "My Friends" List

To view your "My Friends" list, make sure you are logged in and go to the "My Friends" page, where all your Fotki Friends are listed.

To go to any of your Friends' public pages, click on his/her thumbnail or name. You can instantly get information on your Friend's updates or view his/her "About me" page by clicking "What's New" or "About Me" to the right of the Friend's thumbnail.

16.3 Viewing "I Am I Friend of" List

If some Fotki members have added you to their "My Friends" lists, it is reflected in your "I Am a Friend of" list, where all of them are presented. Similar to the "My Friends" list, it is dynamic; it changes every time someone starts or stops considering you a Friend.

To see a list of Fotki members having marked you as their Friend:

  1. Make sure you are logged in and go to your "My Friends" page and then to your "I Am a Friend of" page.
  2. A list of the members considering you their Friend will be displayed. You can visit public Fotki pages of every person on the list by clicking on his/her name or thumbnail. Also it is possible to view the details of anyone on the list by clicking the "About Me" or "What's New" links next to the person's thumbnaion.

16.4 Sharing Folders with Friends

You can make any of your public or private folders available to your Fotki Friend by explicitly specifying, which folders you want to share with him/her.

To share/unshare your folders with a Friend:

  1. Make sure you are logged in and go to your "My Friends" page.
  2. Click "Shared" next to the thumbnail of the Friend, with whom you want to share a folder.
  3. On the "Your Sharing with (Friend's Name)" screen, check the checkboxes next to the folders you want to share. To discontinue sharing some folder with your Friend, uncheck the box next to that folder.
  4. Click "Change" when done.

16.5 Removing Names from "My Friends" List

If you stop considering someone your Fotki Friend, it is possible to erase his/her name from your "My Friends" list. To do it:

  1. Make sure you are logged in and go to your "My Friends" page.
  2. In the list of your current Friends, find the name of the person to be excluded and click "Delete" next to its thumbnail.
  3. You will get to the "Confirm Delete" warning screen. Click "Yes, please..." if you do want to proceed. All the sharing between you and the person, whose name has been removed from the list, will be disabled upon deletion.

17. Photo Contests

Contests are held on a regular basis. Winners are selected by voting. Participation and voting are open to all Fotki members. Also, any Fotki member can suggest a theme for a contest or to sponsor a contest.

To start viewing contests, click the Contests icon in the top navigation bar. The list of contests is arranged by their status as follows:

  1. Voting
  2. Accepting new entries
  3. Coming soon
  4. Ended

For each status, the nearest contest is on top.

For more information, please read the Official Contest Rules.

17.1 Official Contest Rules

  1. Fotki Photo Contests are open to all Fotki Members (Fotki employees are not eligible). There are no age limit restrictions except where prohibited by law.
  2. To submit a photo and to vote on contest entries you have to be logged-in to Fotki.
  3. Photos can be submitted only between start and end dates only.
  4. You may submit only one entry per contest.
  5. Unless specific conditions are given, both color and black and white photos are accepted. Photos must be in JPEG format; photo's largest side must have least 700-pixel length.
  6. Entries must be submitted by the original photographer. You must be the sole owner of the copyright of the photo you submit. The use of public domain images is prohibited.
  7. When submitting a photo of a recognizable person, you must have a signed model release form. A copy of this form should be send to Fotki by mail or by fax upon request.
  8. Photos must be appropriate for public display. Obscene, provocative, disturbing or otherwise inappropriate photos will be removed from the contest without warning. Fotki has sole discretion as to what constitutes inappropriate content.
  9. Winners will be posted shortly after the voting ends.
  10. Contest themes can be picked by the Fotki staff or suggested by Fotki members except in sponsor contests for which the theme is given by the sponsor.

