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6.2 Forgot Your UserName?

To recover access to your Fotki account use the "Forgot your password or username?" form on the Login screen.

To recover a username:

  1. Go to the Login screen at http://login.fotki.com and click "username" in the "Forgot your password or username?" line or go to http://login.fotki.com/forgot_screen/.
  2. In both cases you will get to the first Access-Recovery screen. Type your email address in the field provided and click the "Request UserName(s)" button. (Important: give the email address, which was used for signing up.)
  3. Fotki will instantly find all the usernames associated with your address and send them to your address. The Confirmation screen will state that an email message with further instructions is on its way. Please, allow your email server some time to receive it.
  4. In your email inbox open the "Fotki.com access recovery" message containing your Fotki username(s) and use it(them) to log into your Fotki account. Please, make sure you remember all of your usernames or write them down to avoid going through this procedure in the future.

If the email address associated with your username is wrong or no longer exists, our message cannot go through. In this case, contact us by clicking the "Contact Us" link on the Confirmation screen. Fixing this problem may take a while, and that is why we ask you to give us your valid email address when signing up.

If at this point you want to change your password:

  1. Click the Access-Recovery link in the "Fotki.com access recovery" message received: http://login.fotki.com/confirm/SomeCode/. As the link expires four days after receiving, please, visit it as soon as you can.
  2. You will get to the Creating New Password screen. Type your new password in the "New Password:" field, retype it in the "Confirm New Password:" field and click the "Submit" button when done.

If all was done right, you will get to the screen confirming that the password was successfully changed and inviting you to log into your Fotki account using your new password.

Written on 2004-08-11 06:56:40 and updated on 2005-03-14 09:20:42.