14.4.7 Folders Normally, albums/subfolders are added to the parent folders in the order you create them. In the "Folders" subsection you can change the way of sorting albums and subfolders in folders, and the way of displaying the Folder Tree.
The Folder Tree, a graphic representation of your account structure, is seen to the left of the viewing window. If not, click on the splitter - a narrow vertical bar to enable the Folder Tree. Basically, it shows folders and subfolders but does not show albums.
To change "Folders" subsection settings:
- Make sure you are logged in and go to your "My Account" page.
- In the "Settings" section, click "[ Change ]" opposite the "Folders" subheading.
- In the "Folders" form, choose the way of sorting albums and subfolders in folders from the dropdown lists, define the arrangement order and specify the way of Folder Tree representation. Save changes.
- From the confirmation screen you can go either to your "My Account" or to any other Fotki page.
To set a different way of sorting or displaying the Folder Tree for a particular folder, do it through the "Folder Properties" edit form.
Written on 2004-09-14 09:13:51 and updated on 2009-03-06 10:16:53. | | |