Additional Terms and Conditions
  • By submitting a photo to a Fotki contest, you give Fotki the right to display the photo anywhere within the Fotki domain and to resize, convert and recompress the photo for viewing convenience and/or faster loading.
  • Fotki reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to cancel or suspend all or any portion of a contest without notice if factors beyond control, including technical difficulties, disrupt or corrupt the fair or secure administration or operation of the contest. Void where prohibited.
  • Fotki is entitled to interpret the Rules as needed and its decisions are final.
  • The Rules are subject to change without notice. You are advised to familiarize yourself with the Rules every time you participate in a Fotki contest.

A photo may be removed from the contest by the Contest Control Team, if:
  • It is obscene, provocative, disturbing or otherwise inappropriate for public display.
  • It is clearly off-topic.
  • It is submitted up side down or sideways, unless such was the intention of the photographer.
  • A complaint is received about unauthorized use of the identity of the model(s) featured in the photo.
  • The ownership of the participant is questioned in any manner.
  • The participant uses defamatory, offensive or disrespectful language when referring to another participant's entry.
Fotki retains the discretion to use fair judgment in making the decision concerning disqualification of a particular photo.

Limitation of liability
  1. Fotki will not be responsible for any claims or complaints from models used in winning photographs should these photographs be published or exhibited. Participants guarantee that they have the right to submit their entries and have obtained any necessary permissions. When a third party files a claim or complaint, all ensuing responsibilities, including any costs incurred, rest solely upon the participant.
  2. Fotki is not responsible for computer system, hardware, software or program malfunctions or other errors, failures or delayed computer transactions or network connections that are human or technical in nature. Furthermore, Fotki is not responsible for: (i) lost, misdirected, misplaced, mishandled, corrupted or incomplete entries or (ii) any act, failure to act or delay regarding the transmitting or processing of entries.
  3. By participating in the contest, you agree to release and hold harmless Fotki and its employees, officers, affiliates, agents and advertising and promotional agencies from any and all damages, injuries, claims, causes of actions or losses of any kind resulting from your participation in this contest, including infringement of intellectual property rights. Fotki and its employees, affiliates, agents and business partners assume no responsibility or liability for any damages, injuries, claims, causes of actions or losses of any kind arising in whole or in part from contests at Fotki.

17.2 Submitting a Photo

To enter a photo contest:

  1. Make sure you are logged in and open the Contests page.
  2. Click "Submit your photo" link under the contest description.
  3. Select the photo to submit on your computer (click "Browse" ) or on the Web (check the" URL" radio button and insert the photo's URL address into the field open).
    Important! Your photo should be not less then 700 pix by the largest side, its file should be in the JPEG format.
  4. Type a title and a brief description for your entry into the fields provided.
  5. Check the square checkbox to certify that the photo you are about to submit is your original work, and you are the sole copyright owner and have obtained any necessary permissions.
  6. Click the "Submit" button.

Important! Only one photo per contest per member is accepted.

17.3 Modifying an Entry

To modify an entry, go the Contests page and open "My Entries" section.

You may just edit photo's title and/or description or replace the entry itself.

  1. To replace the entry, either browse to select another photo or enter the URL of another photo.
  2. If you don't want to replace your entry, just leave the respective field blank.

17.4 Withdrawing a Submission

To withdraw a submitted photo:

  1. Make sure you are logged in, go to the Contests page and open "My Entries" section.
  2. Find the entry you want to remove and click "Delete" next to it.
  3. In the confirmation window, click "OK" to assert the withdrawing.

17.5 Voting

Voting starts immediately after submission has ended.

After voting has ended, all the rates for each photo are summarized and one with the best score wins.

Important! You can vote on each photo only once.

17.6 Suggesting or Sponsoring a Contest

If you have a suggestion on what the theme of the next Fotki Contest could be, send it to Fotki. The most interesting ideas will be incorporated.

If you want to offer a reward to the next contest's winner(s), contact Fotki and request sponsorship.

