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7.3.5 Sorting Folders

Normally, (sub)folders are added to the parent folders in the order you create them, but rearranging (sorting) by update date and name (alphabetically) is possible at any time.

When rearranging folders/subfolders by date and name, you can choose between ascending and descending order. For example, ascending-order arrangement by date moves older folders to the top and newer ones to the bottom of the list; ascending-order arrangement by name puts the folders, whose names start with "A", on the top and those, whose names start at with "Z", on the bottom. Also, rearranging can be done manually.

To rearrange (sub)folders:

  1. In the Folder Tree left to the viewing window, find the folders to be sorted and open their parent folder. (If the Folder Tree is not seen, make it visible by clicking on the narrow vertical bar to the left of the viewing window.)
  2. After you have seen the folders's thumbnails in the viewing window, click "Rearrange Folders" in the Folder Menu of the Member Panel.
  3. On the "Rearrange Subfolders" screen, select the way of rearranging in the dropdowm list of the "Sort Subfolders:" field and choose between ascending and descending order in "Order:" field. To sort the folders manually, select "Manual".
  4. Choose "OK" to sort the albums or "Cancel" to go back to the viewing window. Unless you have chosen manual rearrangement, your folders are now rearranged.
  5. Selecting manual rearrangement takes you to the "Sorting Subfoldrs in Folder Manually" screen with the list of your folders' thumbnails and "new position:" field to the right of each thumbnail. Specify a position number for each subfolder and click "Rearrange".

Important! Subfolders, which do not have their own sorting settings, will inherit settings of the current folder.

Written on 2004-09-16 06:55:04 and updated on 2005-06-21 11:06:27.