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11.12 Setting Up an Email Client

An email client is a program, which helps you better send, receive and manage your email messages. You can set up an email client on your computer to use it with your Fotki email.

To set up an Outlook Express account:

  1. Start Outlook Express
  2. Go to Tools -> Accounts...
  3. Add -> Mail...
  4. Enter a display name that will appear in your outgoing mail. Click "Next >".
  5. Enter your Fotki email address. Click "Next >".
  6. Your incoming mail server is a POP3 server. Incoming mail server is "pop.fotki.com". Outgoing mail server is your Internet Service Provider. Click "Next >".
  7. Type your Fotki username and password. Click "Next >".
  8. Click "Finish".
  9. Click "Send/Receive" on the top taskbar. Your Outlook Express is ready to use.

Written on 2003-10-09 16:40:04 and updated on 2005-03-04 10:02:45.