To suggest a contest:

  1. Make sure you are logged in and go to the "Customer Service Center" page to submit a new inquiry.
  2. Fill out a "New Inquiry" form:
    • In the "Inquiry Type:" field, choose "Photo Contests".
    • Type "suggestion" into the "Title:" field.
    • In the "Description:" text area, specify a title and description for the contest you are suggesting, as well as the way you want it to appear in our contest list.
      To process your suggestion without delays, we ask you to always write a description to the contests you suggest, even if it is only one sentence.
  3. Submit your inquiry.

18. Virtual Gifts

A nice picture with your own text that you may send to your friend or a total stranger on Fotki. Virtual gift will appear on Fotki user's avatar.

18.1 How to send a virtual gift?

  1. Visit the Fotki account you'd like to send a gift to.
  2. Click on "Send a virtual gift" link at the top of a page, then pick a gift and write a message which will appear next to your gift.
    You may send a gift anonymously or sign it with your Fotki username.
    There is also an option to show your gift only to the recipient (by default all gifts are visible on person's About Me page).
  3. Once your message is submitted, proceed to payment page.
  4. Submit your billing information and confirm the payment.
  5. Your gift will be delivered instantly once your payment is processed and accepted (usually within 5-15 minutes).

19. Learn More about Fotki

The key information about Fotki is summarized on the special "About Fotki" page. Here a short summary of Fotki's background, as well as of tools, features and services Fotki offers is presented.

From this page, you can get to the "Fotki Blog", "Member Testimonials", "File a Complaint", and "Contact Us" pages.

  • Fotki Blog replaced the former "What's New?" page. This journal not only promptly tells you about the recent updates and latest news on our site, but also it gives us a valuable feedback from you. You can open the Fotki Blog from both the "About Fotki" and "Community" pages.
  • To learn about othe persons' experience with Fotki, view the testimonials written by Fotki members. To do it, go to the "About Fotki" page and then to the "Member Testimonials" page or just click on the "Read All Member Testimonials" link on the "Community" page.
  • Links to the "Contact Us" page, which contains our mailing address, phone and fax numbers and email address, are on the top of the "About Fotki" page and on the bottom of each Fotki page.
  • To learn more about taking advantages of all Fotki's opportunities, read "Why Choose Fotki?" in the "Help" section.
  • Fotki's "Terms of Service" and "Privacy Policy" files provide general information about Fotki's rules and policies. They are easy to reach through the links on the bottom of any of Fotki pages.

19.1 Members' Testimonials

Fotki receives hundreds of testimonials (short messages of appreciation) from its satisfied members every day. Some of them are published on our site.

To read the testimonials submitted to Fotki, go to the "About Fotki" page and then to the Member Testimonials screen.

You will find there all the testimonials published on the site. Click any page number either on the top or on the bottom of the screen to see the entries that didn't fit on the current page. Click on the name or on the thumbnail of a member to see his/her Public Home page.

If you like your photo sharing experience on Fotki, why not tell others about it? To write your own testimonial on Fotki:

  1. go to the "About Fotki" page and then to the "Member Testimonials" page.
  2. Click "[ Submit your testimonial ]" or go to the page bottom to find the "Submit a New Testimonial" form.
  3. Type your username into the "Fotki Login:" field and write your testimonial in the "Testimonial:" text area. Click the "Send" button when finished.

Please, keep in mind that by submitting this form you automatically authorize Fotki to use and edit your testimonial.

20. Getting Technical Support on Fotki

You can get support on Fotki:

  • via Fotki Customer Service
  • through "Contact Us" form
  • by filing a complaint
  • by sending an email message to the Fotki staff

No matter which way you choose, our staff will be happy and eager to assist you.

You can email to All messages are promptly answered by our skilled representatives. Do not hesitate to write to us regarding any issues you may have in mind.

Our mailing address and support email address can be found on the "Contact Us" page, whose link is on any page bottom.

20.1 Customer Service

In case you have any problem using Fotki you would like us to solve or a question you want to ask, submit an inquiry with our Customer Service. The Fotki team responds to customer inquiries in a very prompt fashion, so using this form is almost like talking to a live person.

