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7.5.7 Fetch from Another Internet Site

If your photos are located on another Internet site and you know their URL address, you don't need to download them to your computer. Instead of that, you can copy them directly to Fotki from that site. JPEG format is recommended when using this method.

To fetch photos from Internet:

  1. On the "Add/Upload Photos" screen, click "Fetch from another internet site".
  2. On the "Add New Photo from Another Internet Site" screen, specify the photo's parameters: type the photo's URL address, title, description, keywords and copyright message into the fields provided.
  3. If there are more photos to add, click "Fetch and Add Another Photo", otherwise click "Fetch".
  4. If you have chosen "Fetch and Add Another Photo", the form will clear, so that you can specify parameters for a new photo. Otherwise, you will go to your current album view.

Written on 2004-09-01 08:55:33 and updated on 2005-05-13 07:14:16.