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11.8 Managing Email Folders

On the "Manage Folders" page, the common statistics for your Fotki email account (a number of messages per folder and each folder size) is presented.

Also, on this page you can create your own email folders in addition to the four system ones ("Inbox", "Drafts", "Sent" and "Deleted"). The folders created (but not the system ones!) can be renamed or deleted.

  • To create a new email folder: on the "Manage Folders" page, type a name for a new folder into the field provided and click the "Create new folder" button beneath.
  • To rename an email folder created: on the "Manage Folders" page, click "Rename" opposite the folder to be renamed, type a new name into the field provided and click the "Rename" button beneath.
  • To delete an email folder created: on the "Manage Folders" page, click "Remove" opposite the folder to be deleted and confirm your intention in the warning window.

Written on 2003-08-29 17:32:19 and updated on 2005-03-04 09:45:22.