You can go to the "Customer Service" from any of your Fotki pages:

  • Make sure you are logged in, go to the "Customer Service" page and click "[ Submit a New inquiry ]" on its top left.
  • Fill out a "New Inquiry" form in detail and submit it.
  • You will get to the confirmation screen, from which you can go back to the "Customer Service" page to view the Inquiry History, where ID, title, status, type and date of creation for all your inquiries are listed.
  • To view any of them, click on its ID number. Also, you can view the open inquiries with Fotki Customer Service through the "My Account" page.
  • After your inquiry receives a responce, you will be informed about it by an email. To see the responce, go to the "My Fotki" page and next to the "Customer Service" page. Click there on the inquiry number.
  • In case your problem is fixed, you can close the current inquiry, if no - you can add a new message to proceed. Closed inquiries can be reopened.

20.1.1 Creating an Inquiry

When filling out the "New Inquiry" form, please try to provide as much information as you can. Information about your computer configuration can be very important in solving your problem.

  1. Choose the type of your inquiry in the "Inquiry Type:" field. Choose "General" if you are not sure, to which category it belongs.
  2. Type a brief summary of your inquiry into the "Title:" field, i.e. "Can't log in", "Slide show won't start", "Contest suggestion", etc.
  3. Type a complete description of your problem, your question or suggestion into the "Description:" text area. Please be as specific and detailed as possible so we can help you better and quicker.
  4. Specify, if applicable, your operating system. If the system you use is not on the list, choose "Other".
  5. Specify what kind of connection you use to connect to the Internet, and what browser (Internet Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla, etc.) and antivirus software you use in the corresponding fields.
  6. Specify, if applicable, whether you are behind a firewall, and what firewall software you use in the corresponding fields.
  7. Specify the size of your computer's memory (RAM) in megabytes in the field provided.
  8. If you use Java, specify its version by clicking in the "Java Version:" field.
  9. Click "Submit Inquiry" on the bottom of the form when finished. since that moment your inquiry is submitted.
  10. from the confirmation screen you can go back to Customer Service to see your "Inquiry History".

20.1.2 Viewing Your "Inquiry History"

If you have submitted inquiries in the past, you can see them all on the "Inquiry History" page. Click the "Back to Inquiry History" link on top of the "New Inquiry" form to see your inquiry history.

Your inquiry history will show the ID number of each inquiry, its title, status, type and date it was created. To go back to the Customer Service "New Inquiry" form, click "[ Submit a New Inquiry ]" on the page top.

20.1.3 Adding a Message to an Inquiry

To add something to what had been said in an inquiry or to respond back to the Fotki team after receiving their response, you can add a message to your inquiry:

  1. Click "Back to Inquiry History" on top of the "New Inquiry" form.
  2. Click on the ID number of the inquiry, to which you want to add a message.
  3. You will see more detailed information on your inquiry. Click "[ Add Message ]" under the "Inquiry ID" heading.
  4. Type your message into the text area provided and click the "Add Message" button below.
  5. You will see the inquiry details page with your message added. To return to the "Inquiry History" page, click "Back to Inquiry History" on top of the page.

20.1.4 Closing an Inquiry

If the problem you inquired about has been solved or your question answered, or if you no longer have that problem, you can close the corresponding inquiry:

  1. Click "Back to Inquiry History" on top of your "New Inquiry" screen.
  2. Click on the ID number of the inquiry you want to close.
  3. Click "[ Close Inquiry ]" under the "Inquiry ID" heading.
  4. You will get to the "Inquiry History" page; the status of the inquiry you just closed will read: "Closed by Member". You can go back to the "New Inquiry" pageby clicking "[ Submit a New Inquiry ]" on the top of the page.

20.1.5 Reopening an Inquiry

To reopen a closed inquiry:

  1. Click "Back to Inquiry History" on the top of your "New Inquiry" page.
  2. Click on the ID number of the inquiry you want to reopen.
  3. Click "[ Reopen Inquiry ]" under the "Inquiry ID" heading.
  4. You will see the inquiry details page with the inquiry status changed. To return to the "Inquiry History" page, click "Back to Inquiry History" on the page top.

