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9.3 Setting Custom Prices for Your Photos

You can set custom prices for:

  • the entire public photo collection
  • any particular folder/subfolder
  • any particular album
  • any separate photo (say, if you want to sell photos from an album at different prices or to sell only selected photos)

To set custom prices:

  • for the whole account, open your "Public Home" folder and click on the "Set Custom Prices" link in the Member Panel on the left.
  • for a particular folder/subfolder/album, click on the "Set Custom Prices" link in the Member Panel on the left while viewing this folder's/subfolder's/album's content.
  • for a separate photo, click on the "Set Custom Prices" link in the Member Panel on the left while viewing this photo in full size.

Fill in your prices for the print formats you want to be available to your customers and save changes. Make sure you use the right money format: dollars should be separated from cents with a dot.

Important! You don't have to fill out the entire form, just left blank the fields for print formats that you are not going to enable. To figure out the maximum recommended print format for photo you can set prices for, divide each of the two pixel dimensions of this digital image by 100.

Written on 2003-11-05 16:23:01 and updated on 2005-07-01 12:51:41.