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20.1 Customer Service

In case you have any problem using Fotki you would like us to solve or a question you want to ask, submit an inquiry with our Customer Service. The Fotki team responds to customer inquiries in a very prompt fashion, so using this form is almost like talking to a live person.

You can go to the "Customer Service" from any of your Fotki pages:

  • Make sure you are logged in, go to the "Customer Service" page and click "[ Submit a New inquiry ]" on its top left.
  • Fill out a "New Inquiry" form in detail and submit it.
  • You will get to the confirmation screen, from which you can go back to the "Customer Service" page to view the Inquiry History, where ID, title, status, type and date of creation for all your inquiries are listed.
  • To view any of them, click on its ID number. Also, you can view the open inquiries with Fotki Customer Service through the "My Account" page.
  • After your inquiry receives a responce, you will be informed about it by an email. To see the responce, go to the "My Fotki" page and next to the "Customer Service" page. Click there on the inquiry number.
  • In case your problem is fixed, you can close the current inquiry, if no - you can add a new message to proceed. Closed inquiries can be reopened.

Written on 2004-10-12 08:55:52 and updated on 2009-03-04 08:35:32.