20.2 Fotki "Contact Us" Form

To ask a question about Fotki, its services, policies or prices, or to comment on how we are doing, you can use a simple "Contact Us" form.

To get to it, either go to the "About Fotki" page and click "Contact Us" link on its top or just use the same link on the bottom of any of Fotki pages.

Unlike the "Customer Service" form, this one is quite simple and short. Use it only if you have questions or comments. In case you have a problem you would like us to solve, please use the "Customer Service" form.

20.3 Filing a Complaint

All cases of copyright infringement, unauthorized use of photos, offensive or abusive content or any use of our resources in a manner violating our "Terms of Service" agreement and any law or may otherwise deem inappropriate can be reported directly to Fotki administration via the "File a Complaint" form. We will investigate each case reported and attempt to resolve the conflict using all methods available to us.

At that, please keep in mind that Fotki Inc. is an online service provider and cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage arising from the user's inability to use our service in an appropriate manner. All Fotki members are assumed to be familiar with Fotki's official policy as well.

To report any of the violations outlined above:

  1. Go to the "About Fotki" page and then to the "File a Complaint" page.
  2. Fill out the form adding all the essential details:
    • Specify the complaint type in the field provided.
    • If you have found a resource at Fotki you consider we should know about, please copy and paste its full URL into the "Subject URL:" field.
    • In the "Description:" text area, formulate your complaint.
    • If you are expecting a reply from Fotki, leave your contact information: name, email and phone number in the respective fields.
  3. Submit your complaint.

Important! Please DO NOT use this form for technical problems, account management problems or general questions. If you are a member, address our Customer Service, otherwise use "Contact Us" form for that purpose.

21. Troubleshooting Tips

Trying to track down and resolve technical problems on your computer is a frustrating experience. To help you do effective troubleshooting, we explain how to solve various problems you may have when using Fotki.

This section is updated as we receive feedback from our members. Please let us know if you experience any problem, which is not covered here.

21.1 How to Correct Caching Settings for Internet Browsers?

Incorrect Internet browser cache settings will often result in improper display of some Fotki pages, for example:

  • After you have flipped or rotated a photo its position remained unchanged.
  • After you have entered a password to view a password-protected album it does not open.
  • Some changes you make to your albums or photos are ignored.

Any problem of that kind may result from the incorrect browser settings. To fix such problems, choose the right settings for your browser.

21.1.1 Internet Explorer

When using Internet Explorer, you may need to correct two kinds of settings: cache settings and cookie settings. Both are important as they cause malfunction of your Fotki pages when set incorrectly. Often the wrong settings are used by default, so it is a good idea to check them.

top IE Caching Settings

  1. Click "Tools" on your task bar on the screen top.
  2. Choose "Internet Options..." from the menu.
  3. In the "Temporary Internet files" section, click the "Settings..." button.
  4. Under the "Check for newer versions of stored pages" subheading, choose the "Every visit to the page" option.
  5. Click the "OK" button in the "Settings" window, then click the "OK" button in the "Internet Options" window to save the changes.

We recommend that you restart your browser to make sure the changes you've made are properly applied.

top IE Cookie Settings

  1. Click "Tools" on your task bar on the screen top.
  2. Choose "Internet Options..." from the menu.
  3. Click on the "Privacy" tab on the window top.
  4. In the "Settings" section, click the "Advanced..." button.
  5. Check the "Override automatic cookie handling" and "Always allow session cookies" checkboxs; also, make sure that the "First-party Cookies" and "Third-party Cookies" switches are set to "Accept".
  6. Click the "OK" button in the "Advanced privacy settings" window, then click the "OK" button in the "Internet Options" window to save the changes.

We recommend that you restart your browser to make sure the changes you've made are properly applied.

