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7.7.3 Protecting Abum or Folder with a Password

To set a desired level of security, use passwords. This allows you to choose, who can view a sertain album or folder. Passwords are only applied to the contents of the "Public Home", since "Private Home" is invisible to outsiders.

To protect an album with a password, go to the "Album Properties" form, which is reachable by two ways:

  1. In the Folder Tree right to the Member Panel, find the folder containing the album to be password-protected and open it by clicking. In the viewing window, click "edit properties" in the line beneath the album's thumbnail.
  2. In the Folder Tree right to the Member Panel, click the album's thumbnail and then click "Album Properties" in the Album Menu of the Member Panel.

In the "Album Properties" form, fill in the "Access Password:" field and save changes.

Send this password and your URL to your relatives and friends.

To protect a folder with a password, go to the "Folder Properties" form, which is reachable by two ways:

  1. In the Folder Tree right to the Member Panel, find the folder containing the (sub)folder to be password-protected and open it by clicking. In the viewing window, click "edit" in the line beneath the folder's thumbnail.
  2. In the Folder Tree right to the Member Panel, click first the folder's thumbnail and then "Folder Properties" in the Folder Menu of the Member Panel.

In the "Folder Properties" form, fill in "Folder Password:" field and click "Change" button beneath.

Send this password and your URL to your relatives and friends.

In a password-protected folder, all of its subfolders and albums are protected. That is why there is no need to protect the albums of this folder with individual passwords.

Written on 2004-09-03 04:13:48 and updated on 2005-06-21 11:09:38.