Adding Fotki Upload Bookmarklet to Bookmarks To do that:
- Choose/create an album you are about to fetch photos to. A separate bookmarklet fetcher works with a particular album. So, if you want to have bookmarklets for, say, "My Birthday", "My Friends" and "My Sister's Wedding" albums, you should create three bookmarklets.
- Click on the "add photos" link in the bar under the icon of the album you want to create a bookmarklet for, or, when viewing album in photo-thumbnail view, on the "Add Photo(s)" link in the Album Menu in the Member Panel on the left.
- On the "Add/Upload Photos" page, find "Create a Fotki Upload Bookmarklet for album YourCurrentAlbumName" link. It is to be copied to bookmarks.
- Add "Fotki Upload Bookmarklet for album YourCurrentAlbumName" link to your browser bookmarks:
- either drag it to your bookmarks (except for Mac)
- or right-click (on Mac press "control" and click) on it and then select "bookmark this link" from the drop-down menu and click on it
Both ways of adding link work with Windows and Linux, and for Mac the second method is applicable.
Written on 2005-05-20 07:47:21 and updated on 2005-05-20 10:55:09. | | |