21.1.2 Opera

  1. Click "File" on the taskbar on top of your browser window.
  2. Choose "Preferences..." from the menu.
  3. In the list on your left, click "History and cache".
  4. Set the "Check documents" and "Check images" options to "Always".
  5. Click the "OK" button to save the changes.

21.2 What to Do If Thumbnails Are Not Displayed?

Usually, thumbnails of photos and albums are not displayed when running Norton Internet Security or Norton Personal Firewall software. To fix this problem, follow the instructions below.

21.2.1 Norton Internet Security 2002

When default Norton Internet Security (NIS) settings are used, NIS mistakes all your thumbnails for ads and blocks them. You can change settings of your NIS 2002 to permit the to use banners. To do that, please follow the instructions (the steps may slightly vary depending on the NIS version):

  1. Click "Options" on the top of your NIS screen, choose "Internet Security" from the menu.v
  2. Click "Advanced Options...".
  3. Click "Add Site" in the lower left corner.
  4. In the newly open window, type "", click "OK".
  5. Click "" in the list (left column), then click "Add..." on your right.
  6. In the "Add new HTML string" window, enter "", then click "Permit".
  7. "" will appear in the list (right column) with a "Permit" flag. Click "OK" to save changes.

This should take care of the problem. If the problem persists after that, click the "Ad Blocking" button in the left column of the main NIS screen and disable all ad blocking. If that doesn't help either, contact us.

top Norton Internet Security 2002 (screenshot sequence)

21.2.2 Norton Personal Firewall 2003

When default settings are used, Norton Personal Firewall (NPF) mistakes thumbnails for ads and blocks them. You can disable ad blocking for by doing the following (the steps may slightly vary depending on the NPF version):

  1. Click "Options" on the top of your NPF screen and choose "Personal Firewall" from the menu.
  2. Click "Web Content" tab on top of the page.
  3. Click "Add Site" in the lower left corner.
  4. In the newly open window, type "" and click "OK".
  5. Click "" in the list on your left, then click the "Ad Blocking" tab in the upper right corner.
  6. Type "" into the window, check the "Permit" checkbox on your left and click "OK".
  7. "" will appear in the list (right column) with a "Permit" flag. Click "OK" to save changes.

This should inprove the problem. If the problem persists after that, disable all ad blocking for your NPF by clicking "Ad Blocking" on the main NPF screen (make sure that the corresponding checkbox gets unchecked). If that doesn't help either, contact us.

top Norton Personal Firewall 2003 (screenshot sequence)

21.3 Why I See Pop-Up Ads on Fotki Pages?

Fotki does not use pop-up or any other ads or banners. If you see a pop-up ad on your screen while using Fotki, the possible reasons for it may be as follows:

  • You have recently visited a website that uses pop-ups. Sometimes they are triggered when you leave such site.
  • You may have on your computer some free music-sharing software (like BearShare, Audiogalaxy, etc.) that is popping up windows. Be careful, such "free" software can also spy on you and upload its findings back to their headquarters (after all, they have to make some money, too). The information collected may include the URLs you visit and the emails from your address books.

To prevent the appearing of pop-ups on your computer, we recommend using a web browser having a built-in pop-up blocking function, namely, Mozilla, Firefox, Opera or newer versions of Netscape.

If you strongly feel that pop-up ads are unfair, intrusive or in any other way annoying, you may choose to report a complaint. To see where a pop-up came from, click on it with the right mouse-button and then choose "Properties" from the menu.

21.3.1 Where Report Complaints To?

For complaints about a company from the USA:

  • visit the FTC homepage (when you get there, click "Have a Complaint? Click here!" to file a complaint)
  • or call 1-877-FTC-HELP
  • or write to Federal Trade Commission
    CRC-240 Washington, DC 20580

For complaints about a company from another country, visit this site (click "Report Your Complaint" when you get there).

22. Fotki Pricing

Fotki Offers Premium and Free accounts

Free Account comes with basic Fotki features and limited storage. Premium Account comes with UNLIMITED storage and advanced features and tools. Fotki Premium membership regular fee starts from as low as $2 per month (conveniently billed in annual installments) - that's less than 10 cents a day! Join us for FREE or subscribe for Fotki Premium for less than 10 cents a day!

When registering, a new Fotki member gets a two-week-long free Trial Premium membership to get the experience of using the advanced Premium features. When the trial period is about to expire, a user can purchase Fotki Premium membership or continue as a free user. If a user chooses to start using free account, no payment is needed. His/her Trial account will automatically downgrade to Free one.

Photo Prints

Comparison of Photo Printing Prices for Fotki and Other Photo Printing Web Sites*
Photo-Print Formats Fotki
Kodak EasyShare Gallery (Ofoto) Snapfish Shutterfly
3.5"× 5" 15¢ - - -
4"× D 15¢ - - -
4"× 6" 15¢ 15¢ 15¢
4"× 8" 90¢ - - -
5"× 7" 80¢ 89¢ 79¢ 99¢
5"× D 80¢ - - -
5"× 5" 80¢ - - -
8"× 8" $1.90 - - -
8"× D $1.90 - - -
8"× 10" $1.99 $3.99 $2.99 $3.99
8.5"× 11" $2.99 - - -
8"× 12" $3.50 - - -
8"× 14" $3.99 - - -
9"× 12" $3.99 - - -
10"× 10" $4.99 - - -
10"× 12" $5.50 - - -
10"× 15" $5.99 - - -
10"× 20" $6.75 - - -
11"× 14" $6.99 - $6.99 $7.99
12"× 12" $5.99 - - -
12"× 18" $9.99 - $9.99 -
13"× 22" $10.99 - - -
16"× 20" $12.99 $14.99 $14.99 $17.99
16"× 24" $13.99 - - -
18"× 24" $14.99 - - -
20"× 20" $15.99 - - -
20"× 24" $16.99 - - -
20"× 30" $17.99 $18.99 19.99 $22.99
24"× 36" $19.99 - - -
30"× 40" $24.99 - - -
Wallet prints
(2.50"× 3.50", 4 per sheet)
89¢ $1.79 99¢ $1.79

*Data collected from other websites as of January 26, 2010.

Estimated Shipping Rates (for 4 × 6 prints)
Ship to: Shipping Prints quantity
1-50 51 +
USA Standard Service $1.95 $1.95 + $0.50 for every 20 additional prints
Priority Service $4.95 $4.95 + $0.50 for every 20 additional prints
Canada Standard Service $2.92 $2.92 + $0.75 for every 20 additional prints
International Global postage rates depend on destination country.

Photo Gifts

Comparison of Photo Gift Prices for Fotki and Other Photo Printing Web Sites*
Photo Gifts Fotki
Kodak EasyShare Gallery (Ofoto) Snapfish Shutterfly
Mugs $9.95 $12.99 $9.99 $11.19
T-shirts, all sizes $9.95 $14.99 $12.99 $11.99
Puzzles $9.95 $24.99 N/A $24.99
Mousepads $7.95 $9.99 $9.99 $7.99
Fridge Magnets $4.95 N/A $6.99 $7.99
Bags $19.95 $24.99 $24.99 $29.99
Photo Frames $19.95 $30.00 N/A $39.99

*Data collected from other websites as of January 26, 2010.

23. Fotki Premium Membership Annual Fee

Fotki Offers Premium and Free accounts

Free Account comes with basic Fotki features and limited storage. Premium Account comes with UNLIMITED storage and advanced features and tools. Fotki Premium membership regular fee starts from as low as $2 per month ($27 per year with 3-years subscription) - that's less than 10 cents a day!. Join us for FREE or subscribe for Fotki Premium for less than 10 cents a day!

When registering, a new Fotki member gets a two-week-long free Trial Premium membership to get the experience of using the advanced Premium features. When the trial period is about to expire, a user can purchase Fotki Premium membership or continue as a free user. If a user chooses to start using free account, no payment is needed. His/her Trial account will automatically downgrade to Free one.
